TESTIMONIES 11: Special Daniel Stiennon


Special Daniel STIENNON

Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

After spending so many years diffusing Dr Lefebure’s works, it seemed normal to me, in spite of his hesitation, to pay a tribute to Daniel Stiennon through the experiences that he has offered to phosphenauts. To understand one of the aspects of his personality, it is important to mention that, for a little over 7 years, he was Dr Lefebure’s secretary and his only close collaborator. In recognition, Dr Lefebure transmitted the Initiation to him by laying on of hands during the hour that followed his death.
As such, he is therefore the sole and unique spiritual heir of Dr Lefebure. And this is what makes him say, from time to time, ‟I am Dr. Lefebure”. ‟And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis: Chapter1, Verse4). Jesus is thus the creative Word, God and His Word are one, which would explain why Jesus declared: ‟I and the Father are one”(John: Chapter10, Verse30).
Also, one can only fully grasp the personality of this ‟character” after having seen him conducting an ‟Advanced Continuing Training Course”. It is only during that type of training course that one can comprehend all the power that emanates from him.
When he is directing a group of phosphenauts of the advanced continuing training level, the power and the vibratory energy that he radiates will leave no one indifferent, as it can be glimpsed in the few testimonies that we have printed here.
I have known Daniel for more than thirty years. Back then, he was a 3rd Dan and head instructor in one of the best aikido schools in Paris. And it is under these circumstances, on a tatami, that we met for the first time. In the evening after these martial art lessons, he organized workshops of Phosphenism with a few students. At that time, Dr Lefebure had just finished writing his book Kundalini Volume 1, From the Prayer Wheel to the Spiritual Dynamo, and it is with the blueprints published in that book that Daniel Stiennon built a Gyrascope with a bicycle wheel.
An old bicycle wheel, some black paper, mirrors customized by a mirror cutter, a photographer’s tripod for holding the wheel, about ten participants lined up in two rows with the smallest ones sitting in front, this is how I, and many others, discovered Phosphenism, however rudimentary that setup can seem at the time of the virtual Gyrascope. Each person, in turns, would sit in front of the wheel and give it a push to set it in motion, while the mirrors were brightly lit by a lamp.And this is how, through this process, which may seem rudimentary compared to the Virtual Gyrascope, I began to discover Phosphenism.

I remember that, after practicing for a month, I would awaken every night in phases of deep sleep. Luminous flashes filled my head and they always ended up transporting me I don’t know where, provoking the sensation that I was moving at high speed. I was 22 years-old, it was easy to establish neurological connections though I did not have any esoteric knowledge about the domain I was discovering. Consequently, most of the time, I was letting myself go in the passive observation of an inner cinema that seemed to me at the same time marvelous, impressive and rather curious. Then, it was the wheel of life that started rotating… and I got married. Nevertheless, I kept in touch with Daniel, though I could not practice as much as I wanted. I never entirely gave up Phosphenism, as the amazing results I obtained remained forever engraved in my memory.

Roger A.

There are about one hundred of us, maybe 120 participants for a week-end of advanced continuing training.
There are persons like me, who are coming for the first time as well as seasoned veterans of Phosphenism: top executives, secretaries, construction workers, unemployed person, people from all walks of life. Straight away, I was impressed by the conviviality that emanated from that type of course. It was as if everyone had known each other for years. That is maybe what makes Phosphenism so special.
The first hour is devoted to ‟setting the rhythms in motion”. Under the direction of Daniel Stiennon, we practice one exercise after another, without interruptions, advanced exercises of rhythmo-phosphenism, like, for instance, the exercises of the spiritual triode, bi- and tri- concentration, including every time mantras and fast rhythms.

Then Daniel Stiennon splits us in five groups. There is no hierarchy, anyone can integrate the group of their choice. Each group forms a circle around an air mattress. One person lays down on the mattress and takes the role of receptor, while the rest of the group takes the role of emitter. Daniel Stiennon puts the emphasis on the fact that the receptor has to let him/herself be carried away by the sensations like a cork on a wave, while practicing the exercise of concentration of a detail of the sensation. The emitters, for their part, perform the projection of an advanced level Rhythmo-Phosphenic exercise in the direction of the receptor.
As soon as the exercise has started, it is a real festival of initiatory trances that is produced. Guided and conducted by Daniel Stiennon, the workshop unfolds: he explains us that the receptor should remain still. That he or she must endeavor to channel the energy in their lower abdomen and then make it progressively move up all the way to the top of their head, exiting the body there. Alternatively, the receptor can choose to remain concentrated on their field of vision, focusing on a detail of the sensations, in order to optimize the results of the exercise.
After approximately twenty minutes, the receptor describes the sensations and the perceptions that he or she has perceived. Everyone describes their personal experience a little bit like a child who discovers, eyes filled with wonder, his presents at the foot of the Christmas tree. It would be too long and tedious to describe all the phenomena. Hopefully, they can be easily summed up in a few words.
Some part of the etheric body starts to vibrate. As for me, the first time it happened to me, it started with my left arm, then, that sensation overran my entire etheric body (my double), at times relocating itself in my physical body. But, every time, Daniel Stiennon is there to make sure that all the energy does permeate the zones of the brain that are related to thought or imagination, in order to avoid that the energy is lost (and wasted) by pouring into the zones responsible for motivity.
Every time, he puts the emphasis on the fact that there are two sorts of trance. The most common one, physical trance, is to be avoided, as it does not lead to any concrete result. It is admittedly pleasant, but it leads to what Dr Lefebure calls a sensory dead end. You have hives, you scratch and, after a while, you experience pleasure scratching. You are in a sensory dead end. It is a pathological state. You could even scratch so much that you bleed and still experience pleasure.
That is why Daniel Stiennon stresses the fact that one should avoid any physical expression of the rhythms transmitted, the energies of neurological synchronization must take place in the zones responsible for thoughts or the imagination, rather than movements of the body. Only then can genuine initiatory states can be obtained.
Daniel Stiennon explains that physical trance is an ecstasy pill which leads to dependence and decadence, unlike the mental trance which allows us to reach the deepest levels of our consciousness.
Daniel explains that physical trance is like the drug ecstasy and can lead to dependance and degeneration, unlike mental trance that allows us to reach the deepest layers of our consciousness.
One must be aware that physical trance is a trap, because it is as easy to obtain as it is pleasant. But, if one is not careful, it leads to a sensory dead end that will prove rather difficult to quit doing.
Fortunately, every time we take a new step in the unknown domain of spiritual evolution, Daniel Stiennon is there to prepare the ground. That is why, like all the other participants, my heart and my mind are filled with joy every time we practice an exercise. It is something that has to be experienced at least once in your life to understand its reach and its potential.
Certain beginners are very impressed by the intensity of the experiences related by other participants, and that prevents them from enjoying fully the experience. Daniel, without assistance, can approach and touch a person to transmit his rhythms. That is when everything is released. It is impossible to control anything, you can only let go and be carried along by the sensations.
Sit on an office chair (the kind that can rotate) close your eyes, propel the chair in a circular motion with your feet and perform approximately twenty rotations. Then, stop the chair abruptly. The cenaesthesian sensations are very strong: you have the impression that you are still rotating or, using a more esoteric vocabulary, you have the impression that your ‟double” is rotating, that it has detached itself from your physical body, rotating in a direction that is the opposite of the direction of the physical rotation. That’s already quite a strong sensation. When Daniel Stiennon transmits a rhythm, the sensation is a thousand times stronger. It is like a jet pilot subjected to several g’s produced by a very abrupt acceleration.
(G =G-units: SI derived unit for acceleration)
Receiving rhythms from him is a very surprising experience. Everyone is astounded by the potential and the possibilities of the human brain. I have seen yoga teachers, who had spent their entire life searching for that kind of phenomena, crying with joy, such was the intensity of the experience. I have seen skeptics who, after a single experience, became fascinated by Phosphenism.
Above all, Phosphenism is an enriching inner experience, an adventure that can only be undertaken through practice.
Thank you, Daniel.

Marc N.

During the advanced continuing training course, I am sitting in front of Daniel. He projects the rhythm on me. As soon as I close my eyes, I feel as if I was swept by a wave so strong that I lose balance and fall from the chair… An experience that’s impossible to define with words. Strong, powerful, like a volcano radiating energy. A great, big, thank you to you, Daniel.

Beatrice J.

After a day of advanced continuing training course… I am dreaming. A fairy offers me a small purple ball that she is holding in her hand. Then, she shows me that she can make that little ball levitate, a few centimeters above her hand. I get closer to her and show her that if I move my hand close to her ball, I can make it spin around and levitate at the same time. I show her that my feet have left the ground. That is when the ball starts rotating around my feet. I follow it with my eyes, it moves back up, rotating around my body. As I try to follow it, I suddenly find myself rotating in space like a Whirling Dervish. I am not rotating very fast, but my motion is majestically graceful. I am wrapped in a feeling of fluffy well-being. I rotate for quite a while, letting myself be carried around by the sensations. Then, applying the exercise of concentration on a detail of a perception or a sensation, in this case a dot of light, I find myself rotating a little bit faster, with feeling of elevation. I have the impression that I am rising forever.
It’s a very powerful sensation, though it is at the same time very soft and pleasant. Then, I perceive a light that progressively floods the space in which I am located. Then, I find my fairy again, her ball becomes evanescent. I feeling a sensation of wholeness permeating me. The emotion is just too intense and it wakes me up. Thanks to Daniel Stiennon.

Myriame L.

Matérialisation de l’énergie éthérique

Here is a detailed rendition of an exercise taught by Daniel STIENNON during a expert training’s course. The exercise consists in asking a person to stand in front of a white wall, then to focus a point located approximately ten centimeters above his/her head. After a while, a luminous halo can be perceived above the person’s head. The density of that halo will depend on two factors:
– The state of mind of the person.
– The capacity that the observer’s brain has to project the diffuse glow around the retinal image of the person.
In Esotericism, such an observation is called: the perception of the etheric body.
Advanced phosphenauts also perceive a mass of colors around the person. It is often called the perception of the aura, though it would be more correct to call it the densification of our visual chaos.
The interpretation of these colors is contingent on our capacity for ‟clairvoyance”.
The more our brain has a capacity for clairvoyance, the more it will allow us to obtain informations in our field of vision.
But, let us carry on with the exercise: spend a moment observing the diffuse glow that appears around the person standing in front of the wall. Then, ask the person to kneel as fast as possible. You will be able to observe that his/her ‟double” remains in the previous position for a few seconds, as if it was ‟glued” to the wall, before going down, as if it was trying to return to the physical body. The appearance of the diffuse glow is due to its impregnation in our field of vision. The consecutive movement is related to our brain’s capacity for ‟clairvoyance”. It is the same phenomenon that produces the appearance of ‟ghosts”.
Then, Daniel STIENNON demonstrates the densification of etheric energy by making a ball of light appear in the palm of his hand. I have seen with my own eyes that ball of energy appear and move, following the movements of his arm. Then, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed (and wearing a blindfold), he places that etheric substance on my lower abdomen. At that moment, I feel a column of energy wrapping itself around me. Then, suddenly, it is as if I was transported to an other ‟world”, an other state of consciousness: a very strong and impressive phenomenon.
This shows that our etheric energy (or diffuse glow) can be amplified by other people (phosphenic phenomena are very easy to transmit) and thus increase and develop our latent abilities, qllowing us to plunge into uncharted layers of our consciousness.
Thanks to Daniel Stiennon for this fantastic experience.

Yvan L.

The Inner Travel

After Daniel had placed a ball of energy on my solar plexus, I felt sucked up inside my own body.
I voyaged in my veins, my arteries and some of my organs.
Visiting your own organism is quite a strange experience.
I followed Daniel’s recommendations and instilled a toning energy to my entire organism.
Thanks to Daniel for this inner voyage and all his valuable explanations.

Noelle D.

Bundling the Universal Energy

The diffuse glow can be transmitted by telepathy, all the more so if the emitter is close to the receptor. So, when Daniel projected his energy on me, I felt as if I was ‟outside of my body”. Then Daniel asked me to bundle my energy in my lower abdomen and to focus all my concentration on the energy that I was feeling growing there.
‟Shape it into a bundle” he said. ‟Make it whirl and rise along the vertical axis of your body, until it reaches the top of your head, then project yourself with it.”
What a sensation! It would be too long to describe it. Anyway, one has to live such an experience in order to believe that it is even possible.
Thank you Daniel.

Gerard W.

What a night !

The course of advanced continuing training proceeded as usual, with its host of experiences. But, the days were nothing compared to following nights.
Vertiginous sensations of movement, vortices whirling in an extravaganza of colors and hues, I was presented sacred texts (that I could not decipher), listened to astral symphonies, was contacted by thinking energies (that passed on their teachings to me), contemplated sacred golden letters that transported me into indescribable states of consciousness…
Thanks to you all for transmitting your energies and to Daniel for his advice on interacting with the different planes of consciousness.

Pascal T.

Light in my field of vision

When Daniel Stiennon transmitted his energy to me, it provoked the perception of a quasi supernatural energy.
An energy that, if I understand Daniel’s explanations well, was produced by an increase of my neuronal activity. In my case, the result was the perception of flashes of light in my field of vision.
Following Daniel’s advice, I projected myself towards these lights and passed through them, resulting in the accumulation of even more energy.
Thanks to all the persons who have played the role of emitters.
Thank you very much, Daniel, for allowing me to realize these experiences without worrying about a thing.

Valerie H.

The Power of Inner Energy

The energy that Daniel Stiennon transmitted to me produced an intense experience.
He had asked me to channel the energy in my Muladhara chakra. I had the sensation that the energy was ready to explode like a volcano in eruption. I endeavored to contain that energy before it could free itself, but I experienced difficulties.
When that took place, I did not have any more perceptions of my physical body. I had the impression that I was wrapped up in cotton wool and I did not have any more control on my thoughts.
‟Where am I?” I shouted interiorly.
The perceptions were deliciously pleasant and I wanted the experience to last much longer. Half-an-hour is really too short!!
During the night that followed the advanced continuing training course, I had a contact with Dr LEFEBURE.
Did I pick up one of Dr LEFEBURE’s electrons? Was it transmitted by Daniel? That will remain a mystery. At any rate, Daniel really has a lot of energy.

Thierry L.

Illumination Phenomenon :
a luminous tunnel leading to a contact with the divine

During the night that followed the advanced continuing training course, near 5 am, I was awakened by a supernatural light, while I was deeply asleep.
I could not help opening my eyes, as I thought: ‟who has just switched the light on?”
But I was on my own.
In an instant, I remembered that Daniel had told us about the effects of neurological energy discharges in the field of vision, a phenomenon called ‟illumination” that leads to higher states of consciousness.
I closed my eyes again, tried to calm down and observe my field of vision.
The light remained present, slightly less intense, but still very present. I observed it and I felt that I was attracted by it, together with a very pleasant sensation of vertigo. I had the sensation that I was moving forwards inside a tunnel, towards the LIGHT.
I could not say why, but I have the feeling that I touched something that was Divine and at the same time an emanation of Creation.
It was as if that light was my existence and that it was connected to God.

Philippe D.

Dazzling Light

Am I conscious or is that a dream? I feel my heartbeat slowing down. But, is it my heartbeat or my double’s?
I try to find out, but I do not have much time for wondering. I am interrupted by a sudden flash of light that crosses my field of vision, followed by a dazzling light.
I then feel that I am sucked up in a tunnel of light and I say to myself: ‟Would that light permit contact with God?”
Eventually, I wake up. I am enchanted by what has just happened to me.
And, as Daniel had taught us recently how to use that light to nourish consciousness, I form a point of concentration that quickly harmonizes itself with the rhythm of my field of vision.
I then feel carried by pleasant sensations and I endeavor to abandon myself to them.
That was a fantastic experience that I shall never forget.

Jean-Pascal D.

Conscious Dream

I am conscious in my dream. I run, I jump, I dash forward, trying to take off. Every time, that is a delicate and thrilling moment.
Sometimes, I can’t run fast enough. Every step is difficult and I know that I have not practiced enough Rhythmo-Phosphenic exercises.
When everything goes on well, the experience is great.
It always starts the same way (maybe I unconsciously wish so): I am running in the grass and, when I consider that I am going fast enough, I jump and take off. The scenery unfolds under me. I avoid losing too much altitude so that there is no risk of interrupting the experience.
Then, I practice the exercise of concentration on a detail.
As soon as I feel that my flying speed is diminishing or that I am losing altitude, I enter a whirling movement. I then become stable again and observe the sensations. They are really unbelievable.
Every time, the sensations are so powerful that they end up waking me up. I use the occasion to observe my field of vision full of light.
Before going back to sleep, I describe the experience in a loud voice (I have a voice-controlled recorder). When I listen to it the following day, it helps impregnating me a bit more, increasing my chances of producing that kind of experience.
That way, my subconscious understands what it is that I am seeking, as that type of experience really is very pleasant. That is what I am after, and I want to provoke those perceptions as often as I can during the night, because they’re Great!
Thank you, Daniel for opening my eyes to the light that has changed my life.

Patricia R.

The Expert Training’s internships are available to the Club Card’s holders.
There are reserved to the Phosphenists who have reached a good level of energy thanks to their practice. Under the direction of Daniel Stiennon, the exercises are particularly intense and rich in experiences.

There are a private training which can regroup from 20 to more than 200 people, depending on the theme of the internship and the level of the practitioners.

For more information, please see : TRAINING

In the early afternoon, we practiced floor exercises: 2 receptors were laying on the floor, in the middle of the room, while all the other participants had to perform the rotation of a visualized image above them. At a certain point during the exercise, this whirling image became denser; I started to feel the presence of an energy in the center of the room, as well as a light coming from above, illuminating more and more my field of vision. When Daniel Stiennon told the two receptors that he was going to carry them along in the vortex, I suddenly found myself sucked up by that vortex. It generated an incredible sensation of rotation in my head and, later, every time Daniel was carrying them along, I was carried along, too. The sensation of acceleration was becoming more and more intense and, at times, my field of vision was intensely illuminated.
Then, the persons who had taken the role of receptors formed a circle in the center of the room. There was about ten of them. We were sitting around them. Our role was to imagine a vortex in the center, above the circle of receptors. Daniel then carried the participants along to the ‟edge of the cosmos” at breathtaking speed. Again, I was carried along in that flow of energy. This time, it was my whole body that started to oscillate several times.
I am now conscious of the infinite power of thought and of the energy it can generate.
I have experienced fantastic moments, though I did not really understand what was happening to me. Nevertheless, I can say that it was very pleasant and that, during the remainder of the day, I felt a delicious sensation of coolness in my head. ‟It was great!”
Two years ago, I was an atheist. Since, I have evolved towards spirituality. Feeling and experiencing the universal creative principle has totally changed the way I approach life.
I started practicing Phosphenism to improve my memory and develop my spirit of initiative. But, I quickly realized that Phosphenism was an Initiation and that it would make me evolve quickly and profoundly, especially if I met other people that were following the same process. I have already noticed that my ideas have become clearer, more precise, more thoughtful.
I imagine that Phosphenism holds many more surprises and will allow me to understand aspects of life and spirituality that I still do not comprehend. Nevertheless, what I have already found makes me want to go forwards.

Fernando R.

After practicing head sways for twenty minutes, the participants were deeply concentrated and the first effects were starting to be felt. At times, my head would stop swaying but, I did not notice it and I was under the impression that I was still practicing head sways. Then, we reached the end of the exercise. We moved on to a phase of observation. I was relaxing and letting go. I felt a formidable energy emanating from the lower part of my back. My body and my head started swaying laterally, then in all directions.
I felt very light and my body swung forwards. All the energy rose up my spine, spreading into my head, provoking a sensation of heat and tingling. I never thought that I could experience such a force. I was feeling so good, I did not want it to stop. When I started to recover, my body was extremely relaxed, I was floating. I did not even try to stand up as my legs were rather wobbly. I don’t think my legs would have supported me. That was a great moment, full of powerful sensations and emotions.
A second grand experience with Daniel Stiennon. I was sitting face to face with an other person who was projecting a phosphene on me and concentrating on her visual chaos. I was wearing a sleep mask and I was concentrating on a rhythm. I was visualizing a rotating disk on my perineum. It was letting out sparks as it was rising up my spine, up to the top of my head, going back down in a whirling movement around my body, at a precise, regular rhythm. After a few minutes, my body spontaneously started to perform rotations that I did not control. It was as if it wanted to take off. Then, Daniel placed his hand on my shoulder and the whirling rhythm of the spray of sparks, located on my back and my head, became much stronger and more intense. Then, I perceived uncontrollable pulsations in all my muscles. My entire being was trembling. I didn’t even remember in which part of the room I was sitting. But, I was feeling close to Daniel who continued to carry me along in the exercise, in order to go even further.
It is very difficult to express all the emotions that were produced by theses exercises as it is, above all, a personal experience. Words seem too dull to express such experiences…
I warmly thank Daniel Stiennon for letting me experience such intense and powerful moments.

Nathalie R.

I attended the first day of the training course. It is difficult to transcribe what took place there, as words cannot convey such things.
Though I was slightly apprehensive, as soon as the course started, I felt totally confident. I decided to take the risk to participate. It meant I had to lay down on a mattress while the people around me were concentrating on me, to transmit their rhythms and energies. How can one describe what took place then? I guess by starting with the beginning: my right hand started moving spontaneously. As I had be instructed to, I internalized that movement and, without transition, I suddenly was transported or carried along into the faraway.What is that faraway dimension? I do not know. But, I can affirm that I had lost all the material points of reference to which I was used. I was being sucked up at a tremendous speed. It seems important to note that only four of my friends (who were present on that day) seemed to have accompanied me in that ‟experience”. Their reassuring presence made me more than happy. It was also helping me as these sensations can be frightening the first time they are experienced.
Since Sunday, I am happy to be alive, happy to have dared going through that challenge, happy to have experimented with the higher levels of the practice of Phosphenism. In my profession as a schoolteacher, I also feel more confident. Everything is fine.
But, again, what is the value of words compared to the sensations produced by the practice of Phosphenism?

Myriam G.

During the Continuing Training Course, I had decided that I would not play the role of receptor. But, Daniel invited me to do so, and here is the experience that followed:
‟I was transported to a vast blue space and there, as if I was sitting on a ledge, I contemplated the Cosmos. It seemed at the same time near and far, as if I could touch infinity. It was fantastic… there is no other word to describe the experience.”

Anne M.

TESTIMONIES 10: Special Internships #4



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK


I’m used to doing internships in quantum medicine. Honestly, I found this one not only interesting, but essential to know the essential minimum in order not to make mistakes while practicing the method. 
I had read the books, of course, but I am very happy to have learned more in a minimum of time. 
In addition, they are very easy to understand and accessible to everyone. 
A positive set for better understanding and easier learning, that’s what I was looking for. 
The group was very nice, too, which adds to the atmosphere of the weekend. 
I liked it and I will continue this teaching because I believe in it .. !!

Christine M.

First of all, thank you once again for the training last weekend which lived up to my expectations, and I am delighted. It was also my first training period in these areas that seem “alternative” in the broad sense, and I must say that it starts very well. 
I look forward to seeing you again, especially for advanced training, which is of particular interest to me.


Felt very pleasant. An impression of having the head which floats. Sensation at the top of the head and between the eyebrows (like a throbbing). The “AOM” at the end of the internship was very pleasant. Head to toe vibration. I practice every day now. 
See you soon for the rest of the impressions.


Finally achieved, this Phosphenism internship, awaited for 8 years. 
Eh yes ! Since all this time, my financial and social difficulties have pushed me to look for solutions and Phosphenism has been one of them. 
4 days have already passed since Paris. I am amazed to have practiced complete 45 min mixes every day. Well, it’s not very easy to get started but when I start my mantra swings and the 3 visualizations, I don’t experience anything in particular but I feel happiness in me, a bit like a rebalancing, or better : a charity shower. I feel it’s fair. I also notice a change in my dreams : they are more clear (I can’t explain it very well). I felt, compared to the people present at the course, a lot of kindness and respect, it is very pleasant to be with people of the same vibe. Everything that was said made me feel good and I particularly remember the examples and suggestions that documented the course. For example : we must be attentive to the quality of our thoughts by making phosphenes (the evil always comes back to us) to the flexibility of the MIND when the adaptation of exercises, concepts, to shed light in our ideas and, ultimately, to increase my quality of life. In my daily practice, I want to do the basic exercises : those that cement a good foundation to be comfortable, happy and efficient, when I practice the phosphenes for my personal needs: memory strengthening, a plus great presence in obligations and more joy in leisure time.


A big thank you for this course which was very clear and very didactic. I know better how to use reflected light and suddenly I practice Phosphenism more often as soon as I see clearings in the sky. I appreciated your involvement for all of us and I am more comfortable now in my swing practice. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of sensation induced by the imagination. I was too technically focused and forgot the basics! In addition, you were able to give a very pleasant general atmosphere.


My mind is calmer and I feel more serene every day. The small vagaries of life have less tendency to affect me (I am aware of the emotion at the moment and it goes away as quickly as it arrived). I have the feeling that work is being done in depth, quietly but surely … without being able to say where or how, but it is being done. My practice is 15 minutes morning and evening and I really enjoy it … Thank you for your teaching, see you soon.


It has been an honor for me to meet you. It is the first time that I meet practitioners, open-minded people. The conversations have been enriching. The internship went well and I can not find fault with it, good friendliness. Even though our mental stamina was strained, I felt the benefits. 
During the marvelous exercise, as a receiver, the spiral that I imagined became denser inside me, becoming almost palpable. 
During the 6th of a second thought exercise, still as a receiver, I felt a strong heat in the solar plexus chakra. This heat was very “real”, it faded a little later, but a few seconds of attention on the plexus made it reappear. 
It was “fun” to see the transmitter / receiver synchronization from the last exercise. 
I tried to follow your instruction not to indulge in sensory experiences, so I paid as little attention as possible, trying to stay focused on the exercise. Thank you very much !


It was a pleasure for me to have participated in this course. The beginning of the “ ki ” exercise charged me with enthusiasm, and above all, I felt an inside “detachment” of my body, it was quite funny. See you soon.

Thierry B.

First of all, a big thank you for these 2 magnificent days full of promise. 
My strongest feeling was certainly the KiKiKi … collective, the effects of which are almost impressive with a powerful action, among other things at the level of the rib cage. 
Furthermore, the vortex with the “LO” sound is also very loud and easier to reproduce on its own than 1 / 6th of a second. It will also be with pleasure that I participate in other meetings.

Bernard G.

My best feeling during this internship was during the rotation exercise of the point of concentration inside the body : when I found myself in the middle of the group, not only did the exercise seem more easy, but I also became aware of all the energies sent by others, and above all, there was this sweet sensation of warmth felt somewhere towards the navel. It was the first time that I had such an experience. Thank you and see you soon.

Boni A.

Good evening Daniel, a big thank you for this course ! For me, it’s the circle with the kikiki … I just finished the day with a reiki treatment on a 75-year-old with the feeling of more dense energy (than positive). Thanks see you soon. Cordially.

Brigitte R.

A big thank you for these two magnificent and powerful days of training. 
For my part, I enjoyed everything throughout the course, and to be a little more precise, I really liked the swinging exercises on the first day, because I really felt that they brought strength and balance. The infinity sign balancing exercise kept coming to my mind with an obsession that I could practice it again as soon as possible. What I did with joy this morning. 
Then on the second day, I really enjoyed the quiet part of the 6th of a second exercise (what a great energy !), But I loved the morning rotation exercises. A big thank-you. In the joy of seeing you again soon and of practicing in an immersive and intense way.

Cyrille C.

Many thanks for these two days of internship. Really happy to have met you. I obviously liked all the content of these 2 days and the new perspectives that are now open to me. 
What struck me the most during these two days was the deep realization that no more time should be wasted to prepare for the next incarnation. Another 1000 thanks and see you soon.

Aline A.

Thank you for this internship which corresponded to my expectations. The discussions were very interesting and the exercises very intense. 
The exercise that brought me the most is that of thinking to the sixth of a second. I felt waves of energy and colors coming through the top of my head. Rather, it’s body-level sensations that I experience or visualizations of colors in the visual chaos , but I find it difficult to visualize stars, galaxies and expansion. Maybe some advice would be welcome. 
To see the first effects appear, I understood that you have to do regular exercises, at least ¾ of an hour per day and rather in the evening. 
Is it possible to spread the exercises over the day ? For example 3 times ¼ of an hour or 2 times ½ hour 5 days a week or do you have to do them continuously for ¾ of an hour or 1 hour to see the benefits ? Best regards.

Denis P.

A thousand times thank you for this precious teaching and for all the energy you devote to Phosphenism. Doctor Lefebure was right in choosing you ! Thank you also for the words you said to me at the end. They found a fair echo. I had a dream last night. In the (visual) chaos, endless black and two small lights like aspirins on my left. A feeling of speed to make you vomit and a fear to die for. I woke up scared, scared . I’m still smeared with it just thinking about it. How to make a dream aware ? I know we had to look at the points, but everything was too fast. I only realized it when I woke up.

Françoise D.

Here is my testimony after these 2 intense days. This is the first time that I have participated in a Phosphenism internship based on the teachings of Prof. Lefebure. My experience from day 1 : I discovered rotations and their immediate benefits. In the exercise of geometric figures, I managed to visualize a cube by seeing all the faces simultaneously. It ” stuck ” me , it was a first for me. 
In the exercise of rhythmic thinking : my neighbor and I shared the luminous point which had transformed into a comet on the trajectory in the shape of infinity, before hearing you say it to everyone. It “ stuck ” me for the second time. Driven by a spirit of research, when I arrived home in the evening, before going to bed, I reproduced the phosphene with a candle (I wanted to differentiate with the lamp effect). resumed the movements of the pendulum while fixing my phosphene with my eyes closed. After 15 min, it caused me to change consciousness. I immediately went to bed, and once I lay down, I practiced the well exercise. The result was not long in coming. I found myself in a big New York-like megalopolis evaluating companies following a call for tenders for a large IT contract. My role was to ultimately choose which one would win the market. Then “I flew to a high mountain place in South America where I met members of my family, living and deceased. It really hit the nail on the head and I woke up for a technical stopover of my bladder, feeling great and very happy to have been able to induce the dream with your method. But I still have to work on his interpretation. I took the train from Fontainebleau at 7:30 am , and during the trip, I had a burst of enthusiasm to write and make my schedule for the week. The ideas were rushing in. It had been a long time since that had happened, I blamed it on age since I was in my fifties.   
My experience of the second day : The exercise of the spiral which surrounds the receiver. As a receiver, I felt an energy spiraling around me from the bottom up, from the sacrum to the skull. My body started to rotate by following this spiral independently of my will. My consciousness has been projected into the solar system. When I reached this limit, I returned to my body, then went back to the sun in a back and forth movement of my consciousness from the Earth to the Sun. A cushioned oscillatory motion that stopped with exercise. It “ stuck ” me for the third time. 
In the last Kiki exercise (6 / 10th pulse), I had difficulty starting because : 
• too fast a pace ; 
• not easy for me to project spherical waves ; 
• mantra difficult to pronounce quickly ; 
• movement of arms and hands unknown to me.
But the magic worked when we repeated the exercise 11 times. After the 4th time I managed to get into the exercise. 
I tried to synchronize the movement of the body, the mantra and the projection of the waves. I was able to experience some form of division of attention by making my brain work in multitasking mode. I thought it was only for the female gender… 
As a receiver, I received powerful waves of energy all around me. I felt a heat between the two shoulder blades. Reproduction of the phenomenon of oscillatory dilation of consciousness, but this time between the center of the Earth and the Sun. At the end of the exercise, I found that my body had become much lighter and my thoughts and emotions more fluid. 
I observed that there was a lot of respect, caring and unconditional love in our group. It encourages me to go further in this wonderful adventure. 
Receive Daniel, the expression of my gratitude for who you are and the high quality of this training.

Ghislain M. M.

First, thank you for this “transmission” at the two-day course that m ‘ is benefited. 
Being used to modified states of consciousness, which I also use in my professional practice, the exercise that responds the most to your request is that of Ki when I was in reception. 
I had intentionally set an intention by doing my phosphene, cleaning up old patterns unsuited to my life project. I wanted to “take advantage” of the present Egregore, because usually it is I, as a therapist, who induce as best I can this possibility of cleaning in my patients, very often without having the opportunity to do so. a return, in such a way anyway. And I felt the work that had to be done : operate from the first Chakra to the 7th, with at a time like filaments of light (waves) passing me from right to left in front of my eyes. At that time, I knew that the maximum of my request had been honored. By thanking you again and wishing you a beautiful “phosphenic evening” !

Isabelle V.

My best feeling was during the afternoon exercise, the one where you tremble in a circle to send energy to the person in the center. The energy was palpable. 
I also liked the last exercise of projecting the phosphene on the neck of the neighbor in front. I felt the projection allowing me to make the same movement as the person behind. It blew me away.

Jacques P.

My best feeling was on the first exercise by spiraling the focus point up the spine. This feeling was pleasant and took the whole body in the rhythm, at the same time as it reinforced the feeling of internal gyration ; I wanted to keep spinning my head without stopping, even long after the exercise. What was quite astonishing too was when I made the spiral point in the other go down again, it seemed to do the same in me ! On the other hand, I struggled with the second exercise, as I found the 1 / 6th of a second rhythm difficult to maintain, especially while doing the Ki mantra.

Jean-Christian R.

It has been a long time since I participated in such an energetic course. 
I found the exercise with the KI exhausting, but building colossal energy. It must be said that the group’s participation multiplied this strength. 
Recommended for anyone with mental or physical weakness. See you soon.

Jean-Michel L.

It’s interesting to hear about the power of Phosphenism and rhythmic thinking, but to experience it is quite another thing … And that’s what the group work has made possible thanks to this internship that you had the wonderful idea to organize. 
I really felt this energy in different parts of my body, and particularly in several chakras, when I found myself in the center of a circle of 10 people doing rhythmic thinking exercises while using the phosphenes. 
What power ! I have never felt something so strong practicing on my own at home ! It is truly an experience to be repeated. Thanks Daniel.


It has been perhaps ten years since I took part in an internship. It was a real pleasure. I saw a trainee from the past, made new acquaintances and found you in great shape. 
The exercises, always too short but fascinating. If our agendas are okay for the next sessions, I’m up for it. 
Kind regards.

Michel L.

Here is therefore my most marked feeling which took place when I was a receiver during the projection of waves punctuated by the kikiki . 
I felt intense heat mainly on the upper body, and even more marked in the area under the heart. At the same time, I could see wave trains on the phosphene. Then, the feeling of rising at high speed in the scenery that I imagined and whose images followed one another as under the effect of a strobe. The physical feeling of displacement was still very noticeable. 
Sometimes, when I focused my attention again on the phosphene, it took on a three-dimensional and “solid” aspect, then instantly became like the luminous exit of a tunnel. And when I focused on that light output, it felt like I was looking at another world through the keyhole and things could pass or appear in that field of view. The next moment this tunnel became a solid ball again. I think this is due to the brain alternation. 
I look forward to continuing my training rigorously. 
Another big thank you for this beautiful day that you animated with generosity, passion and great objectivity… All these qualities give me a lot of confidence. See you soon for further progress.

Nicolas P.

Thank you Daniel for the quality of this internship and the great energy that reigned there. 
I first experienced very beautiful phosphenes, the most recurring in the form of a large diamond of a magnificent fuschia , then iridescent with sustained and luminous green. It disappeared in a chaotic vision of a deep black, dotted with sparks of all the colors still very iridescent, then finally returned in indigo white light, very soft and aspiring. The sensation was at first very pleasant and warm paradoxically accompanied by an almost mentholated and sparkling freshness which seemed to make a “pschitt” of purification in the middle of my brain… ! Besides the collective exercise of “ kikiki ….”, The last one on the hara was very powerful. I was trailing a disabling tendonitis of the right Achilles tendon for several days, it was practically cured at the end of the internship… !!!! Thank you for your teaching. See you soon. Fraternally.

Paul L.

I am very happy to see you again and to “reconnect” with Phosphenism… This is the first time that I have Daniel as a teacher, and it’s great for a cover. I have also “matured” since 2008… because today, I had a strong awareness during the rotation exercises at the start of the day. Indeed, I could feel the movement of rising and falling of the “drop of light” in the central channel of my body, which I have tried in vain to practice in meditation for a long time, but here I am. felt !!! And also, during the 6th of second, I did not take off from my body, but I felt my embryonic state during its formation. I was at the embryonic disc stage (that’s how I experienced it) : a more or less rigid or solid plate in the back more or less uncomfortable, it pulled and squeezed in all directions alternately between the shoulder blades , the lumbar and occiput, where it really pulled, sense of growth of the nervous system at the embryonic stage… and in front, anterior part of the body, total freedom and lightness, no constraint… which densified without the “ kikiki ” and dissolved again with it. Many thanks, Dr Lefebure, and many thanks to Daniel for giving us all this back. Happy holidays and enjoy it well.

Thi Le Dung N. A.

Being new, I was a little skeptical at first, but I was very quickly reassured by the many experienced people who kindly shared their experiences with me. At the end of the day of intensive practice, I felt more stability and energy, which allowed me to be more in tune with myself. Thank you for sharing the work of Dr Lefebure.


The first feeling was the joy of practicing in a group and being able to do the 6th of the second with others. 
Perception of warmth and rhythm inside me and on the periphery, 2-3 cm around me. 
I was very happy to do this internship. Another big THANK YOU for your work.


Saturday, static tensions. I finally understood how to do them, especially at the bust level. I continued after the internship at a rate of 45 minutes every evening. 
Four days later, I managed to see myself standing next to my physical body, which was asleep, then I whirled off. The speed has accelerated. I saw a light in the distance and tried to follow Daniel’s recommendations to further amplify the phenomenon of astral travel, but it was too intense and I ended up waking up, it was 5 a.m. I will practice ocular convergence, because I feel that it can bring me a lot. 
Sunday, the work on the fast rhythms allowed me to become aware (finally !) Of what some call “ENERGY”. Thanks Daniel.

Christian D.

I am discovering Phosphenism for the first time and its multiple initiation exercises. Thanks to Daniel’s pedagogy and to all the practitioners in my group (the workshops are done in groups), I managed to put aside my apprehensions, my analytical brain… and I agreed to let myself go in the process. ‘experimentation. And there, that happiness ! I have accumulated a lot of energy during these 2 days. The night after the internship, I hardly slept, so deep energies awoke in me. Daydreaming (conscious) and astral travel made up my night. So yes, definitely, I will come back for a new internship.

Pascal T.

Thank you for this internship which perfectly met my expectations. Many exercises that I still have to digest, and especially to put into practice. Hope to see you all again soon.

Pierre B.

First of all, thank you to Daniel, and then to my group which allowed me to experience very strong sensations. It’s not easy not to get caught up in these and to make, as Daniel asks, the distinction between training and experience. 
A big revelation for me : during the day, you have to manage the problems linked to everyday life and keep both feet on the ” cow floor ” so as not to cut yourself off from reality. At night, thanks to the energy accumulated during training, you have to immerse ” 2 feet together ” in the universe … Once again, thank you. 

Stephane L.

Great internship and a lot of discovery. I learned a lot, also from my group where the atmosphere was studious and very friendly. I find it really helps to be surrounded by both beginners like me and more advanced people. In addition, the energy of all groups undoubtedly facilitates the perception of fine energies. 
I can’t wait for the next internship, in the form of a “ retreat ”, if I understood correctly !

Michelle G.

I want to thank you for the excellent internship. I really enjoyed the first day, and even more the second. 
The exercise that impressed me the most was the 6th of a second done with the group. The effect produced caused very strong vibrations in my whole body. They started from the circle formed by the limbs, entered my body and left, expanding until they reached a point in the galaxy. I also felt a lot of light throughout the exercise. See you soon.


TESTIMONIES 09: Special Internships #3



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

The method is simple and synthetic. It affects all the planes of the individual, his physical, his emotional, his mental and his spiritual. And she gets lost in the mists of time. It’s incredible to understand that everything is already in us and that nature, our environment, offers us everything when we know how to capture it. 
My most memorable experience was the muscle tension exercise. It was impressive to feel his physical body empty of something and then recharge with new energy, accompanied by an indescribable inner peace : a total absence of confusion. The feeling of being part of a big Whole. I can’t wait to practice more, further, harder. The course went very well, a pleasure to come back every day. Francesc is a great teacher, very accessible and very clear. The staff team always available and helpful ! With all my thanks and with the pleasure of going further in this method.

Erik R.

What sensations all in subtlety !!! What a joy to feel alive : pulsations, emotions, heat, spiral… To feel this lightness, this energy. See those stars reaching out to you . It is all magic. I found what I had come to look for : to grow up, lighten up and open up to the world. Thank you for this clarity, this mental rest. Many thanks to Francesc for his charisma, his passion that he was able to transmit to me as well as to the whole team who were able to make me spend a few fantastic days.

Mireille C.

Workshop at the washhouse: 2 swings + a rhythm + the OM mantra 
Freedom, lightness, communication with the forces of nature 
Transmission of forces, pleasant feeling of physical detachment. 
Need to become one with the forces of nature (the wind, the movement of trees). The feeling that if the exercise had continued, I would have been mixed with this whirlwind of wind felt on the skin and the perpetual movement of the leaves, that my mind would become one with nature thanks to the energy given and shared with the group.

Georges L.

I witnessed with love and wonder the beautiful experiences of others. And I felt in me all kinds of sensations which are the colors of my person and which I accepted in all directions. And a big YES to life in its beauties and its difficulties. A desire to share so well given by Francesc, a permanent gift, firm and empathetic in his generosity, someone who sees the group and the individual, who combines the mind, the brain and the heart in what he offers us . Big thanks. 
Thank you also for allowing to land here, in nature so beautiful and so calm and thank you to those who ensured the stewardship with a smile.

Sylvia D.

My most beautiful experience connected me with the earth and the ” sky ” with a desire to go beyond my physical body. I felt the will to surpass myself, to change “ dimension ”, to explore infinity by going into my “ deep self ”. The main thing is to come, it is on the “ road ”, that I am convinced of. I have experienced great bliss, but the word is weak in relation to the experience. I felt that all this energy sent was to be given to humanity, to nature, to the world, to the universe. And I felt a ” tremendous ” power . I want to be one with everything. I want to be the light forever, in all circumstances, to love fully. I also felt all the potentiality of the human being and his ” infinitude “. But I still have a lot to learn. Francesc is an extraordinary person who transmits his knowledge with a lot of clarity, intelligence, passion, love. It’s phenomenal !!! These days have been exceptional in his presence and I hope there will be more. We must continue, I wish to receive still other “ initiations ”. The internship : INOUÏ, PHÉNOMÉNAL ; infinite thanks As for the organization, there was a lot of kindness, attention, respect, gentleness. A great harmony which was very peaceful. Well done for all the very competent team. This internship is a turning point in my life. Fabulous, wow !!! With love and ” prayer “.      

Odile P.

Experience : exceptional openness of my subtle senses, very gentle contact with the subtle, in fact listening and stronger sensations, more total than with my ordinary senses. Touch : sensation of the subtle around my body, my skin, feeling of freedom, liberation and well-being with the body. I saw the stop, the silence, the stillness, the pleasant meditation, far from the difficult asceticism. And at the same time, the perfect awareness of others around me, of where I am. It is something very simple, the wind on my skin and the subtle energies are perceived : I perceive, I receive. The internship : a natural joy to be there, the energy helps me open up to my nature, to my being. Contact with nature and other trainees fills me with ease and well-being. It’s easy to be here and do the exercises like the kids. Thank you all.

Delphine M.

Myophenes : very strong experience. Release of emotions. Feeling of heat at the bottom of the spine, electricity, like a discharge. Want to experience kundalini , duplication, want to travel through the infinite space to share this emotional vibration ! When this discharge occurs, it gives me the impression of pushing a door without being able to open it but only half-open it. Want to develop my abilities. It is also as if I were a balloon that we inflate to the bottom ; it stretches to the maximum and I wait for the moment when it will explode, to be free, to go where I want. Lots of pressure sensations on the head, arms, back. Very pleasant exchange of energy with others. Impression of making only ONE during the experiments. Lots of questioning. Very existing spiral movement, limit hypnotic trance. In general, very well guided course : experiences conveyed very clearly. The exercises are explained very simply, very clearly and very precisely, exactly as I like. Very pleasant place, out of time.

Roy C.

The experience of conjugating the phosphene with a rocking rhythm is a formidable opening of the potentialities that we have in us and which were until now unknown. We discover by putting it into practice how our brain can activate areas connecting us with everything, with cosmic and universal energy !!! Suddenly, a mechanism of purification, of internal ordering takes place. It is very subtle and even if the effect can seem perfectible at the cost of a long interior work, we feel that a movement is taking place in us. The phosphene works ! It is therefore a formidable path which is opening up and which deserves to be undertaken because it is by changing oneself that one enriches the other with what one has lived and understood. . This experience is therefore a richness which, personally, brought me a lot and encourages me to approach the initiatory plan.

Eric G.

Subtle mixture of the subtle in materiality, the ego and the other, the feeling. (…) 
I am enthusiastic about the internship, the place and I want to continue the journey.

Aurore R.

In the sway and the rhythms, I found a breathtaking mix of energy sharing, energy recharging. I discovered a wonderful journey in light, an inexhaustible source of discoveries and experiences. 
The “ Francesc Law ” should apply everywhere with its ease, simplicity and authenticity. I’m leaving with the desire to play extra time. Thank you all.

Fabienne R.

I come home with a variety of exercises, practices that I can easily integrate into my daily life. This is the most important for me ! (…) In the exercise of projecting the phosphene with multiple swings, I was the passive subject. I had the feeling of being rocked more than rocked, very slowly and very pleasantly, the feeling that the group was taking care of me, with muted fear that others would get bored. At the end of the journey, a feeling of gratitude.

Louis S.

Small group practice of lateral, vertical and Tibetan swings : passive subject I felt a sweet and deep joy to be connected to the movement, to the vital energy of the earth as well as to the energy of each member of the group in total confidence in the guidance and benevolence of Francesc.

Jean-Francois K.

The experiences lived in depth at all levels, particularly with the rhythms, the phosphenes and the very concrete explanations of Francesc, make me hear or sense the movements and cosmic rhythms and open the doors to other shores, behind the mirror ! I really liked the practical aspect of the teaching which gives the keys to the trip.

San L. C.

Exercise at the 6th of a second : feeling of growing, of receiving an unknown substance from the sky through the mouth which opened by itself in a very pleasant sensation which carries me ; I feel light and anchored to the ground. The trainees around me found this experience very pleasant. The whole group had a great time, a moment of intense exchange : then, the whole group explained to me that during this experience, my body had adopted a position almost impossible to hold, even to perform. I felt genuinely rested, relaxed and oddly in great shape, powerful and filled with a very pleasant strength. Excellent atmosphere, zero tension, no worries, a real atmosphere of camaraderie.

Franck B.

I appreciated the warm welcome and the atmosphere of the groups. The natural place, among nature, it is wonderful. 
I appreciate the structure of the course, first the experience then the theory with mini exercises to “ touch ”, “ taste ” the different methods and practices. I like the link that the facilitator makes with other disciplines, the shamans. I have experienced magnificent things, an experience of seeing myself ” very small, in miniature “. It gives me ideas for developing and applying phosphenism in everyday life, professional and personal, in training, therapy, spiritual development. I feel good in the exercise, all the exercises. I feel open, accepting differences. I see the qualities of the other members of the group. I learned to grow, to evolve with the experiences of others. I develop respect for myself, for others, for nature. I see myself living in the wonderful world of colored light. I feel connected. I thank the participants, member of the group, the facilitator Francesc for giving me the opportunity to discover different cultures. The organizer Daniel and his family, the “ nurturer Naïma ” With love and gratitude, thank you.

Jerome C.

Exercise: the Tibetan swing 
The feeling of well-being of the power of rhythm, sound and light. 
Well-being to detach from the physical. 
It is the discovery of essential things, the confirmation of another reality. The so-called “ supernatural ” phenomena are in fact very natural. Thanks Francesc. This internship was great. Thank you for the welcome and kindness of Daniel and the staff. Thank you all. This internship will surely help me in my life for my personal development and to help others.

Raymonde P.

Experience : projection to the 6th of a second 
• o be taken by a rhythm that is not mine
• o afraid of this rhythm
• o let go of this fear
• o sensation that the pelvis and legs are laughing with pleasure
• o irresistible dance feeling
• 2.  
• o well-being, happiness of feeling
• o sharing
• o vibrate with active subjects
• o feeling of disposition of active subjects
• o feeling of elevation
• 3.  
• o happiness to be able to let go in this unknown rhythm
• o confidence in the active subjects around me
• o fraternity
• o gratitude for this gift from others to me
• 4.  
• o want to give others this good energy
• o gratitude
• o lightness and feeling of enlargement of my being
• o feeling of appeasement, serenity
• o peace with myself
• 5.  
• o quiet, peaceful place, stars, cicadas, very soothing. No parasitic noise from the car.
• o Warm welcome (…)

Agnes B.

I have been interested in the Lefebure method for 3 and a half years. I was happy to do an internship to realize what I had assimilated until then . 
After 4 days with Francesc Celma , I allow myself to give a report. Francesc Spanish with a singing language with his keywords : Loi Francesc, no stress , magnificent, good direction or not, fantastic, magic etc. that still echo in my head. These landmarks so important for me, to continue the method and make it come alive and at the same time integrate it into my daily life (which I do) but there with an experience : smells, sensations, colors, sounds, the trainees with various personalities, rich in know-how … A theoretical and practical method where the impetus, the dynamism of the beings give the impetus to the motivation of the exercises … The atmosphere of the organizing team showed me the people’s state of mind and makes the method credible. What the Lefebure method brought me :
• Strengthening the personality
• concentration of thought
• significantly less fears
• live better with myself
To sum up, bringing my nature to life for my own good, but also for that of others. 
Thank you again, I wish for a long time to keep this team spirit so warm for me, intern. Thank you Naïma, your personality, your smile warmed my heart. 
Best regards to all.

Odile A.

Quality training for teachers in the organization. For all those who wish a technical improvement on chacras , telepathy, duplication, states of consciousness, daydreams, visions, clairvoyance, elementals … will have clear and precise answers. (Phosphenism is like a large supermarket, thank you Francesc !!) The diversity of exercises and techniques used allows everyone to find what they are looking for. I strongly recommend this training filled with light ! And I would like to thank the whole phosphenism team again.

Jonathan M.

This is my second internship ; I had already done a basic internship before, but, despite the practice, not always constant, I felt the need to repeat it. And I did well. The group experience is quite different from the individual work, and the fact of arriving this time with a previous personal experience, made me progress enormously. Even if I know the theory well, the details of Francesc cleared up various doubts, some of which were not even conscious : new questions, new answers. I must say that Francesc is right when he says that it takes several courses to really master the question : phosphenism is too broad… But above all, the group work was fundamental. The workshops, either as a passive subject or as an active subject, made me perceive very stimulating particular sensations. Seeing on myself and the other participants the physical effect of a purely mental projection was fantastic, almost unbelievable. The effects of group work, the rhythms set off, lasted even, and above all, after the exercise itself. These sensations grew more and more over the days. Now that the internship is over, when I close my eyes, without any effort, I see movements, colors, rhythms. I believe this is a tremendous acceleration in the awareness of my subtle parts. It is not faith, it is not belief, but the physical reality of something that has been triggered. Thanks to the participants with whom a group spirit was created, thanks to the magical place, thanks perhaps also to the song of the cicadas which punctuates the sleep during the night (perhaps to the sixth of a second.) This course was a experience which really represents an initiation, that is to say the beginning of a path made of course of exercises, but exercises practiced in a physiological and pleasant way, which arise from the exteriorization of an interior impulse which is grown up, and which requires manifesting itself in the physical world, through a concrete exercise in matter. It is not the exercise that comes from outside but the interior impulse that manifests itself in the exercise : you just have to find the key, and I have found it in the internship. Francesc was fantastic in his way of leading the course : clear, precise, expressive, very energetic, he guided us through progressive experiences to touch with his hand all the power and all the potentialities of phosphenism. Thanks Francesc. Group work truly triggers mechanisms which, with individual work alone, would require much more time and perhaps not with the same power. A big thank you to all the staff of the School of Dr Lefebure , and to Daniel Stiennon and Naïma who organized and allowed the internship to be carried out.

Paola M. (Italy)

As an active subject during the rhythm- phosphenic workshops, the energy intensity is powerful when all the groups repeat the mantras aloud and in perfect synchronization, we then feel within us the transmission of energy that takes place. In addition, when stationary, we still feel the vibrations which are indescribably powerful. The rhythms are literally anchored in us. I had a feeling of pleasure and love in me during the workshops.
As a passive subject, I felt more or as much energy ; Through my body passed sensations of movement, my arms were numb, some very pleasant and surprising pulsations in the lower abdomen. It was on the last day of the internship that I had an intense experience, working on the rhythm of the 6th of a second : I was a ” passive subject “, I had the impression that my body was upside down and reversed, right arm to left and vice versa, ditto for the legs.

Kevin D.

The first days when we reviewed the essential bases allowed me to better understand the phosphene and the almost supernatural impact that it can have on each element of our daily life. 
I realized with joy that the first days were decisive in the rest of the workshops which led me to live the experience that I am going to tell you about. 
We are in groups of 6 active people who project the rhythm of the 6th of a second onto a passive one. After a few minutes, it’s a ” barely noticeable ” vibration that I feel in my lower abdomen. All my concentration then freezes on this tiny sensation ; tiny sensation which like a suspension bridge when it is made to vibrate from one end gradually starts to vibrate from the other, gradually gains other organs, until my spine trembles at 1 / 6th of a second (…). My arm is completely numb, the amplitude that this vibration has now taken in “ my interior ” brings me to the climax where my double is ready to literally unhook from my physical body and when the beginnings of my doubling occurred… Francesc ended the workshop.

Thomas B.

Report-synthesis (phosphenism internship July August) 
This phosphenic initiation stay was very pleasant to me, both on the reception side and on the internship side itself. Young people, Frank, Thomas, Kévin, always present in our slightest request in any field whatsoever. Naïma is the icing on the cake, with her kindness and warmth in relationships and the preparation of abundant food. The Moroccan soup, excellent !!! 
Francesc and Gilles, each in their field, really brought us the maximum of themselves with warmth, sincerity and enthusiasm, answering all our questions, taking us through their lived experiences when necessary. 
I lived an extremely enriching workshop, something that I did not know until now, even having done the exercises at home : my alliance with the plant world. I slipped, becoming one, into the soul of an old twisting oak tree, in front of me. My visualization in the trunk, then in the roots and then in the branches, receiving all the sunlight. I found myself bathing in an enveloping sphere of light of indescribable softness. There, I was good. It was calm and serenity. I was light. All the aggressiveness in the world was gone. I got out of this intense well-being after a few minutes but would have liked to have stayed longer.
I now know that my initiation can bring me more in my care, which I practiced occasionally, because I tried twice before coming to the course, on my wife who was blocked and could no longer walk. With a phosphene in my hands, then one on each hand resting on his spine, the evening before falling asleep, I saw my wife the next morning, go up again, as if nothing had happened the day before. I was blown away, I was wondering so much I couldn’t believe my eyes, usually it was less dazzling. 
Once the internship is finished, I hope to go much further in my development and in my positioning. I don’t see a definite path yet, in which area I could give myself more to help my environment to flourish, in any way. I hope that the light of my guide (or my guides) will help me take the path that suits me best.
A big thank you to everyone for having fostered the atmosphere of this internship and in particular to Daniel, a hard and tireless worker who does everything possible to make phosphenism known in the world, after Dr Lefebure and, thanks to his work, allows us to participate in these initiation and training courses in an atmosphere full of energy.

Jean-Claude M.


About twenty years ago, after having painfully exhausted the meanders of an ordinary and superficial life, after having lost everything or almost everything, I had for some time a waking dream, which, by its intensity and its nature, restored a fairer direction to my life. This dream was as follows : I saw myself in a dungeon, standing in armor with a helm, holding a sword on its point, large to eye level, my hands resting on the hand guards, the hilt encrusted with stones. precious stones composed of 4 colors : blue, green, yellow and red. In a state of distress, I begged to be let out so that I could ” work ” again. This work is of course spiritual. Since that time, I have sought the finality without finding it, until I encountered phosphenism. The continuity is evident. I think that when you understand the potential of phosphenism, you have to be crazy not to share and teach it. Thank you to Dr Lefebure, Daniel, Gilles our brilliant trainer, and, above all, to the whole team who gave us all their kind attention.

Claude D.

Logistics : perfect Content : great ! What dynamism ! Bravo Gilles who was able to make me understand the rhythms at 1 / 6th and 1 / 12th. Visualizing the point of concentration is now easy. Felt : I was in harmony with the group and I felt comfortable there. It was interesting, surprising to hear the comments of the participants who had feelings. (…) I became aware of the importance of the exercises and I will invest myself now more than before. (…) I am very happy to have met you Daniel ; this confirmed the honesty and the purity of the phosphenism that I had a presentiment of.

Gilbert L. R.

I had electric shocks at the level of the coccyx, strong sensations at the level of the forehead (3rd eye), the temples and the nape of the neck, ignoring my other feelings related to magnetism and visions. I let myself go more. During an 8-minute workshop, too short for my liking, I had the impression that a ball wanted to come out of my neck. I have seen electric power like never before. During this internship, I met and exchanged with great people, I learned a lot about myself. From now on, I will be regular on the practice of phosphenism in all areas of my life, starting with me and my emotionality. 
Thank you again to the group, Daniel who received us so well. An idyllic setting, people available, welcoming and open. 
Gilles, our teacher for the week, is a wonderful person, completely connected, frank. Everything he says comes from the heart ; he doesn’t mince his words. Like it or not and it’s perfect. A big thank you to the whole team. Kevin is on the right track, Franck who gave a lot of his time, Thomas and his delicious dishes, Naïma for his serious demeanor and kindness and above all Daniel for his good advice, his arrangements, his availability for children.

Roy C.

Overall, I am satisfied to have received a teaching on naturo-phosphenology . Likewise, I am satisfied to have put a face and an energy on the names of Gilles and Daniel. Another stimulating aspect was the fact that the course offered a lot of group activities. 
The proposed exercises and the pace of the teaching allowed me to make some immediate experiences. In addition, I noticed a significant increase in my energy level. Another notable aspect is the evolution of my visual chaos. This one has become more structured with sharp geometric shapes in bright color.

Michel C.

An internship in which I felt very good in the middle of the group. Lots of friendliness, joie de vivre and fluidity in relationships. 
Many words heard from Gilles and Daniel made me think. The reflection will continue after the internship and I aspire to go even more radically towards authenticity in my life choices. 
The strongest experience I received was yesterday (penultimate day) during the so-called “ royal ” workshop by Gilles. I was surprised that my breathing became rapid and automatic and I had the feeling of being invaded by an energy that I felt especially by the contortions it made me do and the spasmodic movements. It’s a shame that I tried to contain my movements for fear of losing all control. One very remarkable thing is that this experience made me very happy as it was taking place. I still keep a feeling of blooming, fullness, great well-being. I have the feeling that my energy is blocked in my upper back. I also had a curious experience on the morning of the second day of the internship. I thought I was already awake when I felt that I was falling into the real wake up call. I will leave full of energy and optimism and more distant from the current problems of my existence. The internship encourages me a lot to intensify my practice because I am convinced that it will be a source of physical and psychological balance. Thank you to everyone and, in particular, to Gilles.

Christine L. F.

First of all, I would like to thank Gilles from the bottom of my heart for his dedication, his sincerity and his generosity both in terms of his teaching and for his energy. 
This week was simply magnificent, on a human, energetic, philosophical and spiritual level. In my case, the exercises awakened in me very interesting first results (feeling of levitation, continuous vortices in visual chaos, feeling of detachment from the material, wonder in front of nature …) thus giving me immeasurable energy and courage to persevere on the path of phosphenism. And of course, a big thank you to the entire organizing team (Daniel, Naïma, Franck, Thomas and Kevin).

Kevin J.

Bright these 5 days ! I approach with serenity the rest of my life. The phosphenes open unsuspected doors on myself and I discover incredible possibilities. I come back with the conviction that I did not come here by chance, but guided by something that I may have found ! And then what harmony, all these people with whom I spoke, we were in the same bubble ! Thank you for this wonderful time spent in your company, what availability and openness ! I can’t wait to practice and start over !

Dolly D. M.

This is the experience that struck me the most among all those I have had this week. It happened in the forest where we usually did the exercises. This workshop followed a convergence exercise that I had difficulty doing at home. Thanks to the teacher’s explanation, I understood how to converge correctly. So the next exercise was a workshop where you had to imagine yourself in a sacrificial ceremony where you had to open your heart and offer it like an offering. I lay down trying to relax and imagine an Indian ceremony where the characters were dancing in rhythm around me. I then imagined that I opened my skin and that I took out my heart, stretching it out at arm’s length to the sky. 
Then I imagined at the same time a small door which opened at the place of my chacra just next to the heart. I imagined this scene several times during the workshop. I could see my heart very well in my hands and the open door next to it, but the dancing figures were rather in the dark. Then at the end of the exercise, a very sharp image appeared like a very short flash, very sharp but which I still remember perfectly. There was my son on one side of a kind of workbench, me on the other, between the two of us a cable or a rope that connected us. Then a kind of ax fell while cutting this cord. Right after the exercise ended. So I went from inducer to the next one. And there, while inducing, this image came back to me and I understood like a message, as if it was time to cut the cord between my son and me.
The relationship I have with him is very close and this hurt me a lot. My tears started to flow ; I tried to hold them back by concentrating on my work, but there was nothing I could do, it was too strong. As soon as the exercise was over, I discreetly wiped away my tears, because I was ashamed ; being part of the ” staff “, I wanted to stay serious. But it was too strong and a trainee came to console me which had the effect of making me cry even more. The professor having noticed it told me that I could withdraw so that it passes. I went further into the forest to sit down to come to my senses. I cried like this had never happened to me in over 20 years with a sadness so deep that it hurt my chest. At the same time, I wondered why it was so strong when I had already thought about this situation and knew full well that I would cut this cord naturally and in due time. I ended up telling myself that this was not the time anyway and that I will do this in due course. I went to cool off in the river and put water on my face to come back discreetly. I continued the day by forcing myself to stop thinking about it because as soon as the image came back to me, the sensations too. During the meal break, I talked to Naïma who told Daniel about it and he explained to me that it was not at all something I had to do, but quite simply to ” l ‘purification ‘. Then, I understood very well that several people around me had told me that I had to ” cut the cord “, that I had not paid attention to it but that it had remained in a corner of my head and that it was eating me without my realizing it. I also understood that with emotion it is much harder to explain things because I think that if a person had told me about this experience, I would surely have told him about the purification. It just goes to show that these internships with several people are really useful because I don’t know if it would go as well for me if this experience had been lived alone at home.

Franck B.

This second stage is different from the first. The group is different too. Maybe Gilles influences those around him. 
He is a being full of enthusiasm, full of energy, generous in his explanations. I felt confident. I feel much more anchored. Nature was so present in this program that I got in touch with her again. Being a peasant, I am nevertheless in this harmony, but being detached from daily work, nothing better to regain a dynamism, a motivation to unite myself again and again with Mother Nature. 
I come to terms with life. The light from the phosphenes contributed to this momentum. 
Thank you all again and again. I believe that for next year an internship will be the reward of a year of training : balances, rhythms, phosphenes etc. Now, I have good reference points, especially Gilles’ laughter, which still echoes in my head. (…) I am increasing in energy, vitality. I feel alive in my nature, in the elements. Thanks to the team.

Odile A.

The team receives us royally. My diet being particular, Naïma, our hostess, kindly agrees to leave me some room to cook. The whole team takes care of us, they are committed to making us feel comfortable. Thomas, Franck, Kevin are really nice to us. The pranks of our instructor bring animation in the camp but also in the kitchen where there are some giggles from time to time. Daniel makes sure everyone is feeling good. He discusses with each other, gives advice. (…) And I get used to our instructor Gilles, full of life and energy. A real whirlwind. Then comes the third day and there, some very beautiful visual sensations, of the light which pulsates to the rhythm of the music, a spine which warms up very slightly after having danced with a snake, in the evening we make the stars dance. And then Gilles’s passion for phosphenism and square-syncopated-polyrhythmic rhythms. 
Before going to bed another little experiment, just to see the aura. Last day, I am aware of all the valuable information and explanations that Gilles gave us and his voice does not bother me at all. I find myself enjoying it. I am leaving a really nice group which has totally invested in the various workshops that Gilles offered us. Goodbye to the forest where most of the experiments took place. Goodbye to the whole team. Another last goodbye to Marie Thérèse, the lady of the organic garden ; before I left, she gave me a nice present. A great generosity on his part. A generosity that marked the entire internship, a generosity that we want to experience next time if circumstances allow.


Passionate about Occult Science from a young age, I did not discover any convincing method before discovering phosphenism through the Internet. 
After a few months of reading and practicing, I had several experiences such as awakenings in sleep, lucid dreams, a feeling of sway, strengthening of character, the appearance of images in visual chaos. I then decided to take an internship to refine the different methods. This internship allowed me to work on mental undulation in a natural environment. 
The internship was rich in information and allowed me to see the different approaches to phosphenism animated by Gilles, a being of light filled with wisdom. 
I was able to make connections with my religion and find answers to questions that I had been asking myself for a very long time. The course itself was very convivial : very warm welcome and good setting. I would like to thank Daniel without forgetting Dr Lefebure for this great opportunity and Gilles for his good humor.

Kisanabth K.

Difficult to express what I felt and experienced during this internship.
• Discovery of Gilles, his abrupt side at first glance, his integrity, his wholeness, his total commitment to light
• Coherence and extreme wealth of explanations, developments on energy, rhythms, cultures …
• This internship was a deepening and a rediscovery : deepening of the basics of the first internship and rediscovery too, because certain sensations of rhythms inside during this week, I realized that I felt them regularly at different times of my life (aikido, sexuality). But I couldn’t put words on it. Now things are much clearer and make sense. 
• An internship that will stay in my heart for a long time. Everyone’s availability and openness… very pleasant.
Thank you to the whole team for so much work and dedication. Everything was fluid. 
I leave calmer, stronger. I hope I understood enough to use the techniques with my Aikido students. 
Thank you again for this precise and definitive teaching on light and rhythms.

Agnes B.

After the onset of tinnitus (cicadas singing in the right ear), I started looking for something. 
I practice and teach yoga which brings me more stability and harmony but I am always looking for elements for my transformation. 
The light was already a traveling companion. This internship confirms that everything is vibrations, rhythms. 
Uniting vibrations, thoughts and phosphenes = life experiences = evolution 
Phosphenism rhymes with simplicity, spontaneity, perseverance and achievement. From now on, phosphenism will be part of my daily life. 
Thanks to Gilles for this internship, for his authenticity and his relationship with nature.

Pascale D.

I started phosphenism a few years ago and I worked very regularly at least 1 hour a day, gyrascope etc., alone or in a group … 
I stopped daily work 4 years ago, my life having changed, moreover, I consider that I was stagnant (I had 3 climbs of Koundalini which stopped between the shoulders and a lot of astral journeys but not ” initiatory “. I think that I had a certain number of human problems with Settle (it’s not finished yet) I decided to resume phosphenism with this internship I felt the root chakra and energy currents in the back.

Stephane C.

First of all if I had to define this internship, I would say it was EXTRAORDINARY. 
Beyond everything I have known until then and, at the same time, completely in what I was looking for and what I asked for in my prayers. 
What was my intense joy to find new keys to access more spirituality, more light ! 
The second stage was a continuation of the first, each day more intense, deeper, stronger. 
As in the 1st stage, I experienced a beginning of levitation, and I felt the upper part of my body completely weightless ; when Gilles asked us to give our hands to two other people, I lifted their arms which no longer had any weight and we felt ourselves being pulled upwards, and all this in full consciousness !  
We also passed the “ threshold ” door when we heard dogs barking and then packs of wolves howling ! Amazing experience ! I also felt all my back chakras spinning except for the sahasraha chakra and mulhadara chakra. At each workshop I felt the rise of the kundalini , like a snake that moved, causing regular jolts and small jolts that reverberated throughout the body. And for the ” solarization “, my head embarked on a vertical and horizontal rotational movement, it was amazing and very pleasant.    
For the relaxation on the music, all my chakras danced to the rhythm of the music, it was amazing and I observed what was happening and what I was feeling with contemplation and a lot of happiness. 
During all these experiences I lived extraordinary moments, words are not enough to express what I really felt, a lot of light, a lot of luminous love to give back and the door opened to another world ; a very real ” lifting ” of the veil transmuted me.   
Thank you again a thousand times for everything you put in place to allow us to access more spiritual development ; to be the guardian of this prodigious initiatory knowledge Thank you to Francesc and Gilles, for their professionalism, their incredible skills and their knowledge. 
I can’t wait to continue, it’s not over but as I am a teacher, I am only available during school holidays.

Odile P.

These 6 days spent at the Bastide d ‘ Engras are placed under the sign of harmony, power and magic : The peaceful and enchanting place, the places chosen for the exercises, everything contributes to create harmony. Harmony between the trainees. Harmony in the relations between the team of organizers and the participants. It’s a good idea to have three of them taking the course. Thomas, Franck and Kevin will surely remember those busy days ! Thanks to Naïma who keeps things together so discreetly. Everyone feels confident and we see the faces change : the strangers from the first hour have become so close ! As for Gilles, he plays with the group like an instrument : harmony in the alternation of exercises, stories, moments of laughter, explanations. The rhythms are powerful and this results in a greater and greater cohesion between us. The life stories of others echo mine and I already expect powerful transformations. The rising energy makes it possible to stimulate strong projects. Daniel’s advice opens up entirely new perspectives for me. I know from having already experienced it that I will have energy for several months and that I will achieve what seemed difficult or even impossible a week ago. This internship is magic ! It is the alchemy of encounters, a universe of new sounds : jew’s harp, handmade didgeridoo … a singing accent of Elektra or Paola, cicadas… The pleasure of playing in a field of sunflowers, or climbing a tree DNA. Thank you all.

Therese D.

Hello Daniel, 
I was very happy to know you and the team that accompanies you. I had a great stay during the internship. I learned a lot about phosphenism, the purpose and how to achieve it. I really enjoyed Francesc’s internship. He is a very pedagogue and he masters his subject well. I also really liked Gilles’s internships in nature which bring us much closer to our ancestors. Well done for Thomas’s cooking and kindness. 
I loved the setting and the environment of the internship and I had a great pleasure to know and listen to you. 
The night with Gilles when we “ blew up the stars ”, I found the experience incredible. It is true that I am a beginner and that I have to remove the shell which isolates me from the outside. But I intend to train at home, and that at the next stage I will be able to have more results in the workshops. It’s a pleasure to see you again.

Bernard M.

First of all, a big thank you for the richness of these meetings and sharing : for you it is a big job that this organization and the moment itself of the internship is preceded and followed by as much. And for us that happiness ! Regarding the content of the lessons, if I did not understand everything at times of Gilles’s explanations (which seemed to me to fly very high as he masters the subjects), I was touched by the simplicity of the character, its authenticity and especially its rectitude : no compromises ! Remain self and honest whatever the circumstances, no sympathetic ear to the sirens of commercialism and that, I like that !!! So thank you Gilles for this meeting even if it had to be written somewhere … I did my best, with my competence (modest I agree) for all the exercises proposed and I induced as best I could. could. I can’t say that I felt anything particular about this transmitter function that could have invalidated or confirmed that I was doing it the right way. I am well aware that there is work … As for the receptor function , in one of the exercises where it was necessary to make the energy turn, I thought I was going to fall, I also ruled out the arms to hold me back, this having had the effect of completely distracting me and losing the thread of the exercise. On many other occasions, I “ felt ” very well, with my eyes closed, the presence around me of the inducing trainees. Thank you again for these shared moments.

Jean-Claude C.

The principles of phosphenism – which I discovered ” by chance ” – allowed me to understand the importance of swaying (lateral and anteroposterior) in my youth as well as the effects they had on me. : elephant memory, maturity, intuition, development of personal “ flashes ”, strong will and perseverance. If these effects – of which I did not know the origin – have certainly faded by the cessation of these practices for many, many years, they have always remained engraved in my memory and I have regularly wanted to find the path that m ‘would lead back there. Always in vain. Taking part in this internship was therefore the way for me to begin to reconnect with my roots. But it also gave rise to experiences as enriching as they were unexpected, among which : Discovery of the physical sensation of energy ; Revelation of the importance of rhythmic breathing (energy, beginning of purification of emotional thoughts) ; Wonderful and unusual sensations (feeling the presence of his spiritual guides, penetration of his double in a tree, vibration of different parts of the body to the sixth of a second…) Deep well-being… I wish everyone the chance to borrow this fabulous path which makes us grow while allowing us, according to our desires, to admire and to visit landscapes more real than nature, to fly us towards the skies, or to observe “ garlands ” of stars. But the success of this internship is undoubtedly based on the involvement, energy and friendly atmosphere of the group as well as on the advice and presence (strong, discreet and subtle) of our teacher Gilles. I thank them very much. I also address all my thanks to Mr. Stiennon and his wife, for their welcome and their concern, to Franck, Thomas and Kevin for their availability and their kindness.

Muriel D.

Second week of internship led by Gilles ; his way of working was somewhat different from Francesc, but very rewarding. I find it good to do the internships with different teachers. We feel that Gilles is full of energy and full of life. This training will allow me to move forward at a much more sustained pace and of better quality, to understand myself better ; because there are questions to which I wish to find answers and I know that with the help of Phosphenism and its multiple applications I will be able to obtain them. Knowing that thanks to Phosphenism, I will be able little by little and with work, to use my full potential, that fills me with joy.

Kevin D.

I won’t go into more detail on my experiences as there is so much to say, but I must say a few words about Gilles. 
It is rare these days to have the chance to meet a ” passionate “, it is nevertheless the case of Gilles, passionate par excellence of shamanism, lover of nature, being of light, thoughtless explorer of the universe, An outstanding speaker and a very good teacher, Gilles testifies to the greatness of Phosphenism. Thank you to the whole Lefebure school, to Daniel for the relentless enthusiasm that he patiently demonstrates in the investigation of his mission.

Thomas B.

A week of NATURO-PHOSPHENOLOGY in the forest has been simply fantastic. With the benevolence of the guardian of the threshold of the forest, we practiced the phosphenic exercises in a clearing in the presence of Veda, without forgetting the washhouse, so special place. 
I don’t know what exercise, in groups of 7, I was receiving, I felt my neck dilate to take the width of my body, very slowly and in rhythm (1 / 6th of a second) I transformed into a tree , I felt my hands and my feet penetrate the earth like roots, the feeling of having hair flapping like leaves in the wind. I was in communion with nature and I felt the fresh sap in my veins and my body temperature gently drop.
I had the privilege of making a trip inside my body, I went down through my digestive system, I surfed in my arteries in the middle of red blood cells and suddenly I saw my skull with my brain and the whole blood circulation system, accompanied by my spine which came out of my body like a 3 dimensional projection and transparent like crystal which rotated on an axis as if to demonstrate to me. It was great the feeling of obviousness and wonder that I felt in front of such a majestic spectacle.
Continuing education day 
We went to the clearing just above the washhouse in the middle of the forest. All in a circle in groups of 6 (1 receiver and 5 transmitters). I was in the receiver position. Lying on the ground, each transmitter worked on a chakra, or with rotations or with static tensions, at the rate of 1 / 6th of a second. I closed my eyes and gathered and lowered the energy from my crown chakra to my Hara , where I saw like a white rope that I followed with my gaze before starting my ascent. I saw an island that was floating above a cloud, suddenly, I propelled myself above this island which was a clearing bordered by very tall trees with very straight trunks and foliage at the top, in the middle from the clearing there was a dry tree, but not dead and I was sitting in lotus in front, doing vertical swings (up and down) with my arms open forming a 90 ° angle on each side . What was curious is that all the trees around me made the same movement as me, as if to amplify the energy which emanated from the tree in the shape of a sphere, until it engulfed me in it to merge into the universe.
Vertical swing exercise (with rounded angles) ; the point of concentration was rising… An erupting volcano presented itself in front of me and a vertical breach opened on the wall in front of me like a vertical eye, I instinctively plunged into it and I remember having made the observation “ not even hot, great ”, I went out through the chimney of the volcano in a spinning top and I flew around the volcano…   
This week has been very trying for me physically, but it did me a lot of good, I left completely pumped up. Full of questions in my head and a desire to restructure my life as well as the determination of my goals, while staying on the path of life ” here and now “. Difficult to keep your feet on the ground after so many fantastic experiences. Where is the border ? is there really a border ?    
Thank you to the whole group for the unconditional and rich sharing from all points of view. Thank you Gilles for sharing your knowledge and for waking up, awakening and amazed the child deep inside me, I found myself in your unruly side and I loved it. Life is good… good naturo-phosphenology journey.

Emilia G. (Portugal)

Here is something that I did not expect… 5 days of complete detachment from the too tight bonds of my rationality, a plunge into nature, a plunge into the most secret parts of me. 
My nature is rational, concrete, and I tend to always want to control my mental processes, too often missing out on the intricacies that exist in my soul. 
Thanks to Gilles I experienced during these days something that I did not know ; I was gradually led to the depths of my consciousness, I lived the rhythms, I imbibed them, and among other thousand things I learned, the most important was the ability to recognize natural Phosphenism , that is to say spontaneous Phosphenism, the one that sleeps in each of us. I managed to share my soul with nature, and with each exercise I came out enriched. Do not think that being the passive subject in the workshops is the only key ; inducing rhythms on a passive subject is the same as being induced by others, even more instructive : the energy sent came back stronger, teaching us the energy difference emanated by each in a fantastic exchange. 
Each day the exercise became more and more a whirlwind of light and energy, bringing with it the very energies of nature, of the trees, of the earth, of the radiance of the sun, of the rhythmic music that guided movements and thoughts. A perfect and complete union which gradually overturned my shell of rationality.
I cannot relate all the experiences, but I want to describe the one this morning when, lying in the forest and caressed by the sound of the didgeridoo (a big thank you to our friend Roy, who gave us this experience), I found myself suddenly felt united in the earth, with a spiral movement all along the column ; at this moment a tree has started to grow from my navel, a giant and majestic tree which has reached the sky. 
I can now perceive the rhythms which accumulate in me, the psychic sensations mix with the physical sensations in a harmonious balance in perpetual movement. 
Only two words to define Gilles : Light and Energy, elements that he transmitted to us with perfection and love. An internship that I recommend to all those who wish to find the child of light who is in us. THANKS !

Paola M. (Italy)

TESTIMONIES 08: Special Internships #2



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

Summer internships in Spain

Another season is passing and, with it, the summer training course, open to all the Club Card holders. This year, the course took place in Spain and those of you who have been able to attend it have come back delighted.

Let the teacher speak first and then the students who were present.


As they left the course of Naturo-Phosphenology, all the students had much more energy than when they arrived. Their power of perception was also sharpened. I know why. It is because they experienced something important, with a sweet sensation in the heart.
As it is always the case with the courses I conduct, a certain dynamic was maintained for the entire week, but this time, as it was a course of Naturo-Phosphenology, the energies of nature had woven life with a very subtle thread…

Everyone learnt so much and, in the end, that is what it is all about: an individual experience.

Francesc CELMA (Naturo-Phosphenologist)

We had been in Santa Barbara (Spain) since Friday afternoon, a place where there is a point of convergence of energies; an ancient stone of impressive size called Hara. That was our starting point for the course of Naturo-Phosphenology, or phosphenic shamanism.
Francesc (an authentic shaman) was our guide in that intense adventure in energy. On the Saturday morning, we started with a few exercises of synchronization so that the whole group would be in harmony with the energies of the place. In order to be able to work together, we had to accumulate a unified rhythm in our thoughts to reinforce and amplify the exercises that we were going to practice during the rest of the course.

In the ancient tomb of a druid, with the utmost respect, we started practicing synchronized head sways with the support of the natural energies of the place. Lateral and circular head sways, followed by triangular breathing, together with the recitation of mantras to harmonize and synchronize our energies, step by step. In the same location, at the end of the session, we practiced an exercise of phosphovision (seeing without looking) in order to let the subtle energies of nature appear gradually around us. During that experiment, some of us were able to perceive ‟beings” related to nature that were observing us.
From that location, we took a track and arrived in an impressive place. We were heading towards a massive green oak that we called ‟Oscar”. It allowed us to start working with the plant kingdom.
We practiced head sways, synchronizing our consciousness with its energy, moving our point of concentration alternatively between its aura and ours, at a rhythm of two seconds, together with the recitation of our mantra.
 Why did we do that? For whom? I found out the answer during the workshop. Rhythmic work with the plant kingdom facilitates the access to the etheric matrix that unites the world of matter with the world of energy, the subtle, spiritual world.
Such a practice allows a fast and secure access to the astral world, guided by the plant kingdom.
Another goal of the training course was the search for Totems or ‟personal power beings” that can help us in our spiritual progression. 
For that purpose, we left for another location called Las Peñas del Masmut, searching for the appropriate energy that would lead us to the mineral kingdom: the personal stone of power.
After looking for an appropriate place, a task that was not that simple in these powerful locations, we formed groups and projected our point of concentration so that we could accumulate extra energy for the search of our inner Totem.
There was so much energy that I was able to see the stone of power with absolute clarity. In the beginning, I was a bit skeptic but, during the exercise, I clearly saw a mineral with a very definite aspect and shape and I was very surprised when a member of our group described the same experience… the mineral that he described was exactly the same as the one I had perceived!
The energy of the group, the location and the energies of synchronization were bearing fruits.
The next day, we started by working with the water element in order to find our plant Totem, the personal tree of power. That is when I had my second great experience.
During the meditation, while my companions were projecting their energies on me, the water around us, the sound of the waterfall, in particular, were increasing my sensitivity. I had the vision of a great tree of light that was coming out of me and the branches of that luminous tree hugged me and merged with me to protect me.
That image released so much emotion that tears of gratitude and love flowed upon my face.
In our search for the last Totem, the inner animal, the final element that we worked with was fire. In order to do that, we formed groups once more, to extract energy from the location and the elements around us, blending it with ours. With every exercise, I was finding it easier to synchronize and project my energy.
A short while later, in the same place, we practiced the half-circle head sway. Its intense practice in nature provides access to the energies we call ‟guides”. That workshop was followed by a session of ‟seeing without looking” and ended with a few exercises of ocular convergence.
There was still a final experiment that we had to conduct: a guided meditation, the projection of our double towards the center of the earth by using Oscar (the oak) as a vehicle. That will be related by someone else.
To conclude the work in that zone, we thanked it and recited mantras as a mark of respect.
I have learnt so much during this course. I have learnt to respect subtle feelings and I have learnt gratitude. You receive what you give. The rest is work and more work.
Sways, static tensions, projection of mental light. When work is performed in a group, the energy is amplified. It is also possible to work on your own, but it requires to accumulate large amounts of energy and rhythms to obtain the equivalent of working with a group. The initiatory path is always indirect and subtle. In order to go up, one needs to know how to go down, to take a jump back in order to run better forwards.
The energies of nature allow us to work with all our senses: vision, audition, taste, smell… Nature is a great vehicle. I must admit that, in the beginning, it was very difficult for me to harmonize myself with mother nature. When I tried to perform it, I realized that it was much more difficult than I imagined. I cannot recognize places of energy from places which are not so energetic, unless I am working with a teacher, nevertheless I feel that my sensitivity is increasing.
We ate little and slept little. We worked a lot. Nevertheless, I would have gladly stayed for one more week.
If I draw but a single conclusion, it is that the accumulation of rhythmic thinking can lead you to grand experiences.
The environment, the persons, the energies… all that possesses a potential. But, you need to accumulate rhythmic thinking, like a battery that will give out its full power when it is charged. All the more if its contacts are clean, the cables in good condition and the car has an adequate electric system. This course has given me the incentive to go on and work some more in that direction. Nature loves us and, if we love her, she will open her arms, embrace us and guide us.

Daniel F.

I attended the course of Phosphenism in nature, and, after a few days of reflection, I can say that these days were simply ADMIRABLE, MAGICAL and represented a GENUINE REVELATION… such was the intensity, the depth and the variety of the work we performed.

The group functioned perfectly together with a coordination, a synchronization and a synergy between all the participants that energized our consciousness.

The location had a sacred and magical aura. We were the privileged residents of an enclave, in the presence of Celtic druids, Templars and ancient mages, in a place that possesses a very powerful telluric potential.
The main, predominant feeling, was the feeling of gratitude, first to Francesc for the mighty effort he made, as he succeeded in energizing the group while involving every individual in each druidical or shamanic exercise. He helped us surpass ourselves and lead us up to a profound respect for nature.
I would like to thank each participant for their implication and their huge efforts. Everyone transcended their limits through their work and their personal qualities. How could we not thank the enclaves in which we practiced: the forest, the Chapel and our friend Oscar the green oak who are, first and foremost, living beings that transmit the protective energy of our mother earth.
We thank Constancio for being our guide and Daniel for his work of discovering new locations. Special thanks to Avila Granados and his scholarly knowledge of the Celts, the Templars and the Cathars, he oriented us very ably. Moreover, his personality and his knowledge sparked, deep in my heart, the energy of the Matarrana and its sacred enclaves. I thank everyone for making that dream a reality.
Lessons learnt:
The first is humility and the respect for nature. If you cooperate with respect while working harmoniously with the right techniques, nature opens the doors to knowledge and energy for you.
The second is, as Francesc mentions and demonstrates: what is not given and shared is lost. That is why I would like to communicate my experience in the second Magical Mountain of the Matarrana: the Masmut rocks, near Penarroya and Tastavins, where I learnt to see with the eyes of the mind. During an exercise in which I was a passive receptor surrounded by my companions, the participants performed static tensions to project their energies unto me. In the final part of the exercise, I was supposed to find my stone of power.
I used the predominant energy to focus my mind and thought about different types of stones: diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires; when I stopped searching, my entire being started vibrating with energy then, clearly, in front of my nose, appeared a huge white quartz crystal.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Pedro Marco

We have just come back from a marvelous experience in the MATARRANA region of Spain where we attended a course of Naturo-Phosphenology under the direction of Francesc CELMA. Intense, pleasant, powerful, intimate and varied… It was easy to find many positive adjectives to qualify it.

But, I have so many good memories that I am forgetting the beginning. It is true that the first thing that Francesc said was: ‟In order to work with the elements of nature, one needs to be very RESPECTFUL, to achieve that, one always needs to ask permission before starting to work and be thankful when the work is over; we must respect the locations and the beings that live there, as it is under their authority that we work.”
‟We cannot pollute a place with our physical or mental trash. So, we need to work with emotion, feeling and put all our heart to it. Only genuinely heartfelt work can help us progressing. Love, Respect and Humility.”
So, would you all please receive my gratitude, from the bottom of my heart. A great thank you to all the participants, who helped with their energies, to the energies that visited us and who let us practice, feel and live. Thanks to Francesc and Pedro who introduced us to that place. I would love to do this again.

Aiki (forum’s pseudo)

I would like to share with you the memories I have of the course in Naturo-Phosphenology that we attended in the MATARRANA area. If I was going to use but a single word to define it, I would say that it was a course in regeneration. A tremendous regeneration during which the contact with the natural elements and the totems provided us with so much energy that everyone of us lived considerable and significant experiences. I shall relate my experience by drawing on Francesc’s maxim: what is not given is lost.
I will start by thanking our mother Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars that have guided us on our way. Thanks to Francesc too, for his efforts, his love and his impeccable work. Thanks to our colleagues for their great efforts and concentration when transmitting the energies necessary for facilitating inner experiences.
On the second day, we worked on the search for the tree of power. The previous day, we had worked with the masculine energy of the rocky platform that had been used as an astronomical observatory in ancient times and with the feminine energy of a line of megaliths.
We worked with the purpose of obtaining a vision of the etheric matrix, by connecting ourselves to an enormous and powerful tree. We also worked with the impressive force of the rocks in “Las Roques de Masmut” and we finished by working in a chapel. Those were privileged moments.
With all the energy accumulated on the previous day, I was getting ready to focus my concentration, to try and perceive my tree totem. I sat on a rock near the river. On the opposite bank, there was another group that was practicing. Francesc told us to concentrate on our solar plexus. As soon as we started the exercise, a circular galaxy, an expression of the location’s chakra, appeared in my field of vision. Then, I saw my tree of power. It was a grand vision.

I felt that the tree had taken root within my body and suddenly, I felt myself engulfed into the center of the Earth. The most curious sensation I felt in that location was that I was bathing in a kind of gelatin. Soon after, I saw on my right a shape that I recognized as my guide. It appeared to me with a hood hiding his face. I then saw him turn around and lift his hood. Much to my surprise, he was wearing a black mask with an elongated face, like an african mask.
Then, he showed me my heart, strong, robust, full of energy, of a red color full of life.
… Later I perceived myself in a deep cave where there were other people, Francesc was showing me my stone of power.
The images kept flashing past. All of a sudden, I perceived my body as if it was filled with snakes exiting it through my eyes, my nostrils, my ears and coiling themselves around my arms. I then understood that this could be a sign of cell regeneration. Then, a larger snake crawled up my spine and came out through my head. Once out, it opened like a flower blossom and I saw lots of intense light coming out of my body, I was standing and, approximately two meters away from my head, there was that intensely luminous body. It was unbelievably marvelous.
Soon after, a tube of light appeared along my spine and I suddenly came out of my body, thrown at one stroke all the way to the opposite bank where the other group was practicing. There, I found myself mingling with the other participants.
That is how I started to perceive the etheric matrix, a kind of grid. At the end of the experience, I perceived water flowing from a chalice located in my solar plexus, until I heard Francesc’s voice say: ‟End of the experience” as a final, very high jet came out of the chalice.
All these amazing sensations I truly and genuinely perceived during the course with Francesc CELMA, an authentic Shaman. I hope I will keep him in my heart and go as far as I can.

Sito (forum’s pseudo)

I attended the course in the Matarrana area and was enchanted by the experience.
 Straight away, I felt that the place was really suited for working with energies, with varied locations of unique character, filled with an energy that was soft and impressive at the same time. I noticed a similarity with the energy produced by the group at work: it was at the same time soft and impressive. Never had I worked so well and so much in a course in shamanism. My energy levels were at the highest and that allowed me to work even more.

The work dynamics were intense and productive. Francesc’s generosity, the ability and the harmony of the group, the involvement of the participants and the quality of the energy of the location all participated to that synergy.
The sounds (the music of the forest) and the smells of the place were simply exceptional, with a multitude of pleasant nuances (thyme, rosemary, camomile, the sound of the wind and the birdsongs during the exercises, the sound of the small waterfall, etc.)
The experiments and the explanations of the exercises seemed coherent to me, balanced and structured enough for me to be able to continue working by myself, without depending on a teacher. I must thank Francesc for that.
I must also thank all the persons who attended the course and those who have organized it.

Victor Carral

Report on the course in Naturo-Phosphenology.
Fascinating. We went to the ‟Crystal Caves”, an impressive experience that charged us with strength and vitality.
 Exercise: on a rock, the observation of the aura of the countryside.
Experience: spontaneous regression, more than 50 ants climbing on my feet. Images in which I saw myself taking an initiatory trial in a forest, aged 10, my body covered in honey and insects. I did not pass the test. That experience might explain why, until now, I have been always been scared by the ‟critters” in the countryside.
Descent into the tomb of the druid and exercise: in a recess of the rock wall; I have seen the sediments of the rock appear and disappear while my consciousness was being united to the location.
 I transfered myself inside the rocks, felt the water within me and, when I realized what was happening, I was watching our planet from space…

Exercise of projection the double from the navel. We were supposed to enter the oak and then go up from its roots to its top.
When I entered the trunk, there was a leprechaun with a hat that resembled the cap of an acorn. The visible parts of its face and its hands were pale and luminous. Dressed in green and brownish-red, it led me to the roots and took me to the top of the tree. From up there, I saw little fairies with wings, pointed ears, of a brownish color that reminded me of acorns, as well as other beings that were clinging to the bark.
Between the roots a dwarf appeared and, a little bit further away, an entire family of dwarves that observed me and analyzed me. Their skin was coarse like the bark of the tree. From there I saw soil and water transforming into nourishment for the tree. I then understood what richness was.
It was very difficult to come back once the experience was finished.
I will eternally thank the group with whom I shared joy, happiness, jokes, anecdotes, food, water and energy.
And also Francesc who conducted a magnificent course during which he gave so much.

Mara Eslelles

It is marvelous to be able to share this Naturo-Phosphenology course with you. During the exercise, we were invited to watch the sun set, a few minutes before it disappeared. Once it had disappeared, it manifested itself to me in the form of a bright phosphene that I felt within me for a long time. I united myself to the sun, experiencing magic and joy. It was marvelous.
When I was in the cave, I received energy from the whole group and that came as a surprise. It was as if I understood the meaning of my existence on this planet.
I abandoned myself to the exercise, there was a great inner silence. After the phosphene, I became connected to an energy, white, yellow and ochre. Where there was only emptiness, I observed peace and serenity, it was magical.

As soon as we arrived near the tree, I was astounded. I had never seen such a tree, its large diameter surprised me. After a while, communication was established between us and the tree and it suddenly started to offer us its energies.
It is true that when an entire group enters such a state of consciousness, the result is wonderful.
I asked the tree to give me a sign and, like a gift, a leaf fell on me.
When we had finished the exercise, I realized that my soul (consciousness) had entered the tree with much ease. After we had finished practicing the exercises of mantras and head sways, I remained calm, satisfied and pleasantly surprised.
In the chapel, the sensations were so intense that I had goosebumps, I was deeply moved. A moment later, I recovered peace and serenity. There were so many converging forces that it seemed that we were inside a volcano. Once the exercise was over, I felt cheerfulness, joy, peace and happiness.
The experiment with water was great. I believe that, with Francesc’s guidelines, everything became simple and magical. I had the impression that, while I was contemplating the water, listening to its lapping and practicing phosphenic exercises, I felt a deeper calm than I had ever experienced before, even during my deepest experiences of relaxation.
Once the workshop was over, a powerful energy seized me and I found my power animal. I do not have any doubt about what I experienced and I am sure that the memory will help me overcome difficult moments.
I remained totally still for a while, I could not lift my hands nor my arms. I was totally paralyzed, filled with peace and light. It was powerful and rewarding. After that great week-end, I went back to my active life with much more vitality. I feel light, happy and satisfied. I would like to thank you for your participation and thank Francesc in particular, for allowing me to realize such an experience. Thanks again.

Charo Lopez

For me, the most important moment was the meditation in the cave, during which I realized that our etheric body can grow alongside the etheric body of the Earth, in a mutual and reciprocal influence.
I cannot forget Oscar (the name we gave to the tree). I admire trees. They give everything without asking for anything in return. Energy, peace, serenity, wisdom… I enjoyed Francesc’s meditation, integrated with Oscar, he is such a good teacher!
I thank Francesc, Dani, Alfons and Meki for organizing the course. This is far beyond the other meditation retreats that are on offer… Work is hard, following closely the techniques of Phosphenism, but tremendous results are obtained. On a practical level, I could say that a three-day course has recharged our “batteries” more than a month of holidays. There is no sectarian ideology, nothing of the sort. I would like to express my thanks to all those who have participated to the course. You all have offered me authentic pearls of wisdom.
As for my wife, she went through a complete transformation. I can see her eyes shining, showing all her inner strength. She is very enthusiastic. For her and me both, there will be a before and an after.


What a surprise! I was laying down, my head in the direction of the river and, within a few seconds, I obtained a superb experience: I perceived the etheric matrix, the connection between all things. I perceived something like a dense whitish body coming out of my head, sliding towards the river. I then saw a small ‟slit” in the shape of an eye that progressively widened. When I set my foot on ‟the other side”, I saw an admirable world where nature did not appear as a matrix divided in black and white squares, but as a blooming of colors. It was not a detailed vision, but it had a similar perspective as if I was on the top of a mountain where I could see birds flying. The whole scene was bathed in beauty, impressive and colored.
As the experience went on, my attention stopped on my solar plexus. An enormous crystal of quartz appeared in its center. The crystal seemed larger and was filled with light. I felt a sensation of power. The force of the water element manifested itself in my plexus as swirls, like water being drained.
I also felt the pulse of the earth entering in resonance with my body.
Searching for the tree of power allowed me to perceive a manifestation of a force of nature. That was one more step taken on the path of illumination, thanks to the phosphenic rhythms.


When I was a child, I used to go fishing with my father. I used to love watching the reflection of the sun on water. Then, I would lay down in the grass and try to perceive shapes in the clouds.
There were no limits to my imagination, I was dreaming every night. I was creative and I used to obtain in my mind everything that I could not have materially (at least that was what I believed). I used to dance and sing and create my own shows. I was putting on incredible stages and choreographies, with costumes full of colors. I did not grow up like the other kids in high school, I was different…
Once I became an adult, again I started to see lights dancing in front of my eyes. There were lights everywhere and, one day, while I was watching the sun, it ‟talked” to me. A grand mandala formed in front of me, something beyond the imagination of a human being; all was shapes, light and color, a multitude of planes superposed over each other. Then, something happened and I had an out-of-body experience. When that fantastic experience took place, I became part of the entire environment. I knew that it was not a dream, that it was not the fruit of my imagination, that it had been for real, that there was another way to see things, another reality.
I tried to comprehend these phenomena without success but, one day, I read that a French physician had conducted research on the various phenomena perceived by human beings and had found that they all had something in common: ‟light and the sun”. He had created a technique called ‟Phosphenism”.
That is how I met Francesc CELMA, and his course was a revelation that allowed me to understand.
Thanks to everyone for letting me in your personal space. It was marvelous.
Thank you Francesc for your work, your implication and your patience.


The cohesion of the group was admirable. Everyone taught me something and I must express my gratitude.
It is not easy to assimilate the reality of the experiences produced by the phosphenic exercises, but I am flabbergasted by the manner in which the universe communicates its energy to us when we have harmony and rhythm in our mind.
In the cave, the earth revealed all its power, the opening of the universe through 4 great vectors.


For the first time, I have attended a course in Phosphenism in Nature. That is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. It was an extraordinary, unique experience that does not resemble anything that I have experienced before.
We were in the Matarrana area of Spain. What took place there was very different from what could have been realized in a city. Nature was the main protagonist, she welcomed us, allowed us to use her and offered her best gifts to us: clear weather, a soft ambience, trees, birds, butterflies, the almost full moon that was sharing the sky with the sun while we were climbing down from the cave.
It took more time for us to climb down than to climb up. We stopped every three steps to contemplate the scenery, calling each other out: ‟look at the moon”, ‟watch the light”, ‟have you noticed those butterflies?”, etc.
The beauty of the Matarrana area made me come to the conclusion that we need to approach nature with a different intention and with care.
What can I say about the caves? During our journey, we made a stop in the ‟Crystal” cave and that was admirable. The dampness and the absolute darkness allowed us to feel something within us that we had never experienced before: our Voice, our path in Life. I do not know if it was the location that provided it for us.
My ears are not trained for music and my voice is quite common. But, little by little, I have managed to produce the sound OM with my throat and joined the rest of the group without feeling too self-conscious. When we came out of the cave, during the entire day, I had the impression, then the certainty, that I had found the stone of power. It resembled a beautiful diamond, endowed with a soft blue light, that I saw rise in a helicoidal fashion. After perceiving mother earth from the inside, I had the sensation that she was within me, in the shape of a network of millions of tree roots.
While I was laying down, a current of energy and a jet of light came out of that place, reaching me like a ray. It remained for a while. I could see it clearly, like the trees or the stones.
Sharing these unforgettable days with you made me extremely happy.
A great THANK YOU to Francesc for the quality of the course.


‟La coveta de l’Aigua” is a cave that is located in a mountain known as ‟Mas de Pau” in the county of Fuentespalda. It is situated at an altitude of approximately 800 meters above sea level, and at a depth of roughly 100 meters. Within it, there are various rooms along a 700 meters path. In the cave, the temperature is approximately 10 degrees with a humidity level of 90%. We practiced Phosphenism in this admirable and powerful location. We wore warm clothing, though the outside temperature was over 30°C.
We practiced exercises of Phosphenism. We were sending phosphenic rhythms in the direction of the solar plexus of a passive person, in an atmosphere of absolute darkness.
The group was singing ‟OM” and everyone was performing head sways. The workshop lasted for four hours, during which the force of the Earth progressively manifested itself within me, in the zone of the perineum, in the solar plexus and the cardiac plexus. The accumulation of rhythms and the power of the location granted me an unusual strength. The sound of the mantra seemed not only to come from the depths of my body, but from the earth itself.
As the exercise was unfolding, the sensation of personal power was increasing. It was as if an energy that had been asleep for a long time at the base of my spine had been awakened. A symbiosis was produced, a close relationship between the earth and my body. Something like a physical correspondence between the material cave where we were practicing and the ‟hole” in which the energy of Kundalini is coiled.
The same day, in the afternoon, following the exercise in the cave, I felt something like a dense and whitish body that came out of the top of my head and slid towards the river. What came out of my head was like the double of my body, filled with light.
The same evening, when the full moon appeared and we were still practicing in the hermitage of San Pedro, my body started to sway spontaneously with movements that resembled a love dance. I felt well, an ascending sinusoidal movement was running through my body, rising from the base of my spine to the top of my head. I was feeling a spiral movement within me. After a few minutes, it seemed that an enormous amount of energy was coming out of my skull…
An intense dot of light appeared in front of me. I had a feeling that its purpose was to demonstrate its power to me… Suddenly, the light that was in front of me moved within me. My body was groping its way along and I had the sensation that I could see in the dark. Not with my physical eyes, but with the energy that was within me. At the same time I was moving, I was emitting a sound, as if the energy of the light wanted to demonstrate its force and its power.
Once the session was finished, I was shaken by a feeling that I could not describe nor qualify… Something within me had changed. There is physical evidence of that: I feel stronger and, curiously, more flexible. I believe that many blocks have been released and that my body has acquired more motivity. The energy seems to have unjammed very deep things engraved in my body.


I started to project the mantra OM with so much intensity that I saw a patch of light appear on the cave wall. The remainder of the group was following me, rhythmically and sonically. I was feeling happy. But, when the exercise had just finished, I was in for a surprise: I noticed that my legs were trembling at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second. That is when Kundalini started rising. It was admirable.
From that lesson, I drew the following conclusion: if you let yourself be drawn into the rhythms (thoughts, ideas…) of other people or groups of people (fashion, politics, etc.) you lose your individuality and start acting like the rest of the group.
By yourself, you can reestablish your own rhythm and vibration and become a complete individual. The persons around you will have to vibrate at the same rhythm as you. For me, that has consequences in everyday life.
Francesc called that exercise the ‟synchronization of implosive personalities”. Anyone can accelerate their rhythm and their vibrations until they become an explosive personality. Is it for the best? For me it is, as one stops depending on others, stops attracting people with a low vibratory level, and starts moving on up (that might be slightly abstract, but those who can will understand).
Francesc said: ‟one needs to build a strong mental structure in order to be able to work without obstruction.” That is the secret: a high vibratory level and the connection with our mother earth. Connecting our navel to the Earth can take our ‟soul” to Heaven. Man is full of weaknesses: certain words can destabilize, a gesture can awaken anger, a simple look can provoke mistrust. All things can become unstable. That does not affect those who have strong roots and a fast vibration.
Perceiving the energy of the trees was magical, shapes, sounds, colors… I was enchanted.
It was also surprising to see the faces of the participants and their transformations after they had experiences.


Just a moment after we started practicing vertical head sways, I felt the presence of beings moving around me, something not unlike the public transports during rush hour or a crowd coming out of a football match. It was a powerful sensation.
Then, I perceived several beings, of a greenish color, and I felt the accumulated power of all the exercises we had practiced.
During the exercise of ‟seeing without looking”, I perceived nature’s etheric matrix. The entire forest moved as a single unit and, at the same time, a being was swaying behind a tree, alternatively showing and hiding itself, following the rhythm of nature.
– The exercise of the animal of power: during my role as an active inducer, I saw the triskel appear several times, as well as reversed mathematical symbols and several types of crosses. Then, I invoked my animal of power and it appeared.
– The exercise of the stone of power: during my role as a passive receiver, I perceived something that I cannot describe with precision. It was whether a piece of coal or a tourmaline and, next to it, two tear-shaped blue crystals.
Then, I saw a column of light and a very thin swirl that was coming out of my navel. Then, I saw many lights and said to myself: ‟What is Francesc doing with the lamp?”.
In the light, I saw a fairy. Her wings, her golden face, she was magnificent. Her eyes were wide open. I was fully conscious of what I was perceiving.
The sensations I experienced during the course were extraordinary. Thanks to Francesc for sowing the seed of Phosphenism in Spain. Thanks to Dr Lefebure, who would have deserved to obtain the Nobel Prize.


How can the spirit be tamed? Thousands of philosophical treaties have been written about mystical experiences, some of them describing a reality, the others relating fantasies. Thousands more will be written: reflections crystallized on paper in an attempt to find the answer to the greatest of all questions. As for me, I have found my own answer: practicing Phosphenism.
The primitive memory of our human essence has set me on a search for the extraordinary. I have always wanted to understand the substance of human beings and the mystery of their union with nature, in order to understand why we experience such fascination and beauty. In a sudden fervor, I participated, without expecting anything, to the course of naturo-phosphenology organized by the School of Phosphenism, in the heart of the Matarrana region of Spain. I felt attracted to that teaching, seeking a personal experience that would later have an influence on my everyday life.
When you cross the border of the Matarrana area, you are invited to abandon yourself in its dense green arms. The surprising scenery wraps you in joy until you let go completely. That location welcomed us and allowed us to vibrate in unison with an ancient, powerful and effervescent enclave of energy; a pool of peace that invites you to merge with its magic, its beauty and its secrets, so that step by step, sensations and smells, wind and humidity, tame the spirit, understanding the miracle of life.
The ruins of the hermitages, scattered everywhere in a sepulchral silence, unveil and whisper the glorious and forgotten secrets; inciting you to discover the latter with the eyes of your soul, to touch the particular energies confined in the rocks of a past in fusion. It seems difficult to discover nature in just four days and to unify yourself with the four primary elements of life; but, accompanied by Francesc in a masterly fashion, it becomes possible. I discovered the sweet embrace of the air on my mouth, I flew without wings at the rhythm of my heartbeat. I danced with the wild fire and I burnt without flames in the spiral rhythms of life. I enjoyed with relish the humidity of the depths of the earth, following the beat of the drums of the Universe. Speechless, in a guttural moan produced by the surprising spectacle of life, unveiled in front of me.
The enchantment ended by an immense explosion of sparks of light produced by my brain. I was at the same time the actress and the spectator of my own ecstasy, the rise of the energy of Kundalini.
A powerful experience that fills me with joy day after day, satisfying my love, my life and my heart with smiles. It has allowed me to perceive, in a brilliant, fleeting moment what is concealed behind my eyes.
The teacher showed us the way. Nature opened its arms. We were allowed to touch fire, earth, air and water with the one and only essence that we truly are: Love, powerful, fragile and true. It is now up to us to protect, cultivate and evaluate what we have discovered during this march towards knowledge and to tame the wild horses of the mind. Thanks to all the persons who participated to that union.

Adriana S.

On the first day, I had an experience in which I was a monk. I was holding a small bottle containing a liquid in my right hand. I poured the liquid on an altar while moving around it. It was night-time and there was a magnificent moon. I do not know if I was performing some type of ceremony or invocation.
On the second day, I saw a kind of nymph of nature, she was trying to hide her head between the trees and was showing her face every now and then. I do not know if she was the protector of the place.
In the afternoon, in the cave of Magdalena, I had the successive vision of five animals: a wolf-dog, a wolf of the steppes, a bear, a leopard and a shark. I also saw the image of a shaman with his face painted in blue and white. He was moving like an animal. I also heard voices, but I could not distinguish what they were saying. I felt that I had lots of energy.
The next day, during one of the sessions, I saw a being of light…
I also found out that my tree of power was the fir, I connected to it and it made me feel its ‟immobility”.
In the hermitage of San Pedro, I noticed that there was an impressive energy. I felt a spiral around my navel, the second chakra. Later, I noticed that my fourth chakra was rotating very quickly. That was a fantastic sensation… Thanks again to everyone.


During the rhythmo-phosphenic exercises, my heart was vibrating at the rhythm of the sun. I could feel it pulsating and my heart was in complete harmony with it. There was a perfect synchronization and it was very rewarding. At the end of the exercise, I felt happy and satisfied.
Early saturday morning, we went to an old convent to practice. We practiced head sways while repeating the mantra OM. I saw the aura of the trees as well as the energies that connected them to each other. They appeared as a dense web, all the trees were united and interwoven by lines of energy. It was surprising to discover how the world can be perceived when one enjoys a higher state of consciousness. The trees had a much brighter color. After that workshop, I was much more sensitive to all the tiniest changes. I perceived nature with a greater vitality, strength and beauty.
In the afternoon, we climbed up to the cave. There, we practiced static tensions. I let myself go completely into these exercises. I could feel an enormous amount of energy within me, there was much clarity and there was a force that allowed me to send it to my companions, who received it. There were moments when there was so much energy that I could feel the cave and the ground move. As we were reaching the end of the exercise, I had so much energy that I was close to a state of ecstasy. Everything was admirable and fantastic. I did not need to practice any more as I was already full of joy.
On Sunday, in the Water cave, the group went into interconnection. A moment after we started working, without anyone asking us to, we repeated the mantra. It was coming out by itself from the depths of our selves.
There were two very special moments: I felt a profound peace. My body was totally still and connected to the earth. I could feel the Force of all the group, it was so rewarding that I was overcome by tears, then by laughter. I wanted to be profoundly grateful to the universe, to the earth. I experienced a superb communion. My deepest thanks to Francesc, thank you all.


I do not want to go too much into detail, as the experiences are very personal. They are connected to each person’s path in life. As a whole, the experience was very positive, intense and enriching. The locations where we practiced the exercises were chosen very well and very well prepared. We had the luxury of having the keys to the cave and to the chapel and to have as much time as we wanted in these places.
About the exercises proper, the first session was easy going. We charged our batteries by synchronizing and connecting ourselves energetically. I perceived the etheric matrix clearly.
The search for the animal of power was a complete success, an imperial eagle now accompanies me. It merged with me in the hermitage in the mountain and we spread our wings together. That was quite an experience.
The stone of power: an admirable smoked crystal presented itself in front of my eyes and I could “see” through it… the cave was full of energy.
The Kundalini session at the Hermitage was very intense.
Many thanks to Francesc.


The experiences produced by the exercises of Phosphenism do not depend on personal predispositions, nor concrete situations, nor specific emotional or psychological states. The exercises simply produce the expected results when they are practiced properly, as described by the method. That is what I find the most surprising.
One must accept to let go and push their rational thinking aside.
I must recognize that it was complicated, at times, to focus only on the rhythm of thinking, whether purely because of physical fatigue or because of lapses in concentration. It helped to have so many different people around me (each with their unique charm, stories and intelligence), while enjoying a rewarding coexistence.
One sunny morning, a gentle breeze in the ‟Sanctuary of the Virgen de Gracia” allowed us to practice exercises of synchronization as well as experiments with the acouphene. We were listening to the air, the sounds of nature, while we were practicing vertical and lateral head sways. There, we united ourselves with Nature; we densified the rhythms of our thoughts in order to transmit them to the location around us. That was the exercise of ‟seeing without looking”. Mixing a dot of light with our thoughts: that apparently simple exercise requires intense concentration and much practice to make the most of it.
In the afternoon, we searched for our ‟animal of power”, by practicing exercises of static tensions, concentrating on the Solar Plexus of a person that acted as a ‟passive” receiver, helped by the fire element (the latter person was supposed to conjure up the image of fire in their Solar Plexus).
I witnessed spectacular phenomena that some persons from my group or the other groups experienced: a rise of energy accompanied by the famous Kundalini and the identification with one’s ‟animal of power”, a bear or a dolphin, for instance. A colleague even went back to the time of her ancestors…
Saint Magdalena is a venerable location that transfered us towards a magical world under the influence of the mantras and the harmonics.
The next day, we practiced exercises to find the ‟stone of light”. The size of cave in which we practiced was impressive, so were the silence and the water, pure and crystalline. We sat at the back of the cave and I became the first passive receptor of our group. I perceived a sinusoidal current of blue light that originated in my sacrum and rose along my spine.
I had to generate an important mental effort by concentrating very deeply on the exercise. I saw the stone of power, and even had the sensation that I touched it physically…
On the last day, after a night filled with an emotional charge due to the experiences of the day, we left to work with Oscar. It is a very old oak, enormous in size and powerful in energy. During physical contact with the oak, we transformed our navel into a vortex, where jets of energy converged, so that our etheric double would be interlocked with Oscar, transforming us into branches and roots. We were that noble wood for a moment.
Lunchtime, we ate in the Matarrana restaurant and, much to my regret, the course was finished. We said goodbye to each other, certain that we would renew the experience with a much greater drive to continue learning and practicing.

Pedro N.

Two days before the course, I felt a bit nervous, I could barely sleep, I was prey to a thousand doubts… I wondered if I would be able to experience some of the amazing things that were related by the others. It is difficult for me to see and hear these ‟things”. I read in the ‟Naturo-Fosfenologia” magazine an experience that seemed so intense that I decided to put the magazine aside and read no more.
I wanted to get there with a clean subconscious, without any information or suggestion.
When I arrived, I discovered a very pretty village in which I felt very well. I started meeting my companions who greeted me, I was happy.
The same day, we climbed to the top of the village. Francesc presented the schedule of the course to the group. The place was magical, with a magnificent sunset. There, we practiced a breathing exercise of pneumophene. It was unbelievable, when I breathed out, I could feel my entire chest moving forwards…
Then, we practiced an exercise of ‟sonic vision” with the forest. It was marvelous, you could see beyond what you can usually see when you go into a forest. The scenery was changing.
In the cave, there was a very strong energy. We formed groups. I decided to take the role of passive receiver, and that was an unbelievable experience.
At a certain moment, I do not remember when, I saw two large, beautiful slanted eyes in my field of vision. It reminded me of the patterns on the peacock feathers. Then, I felt as if a muscle of my left leg was moving spontaneously and that attracted my attention. In quick succession, I felt several sensations: my hip moved for a few seconds, my right hand started to move by itself. I took care not to interrupt these sensations.
I was not afraid and I let myself go. I felt my entire body moving, it is a rather difficult thing to describe. Every time, the rhythm was faster. I felt a grand sensation in my lower abdomen, a rising column of intense white light, as if the gates of a dam were being opened. That made me shout, a long and loud yell…
I felt that useless things were being taken away, that it was cleansing time. I could feel Francesc pulling me, it was a comforting sensation. Ten years ago, I had undergone hip surgery, consecutive to an accident. I thought it had healed, but, during the course, I realized that it had not. As the exercise was finishing, I was feeling like a different person, lighter and happier. I was surprised, as I thought that such things could not happen to me.
The next day, we went to the ‟caves”. The very entrance was impressive, there was much pleasant energy enveloping us. The group I worked with was unbelievable.
Before we started searching for the stone of power, I noticed that our mantras were harmonized to such an extend that it sounded as if we had been practicing together for years.
I felt that my head was sinking while being supported by hundreds of ‟white bubbles”. Then, I saw the inside of a gigantic cave with celestial structures and a crystal of quartz.
Then, with my eyes open, I saw a pale blue light appear several times… That was pleasant.
Then, we worked again with the pneumophene, the object of that breathing exercise was to feel a swirl on our navel, where our tree of power would be born. I think we all achieved that objective.
During the night of the full moon, we went to an hermitage. There, we did a workshop of rhythmic meditation to make the energy rise from our feet to our head. The results were impressive.
On the monday, we met Oscar, the great tree. Impressive! Francesc conducted a very powerful meditation during which we formed our etheric double. We moved inside the tree. What a sensation! I felt that I was stretched like chewing gum, entangling myself with Oscar’s roots. I sinked into the earth and I perceived the same things that I saw in the black caves, as if I was looking from a balcony.
That was a very subtle though very intense workshop. I felt part of a whole, it was very peculiar. I felt lots of love for everything.
I would like to reemphasize the conviviality and the cheerfulness of the group.
Thanks to everyone, and to Francesc in particular. He is great!


The fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty.
I used to be a woman. Not any more, as I now am a spouse, a mother, a listener, as well as an organized housewife, multitasking without logistic support, a woman like so many others…
One day, I was running from one chore to the next and I heard my husband speaking calmly on the phone: ‟I would do anything to be able to go to the Matarrana”. That made me feel bitter, as I had never heard him say something like that about our son or about me, or anything else for that matter.
I breathed deeply, and, over the days, I got the idea to accompany him there. I could not understand how a person like him could express such an emotion in a loud voice. I was intrigued.
On the day of departure, I really wondered where we were going, what we were going to do, and with whom.
We finally arrived and things got clearer. I was the only person who did not expect nor perceive anything: a sleeping princess.
Time stops in the Matarrana. River Matarrana pushes us forwards: it is a time for watching the sun with the eyes of the soul, flying with the wind, bathing in the waters of the river, kissing the earth and feel its womb.
The Matarrana is not magic nor a miracle, it is a collective effort, it is personal work accompanied by a guide, Francesc, who shows the way with subtlety.
The Matarrana is not an end in itself. It is a principle and I have awoken.
Once the course of Phosphenism was over, my stone of power appeared. I obtained it thanks to the meditation process in the caves.
Thanks to every one of you, I received something sweet.
My deepest admiration goes to Francesc for his work and his impeccable course that gave me a new outlook on Life.


TESTIMONIES 07: Special Internships #1



Extracts from our GUEST BOOK

During a workshop, I was sitting in the middle of two rows of persons who were practicing rhythmo-phosphenic exercises in alternation. Suddenly, I found myself in the cosmos with the sensation that I was a point of light in the center of the universe with an expanded consciousness.
I then understood that I was constantly united to the entire creation.
Thanks to Dr Lefebure.

Alain L. G.

We were in a phosphenic telepathy workshop, and there was an odd number of persons. I asked Mr Stiennon if I could work with him because I was without a partner. He accepted and I placed myself facing him. We were seated on chairs facing one another. In this workshop, I was the receiver and he was the transmitter. I had barely put on the eye-band and closed my eyes when I felt a very strong vibration throughout my entire physical body, or my etheric body, it was hard to tell which. I really do not know how to describe what happened. But what I can say is that it was really very powerful.
Then I found myself floating above my body, and from above I could see myself sitting on the chair. An instant later, I found myself in the sky, swept up in a swirling movement. The sensations and perceptions were much clearer and stronger than those obtained using the rotating seat used to produce a gyrophene. The users of the Phosphenic Machine will understand what I am talking about. It was really very impressive. One very big thank you Mr Stiennon for this unforgettable moment.

Patricia D.

I have participated in numerous training courses in the domain of personal fulfilment and spiritual development, but I have to admit that the Phosphenism training course I participated in is one of the best I have ever taken part in.

P. L. R.

I had a very pleasant stay in this location where the training course was located, far from the excitement of modern day life. The courses took place in a very nice atmosphere. I was able to learn to use phosphenes thanks to the numerous exercises proposed. And I am now leaving filled with a new energy, completely rested, and my ‟head” free from cares! A really pleasant sensation. With this method, I have finally found the most powerful tool for personal fulfilment. I am convinced of it!!! Thanks to all, without forgetting Naïma and Alain for their great kindness and availability.


I have spent a pleasant week. Naïma and Alain are very welcoming persons and extremely efficient. They are there to take care of the smallest problems of a practical nature. As for Daniel and Gilles, it was a pleasure to meet you. You are fascinating persons and you have the gift of being able to pass on your passion for Phosphenism, especially for me as a beginner. In this harbour of peace I found a well of knowledge. If you wish to experience a moment rich in emotion and sharing, you should turn to Phosphenism.

Jean-Michel L.

It is so pleasant to work surrounded by nature. I cannot say what I was most enthused by. I shall need many days to completely assimilate, digest everything. Gilles – quite amazing from the start, unconventional, spontaneous and authentic – knows very well how to get the messages to pass. I like his educational teaching centered on practical applications. As I am not intellectual, it suited me and it was easy for me to follow.
Four transmitters turned around me, in rhythm, stamping on the ground with their feet. The rotation was done in a counter-clockwise direction. Suddenly, I found myself transported to an Amerindian tribe. This dance turning in a circle and stamping on a rhythm of 2 seconds is ‟big medicine”. Done in a clockwise direction, it cures the hot diseases; in the opposite direction, it cures cold diseases. I lived in this tribe and I was initiated into these curative dances by the ‟Grandfather” shaman and the whole tribe. I also liked the experience with the totem-animals very much. Gilles has a heart of gold and a true respect for nature and humanity. It is important to have teachers whose energies allow us to evolve.

Veronique M.

Thank you Daniel, Naïma, Gilles and Alain for your warm and attentive welcome. Thank you for letting us live this experience. My congratulations on the quality of the meals. The training course with Gilles gave me the opportunity to live through the experience of Prometheus (which I did not previously know)! … … I feel rebalanced, and naturally, I hope to participate in other ‟adventures”. My only regret is that I did not discover Phosphenism sooner.

Fabien L.

I greatly appreciated the energies of Bruno, who knew how to create a particularly warm atmosphere. During this training course, I learned an enormous amount about the rhythms. I sensed a great respect for individual differences, which allows me to continue to practice with a rather subtle palette of exercises.
I appreciated the persons who trained the group. It has been very enriching. As for the infrastructure, thank you, Daniel, for allowing all of this to exist.
Congratulations to Youssef and Hamza for their mastery in the preparation and serving of the meals.


A wealth of experiences outside, using ‟solar” phosphenes which I appreciated very much. The work done in a group, in particular using mantras, was an intense moment. I also greatly appreciated the use of rhythmic music with phosphenes which was an experience approaching a form of ‟initiatory trance”. The night-session was also very enjoyable, as well as the exercises for stimulating the awareness of intellectual rhythms. The pneumophene, which I had forgotten a bit since last year, seems to be one of the indispensable complementary tools for me.

Serge F.

I was very happy to camp, and also very happy to make the acquaintance of our teacher Gilles, who allowed me to discover his druidic culture, as well as his good temper. The food was very good. This stay was like a holiday and it allowed me to recharge my batteries. And especially, it permitted me to meet other participants who nearly all had riches of knowledge and with whom I exchanged multitudes of information. Concerning the workshops, it was very pleasant to participate in them outside, in nature. When I arrived, I had very little practice in Phosphenism. I would like to do exercises daily at home so as to continue the work that we did. I had some beautiful experiences, and beautiful dreams that allowed me to understand certain things about myself. A big thank you to Gilles, Alain, Naïma and Daniel.

Pascal C.

Pleasant atmosphere. Very good quality of the participants in the training course, and the energy generated from the very first day completely boosted my energy.
The most striking experience: I found myself with an extremely strong sensation at the level of the hara (丹田 dāntián (hypogastria) in Chinese, hara ou seika tanden in Japanese), and in my spine (nerve centres) as if I were in an egg. I was transformed into a four-legged animal … And that is really something. Thanks to Gilles for this very beautiful experience and all the others. Thank you Daniel.

Monique K.

I am very happy and satisfied to have been able to participate in the Phosphenism Advanced Training Course. It is quite feasible to practice Phosphenism by oneself, using the books and CDs by Dr Lefebure and Daniel Stiennon as a base for study. Practice done with other persons at a given time, accelerates the results. The greater the number of persons practicing together, the more powerful it is. And also, attending a Phosphenism training course allows one to verify that the exercises are practiced correctly.
For example, yesterday I learned how to practice the powerful exercise of eye convergence correctly. I realized that I was not doing it the right way. I learned how to correct it and how to practice in an optimal way. One of the other benefits of this type of training course is an accelerated accumulation of rhythms. When you have 25 persons who project a rhythm of 1/6th of second on you, it is very powerful! And in addition, when Daniel Stiennon is among one of these persons and along with other very experienced Phosphenists, it increases the quality and the quantity of the rhythms that are transmitted even more. Having explained this, I was literally transported within myself by a powerful wave of energy. This type of exercise particularly allows one to gain time in months of practice, hence the great interest. For my part, it was after participating in a Phosphenism training course (the Basic Training Course) that I began practicing phosphenic techniques in a serious and regular manner.
This Advanced Training Course brought me a great amount of energy and enthusiasm; it allowed me to commit myself completely to following this path.


In spite of the exercises proposed, I spent the entire training course thinking only of the text written on Atlantis by Daniel STIENNON. A bit like an obsessive thought having for a backdrop ‟and what if Atlantis was a place hidden in our universe of dreams?” Two weeks after the training course, my efforts were rewarded. I spent the night visiting a city swallowed up by the sea. I was able to go from one place to another without having to inhale air, like a fish in the depths. I visited temples and buildings covered with coral and seaweed. I entered a building, whose age and period of construction I would be incapable of estimating, and I saw an altar where a flame was burning. I felt enticed by it, drawn towards the flame. The feeling inspired in me was very strong and I did not dare to go any further in the experience. I am going to start doing the lateral sway exercises again in order to strengthen myself and diminish my feelings of apprehension. Following this experience, I have the strong feeling that indeed all things are within us, and that ‟if you knock on the door, it will be opened”. Do the Phosphenic exercises and you will discover the universe that is within.
An immense thank you to Phosphenism.

Bernard F.

Regarding the organization, the infrastructure of the campsite and the meals, I think that everybody is unanimous in saying that it is perfect. Absolutely nothing to criticize. I appreciated the meals composed of slow-burning sugars at noon, like those adapted for sportsmen. They provided the energy necessary for undertaking all the afternoon exercises as well as the evening ones.
I had three professors who had three different styles. Bruno, very pedagogical, is ideal for someone who is a novice. Gilles, who offers an approach to Phosphenism in close relation to nature and the elements comprising it. His training course (Naturo-Phosphenology) is one to discover because he opens another dimension to us. And finally, Daniel STIENNON, who proposes an intensive course, if not to say Spartan, starting from the postulate that it is necessary to practice a great deal of rhythmic thinking (rhythmo-phosphenism) to obtain grandiose results.
I appreciated the three personalities, and especially Daniel STIENNON, because I feel without a doubt that only extensive practice with a bare minimum of explanations is the key that leads to experiences. Moreover, as he himself says: ‟In my training courses, I do not really appreciate those persons who come because they saw the light; there is enough information on the web site so that each person can understand the legitimacy of the works of Dr LEFEBURE without having to add to it. Living oneself an experience is the first thing that one should seek. But in our intellectualized world, we prefer above all bookish and intellectual knowledge.”
The intensive workshops allowed me to make my energy double denser, and this helps me to obtain more lucidity during sleep. On this matter, I completely share Daniel’s opinion on the notion of the lost paradise. I do think that the world of the sleep (the nocturnal world) can be incredibly rich in perceptions of all kinds. Finding oneself completely awake and conscious in a grandiose environment with ecstatic feelings, in a known or unknown environment, can only recall Genesis in Eden.
Each out of body experience, or astral travelling, can only strengthen our glorious body and allow us to anticipate what life after life could be, or at least this is what I think. The plunge into this universe of perceptions and sensations, beyond the pure sensation of the physical senses, is really an experience to be discovered. I am limited by the expression of this in words and I am unable to give a more precise description. And is it really useful after all?

Jean-Claude L.

Extraordinary to feel my forearms penetrate into the trunk of the tree.
Sitting with my back against a tree, the extraordinary feeling of being the master of the place, drawn into the tree with a maternal sweetness.
The extraordinary feeling coming from the ash tree which communicated its ill-being or its disease or other things. And the next day it appeared before me, asking me for help.
The extraordinary sensation of sinking into the ground to become almost one with the earth.
It was extraordinary to see through the eyes of a bear, to look at my snout and see my tongue licking my chops, watch a deer heading towards the forest, being followed by another four-legged animal, and then to see a bird of prey with a hooked beak and its claws getting ready to perch. Strangely, at the same moment Gilles pointed out to us that an eagle owl had perched above our heads and was watching us during the exercises.
With a piercing glance over the savannah, it was extraordinary to watch a herd of animals go by at full gallop.
These were the important moments in this training course. Difficult to forget them, they are engraved in my memory.

Jean-Gilbert L. G.

Before my arrival, I felt tired because of the multitude of daily, family and professional obligations; I really did not think I was in the best form for following a training course. But from the first morning, the exercises done in a group reactivated my energy and I was really able to enter into the experiences of each exercise with ease.
I am leaving in top form, rested and relaxed with many rhythms in my visual chaos. Thank you once again to Daniel, Naïma, Gilles, Alain, Thérèse, and to all of our friends from the training course.

Jean-Charles R.

During the training courses, I found peace and the mental calmness, and then I managed to see the internal light which, in my case, is an illumination of very yellow color and which permitted me to achieve the state of NIRVANA.

Jean P.

I must thank all the members of the Phosphenism team who I had not previously met, even though I have been practicing the method for ten years.
A particular thanks to Daniel for having preserved the works of Doctor LEFEBURE, with so many sacrifices on his part. Without his doggedness for spreading the method, I would have never come across it. And I would never have become the person that I am today. Phosphenism has developed my perception and my well-being in a rather extraordinary way, and yet it is far from being finished. It has allowed me find the path which I now consider to be mine.
Thank you also to Gilles for all his explanations concerning initiation and nature, Naïma for her good cooking and Alain who was always available and helpful.
This training course has allowed me to revise my method of functioning, develop further my techniques and discover new ones which should help me to make enormous progress.
A mass of experiences for the moment and a certainty concerning the rhythms created and many answers to my questions concerning my inability to let go.
I had a very good stay, we were well-received, the place was very calm, the showers and sanitary facilities were irreproachable, the food delicious, in brief no problem whatsoever. It was a very pleasant stay with a continuity that will be just as surprising regarding the incubation of the rhythms that were created in my double and which will continue to expand into small or large forms of experiences once I have returned to my everyday life.

François B.

A very warm reception at the campsite and in the school. Daniel put us at ease right away. It also was a great privilege to spend these first days with him as an instructor.
This training course was enriching: for the exercises that I did not previously know and equally for the rhythms which Daniel and Gilles introduced me to along with the other members of the group. I thus leave recharged in energy and full of rhythms that I will hopefully be able to maintain and multiply tenfold through daily and regular practice – and even more than before – on a solid basis.
Not so easy to let go, but it is just that. Contrary to all expectations, I was able to live through experiences where I least expected to find them. I was lying in wait for ‟my double” a bit too much!
I hope that we shall have the opportunity to meet again for a training course of force +++ or maybe one in the stars … Thanks to all the team, and particularly to Daniel and to Gilles.

Virginie P.

I appreciated this big family that we formed. I loved all these workshops in nature. I have a new feeling in my body, at the same time more anchored and more expanded.

Regine L.

In spite of my apprehensions, I had an out of body experience. I had the impression of becoming detached and lifting up out of my body starting from my feet, and then I found myself behind me. Good perception of the energy of the work groups and the need of a certain amount of time to adapt and enter into the energy.
I appreciated dynamics of Gilles and his contact with the elements of nature.
Thanks to all and to you Daniel.

Yane A.

The most intense and most interesting moment for me was the teaching of head sways which seem to be the most suited to me.
Training course to be advised for everyone, which really brings an extra something to life.


The most outstanding experience for me in the training course was the second day during an exercise on the transmission of rhythms where I was the receiver with 8 emitters who repeated OM. In 9 seconds, I was transformed into sponge. I felt my body become limp and like cotton wool, but the most pleasant part of this was the agreeable sensation accompanying this state.

Marie E.

There were several moments that I enjoyed very much, and in particular the mantra OM with 7 persons and 1 receiver in the center: a big white light appeared and I had the sensation of an opening in the crown chakra: very pleasant.
I also greatly appreciated the work using the fast rhythms in dancing: I felt several electric currents which were generated from the bottom of the spine accompanied by electric spasms.
I felt something similar during the vertical head sway exercises with the sound ‟ALLA” associated to the plant kingdom.
A feeling from the star VENUS: very high energy. Very happy to be present at this training course.

Jacqueline F.

I have always been attracted to the sciences of the mind. Having wandered lost for many years going in wrong directions, I discovered Phosphenism ‟by accident”, if I may say so. I am happy with this discovery, finally an initiatory practice without silly dogmas, no bizarre symbolism (…) Everything is so simple, we are not asked to believe, just to experiment. This is exactly what I need!
The explanations are simple, I bless Doctor Lefebure with all my heart.


Thanks to Daniel for saving Phosphenism from oblivion!
Thanks to Bruno for transmitting the information so well!
Thanks to Hamza and Yousef for the ever smiling service.
Thanks to the participants for their warmth, their open-mindedness, their friendliness.
Thanks to the sun and to the moon, too.
Many thanks to the Earth for being so beautiful!
I am going back home charged with positive energy after having lived beautiful experiences, determined to put this efficient new set of tools to good use.

Françoise K.

Having wanted to do a training course for several years, I was able to deeply appreciate the universal quality and the wealth of this teaching. The different approaches of the instructors emphasized the infinite possibilities of Phosphenism, addressing every being in his universality and uniqueness.
The techniques that were taught gave me the push to begin a regular job in the everyday life. The exchanges with the trainees from different backgrounds were also a part of this enrichment.
As for the material aspect of the organization, I have nothing to comment on, as nothing was missing, everything being thought out in best interest and comfort for all.
The campsite area is very peaceful, each person respecting the physical and ‟auditory” spaces of the others.
A big thank you to Daniel, Bruno, Gilles and to all the persons who helped in the organization, and thank you for a teaching which is priceless. I am certainly not yet fully aware of the importance it will play in my path on earth, but that is another story.
 In the light.

Christian C.

With the friendly atmosphere, watched over by our 2 guardian angels (adorable smiles and exemplary dedication) Hamza and Youssef, our little fairy Yasuko, the kindness of all the participants in the training course (and the beginning of new friendships), the warmth and the ability to listen on the part of the people in charge and the quality of the courses, I spent an unforgettable stay. I feel ready to continue to practice at home in order to go even farther.
When do you plan to schedule the training sessions closer together?
Thank you, thanks to everyone and to the ‟devas” of the premises.

Veronique A.

I lived through an exceptional moment; the training course went beyond my expectations. It allowed me to become aware of what phosphenic energy is and how to use it to progress in the different experiences.
A big thank you to Bruno for the quality of his teaching, his availability, his kindness and his love of Nature, and also to Daniel for his reception and for making sure that each person felt at home. The cheerfulness of everyone contributed to a very pleasant stay.
And above all, continue to organize other training courses.


Very good welcome when we arrived. The site is exceptionally well adapted for the practice of Phosphenism. The two cooks have always been considerate and available. The food is very organic and varied.
I was able to understand the different exercises, which would have been impossible for me without the course. Our trainer skillfully managed a group of 40 people. The rhythm was sustained without being oppressive, the pedagogy was excellent: nothing to complain about.
I was able to learn a multitude of small instructive details. The atmosphere was extraordinary.

J.-M. B.

Excellent temperature.
Good atmosphere, diversity of participants: personal enrichment in terms of relationships.
Very good egregore.
The work exceeded my expectations. I had extraordinary experiences thanks to the quality and work of my partners.
As for our instructor Gilles, he was great. A velvet paw in an iron glove, full of humour, passion, attention and ready to set everyone on the right path. THANK YOU.

Josyane F.

I was able to confirm certain intuitions, to rediscover my cosmic and terrestrial immensity. 
Thanks to the very warm welcome of Hamza, Youssef and Daniel.

Fabien L.

Organization: the plant guardians watch over our sleeping in tents.
An excellent idea for accommodation. The break with our previous rhythms is all the more profound. Strong stimulation with vegetal energy.
Simple, fresh food perfectly adapted to our needs and not to our whims.
Successful immersion in the middle of nature. The light in the heart, wonder to meet oneself in a dimension previously lived, and which by the phosphenic teaching finds all its meaning: RESONATE / REASON.
Sparkles in a mosaic of discoveries.
Plunge into the light, leave the dense, whirl in the subtle in order to get lost, to better meet there.
To go up in the infinite, like a vertigo of love, a palpitating drunkenness bathed in tears and laughter.
Practicing exercises to take home, and become your own athanor… Shamanism part, extraordinary freshness. To find the child in oneself and who fortunately will no longer be gagged.
Obvious charisma of Gilles! in contagious osmosis, which allowed me wonderful luminous sparkles in the essence of the vibration of life.


What happiness!
A rediscovery of others and myself.
A breath of light, a blue glow…


– Atmosphere of the internship: Cool, relaxed with a surprising quality of interns like last year. The diversity of horizons and origins allows a very enriching opening and sharing.
- Facilitator: With the same facilitator as last year, the course was very different. Congratulations.
I arrived completely emptied, I leave harmonized.
Thank you.


I acquired the Phosphenism material several years ago, and have been practicing irregularly. The opportunity presented itself to finally be able to do a training that gives the basis for a clear and methodical regular practice.
I appreciate the spirit of this “high level” training which remains outside of all subjectivity: no master, no guru, no proselytizing attempts. Carried by the energy of the group, each one discovers his or her own path and pursues it.
For me, a great motivation to continue on the path of Phosphenism and pursue my “personal development”.
Very good welcome and human warmth from Daniel and his team who remain at the same time very rich but simple people.
Thanks to the whole group too and to this diversity of sensitivities.
A very pleasant environment for a summer break, generous in various energies.
Thanks to Youssef and Hamza for their smile and their wide open heart… always available.
Thank you very much.


For those who read this message, know that it is like a bottle in the sea. A message that speaks of a place of peace, joy, spiritual experiences, ancestral practices, initiation and discovery of what man can be. But there is also good “food” with two excellent table keepers who are Youssef and Hamza. There is also Daniel the guardian of Dr. Lefebure’s work. The teachings are excellent and of great richness.
Know that this message can change your life, so like a bottle in the sea, imagine what you would do with such a message that arrives on your shore, what would you do? Me, I know… But it’s easier, I come from another shore.


Human son of light takes flight one week out of time and ageless.
In the sun, we have worked the stone that we will only have to polish.
The smiles of my hosts seasoned my meals.
Technical precisions have set benchmarks.
The laughter and jokes of friends punctuated the path of this week so long awaited.
Your smiles, your faces will remain in my heart.
Thank you.


While I was a novice, Daniel and his team were able to put me at ease with the practice of Phosphenism which is an art free of dogmas.
My internship took place in peace where I was surprised to see the diffuse glow and many images in myself.
I received teaching of a beautiful quality and the dialogues with the people of the workshop were beneficial to me.
I came to the workshop empty-handed and I left with a lot of energy… and a lot of heart.
No doubt… I found my way.
Thanks to Daniel.


The Phosphenism team offered us a high quality internship that was punctuated by strong moments in the field of practice as well as in the register of human relationships.
I became aware of the interaction of rhythms, human and natural… The trigger rather appeared during a pragmatic application adapted to today’s man.
On a much more personal level, I lived an intense experience of duplication during a “fast rhythms” workshop. A sumptuous setting, rhythms in profusion. An affordable instructor and a lot of humour. An excellent moment.
Daniel’s team, accompanied by Youssef and Hamza, provided the infrastructure and the subsistence necessary for the best course.
Many thanks !


The participants and the organizers of the course welcomed us well.
The Spaniards are very friendly.
The energy of the group and its accumulation was so intense that I managed to go one step further in the understanding of our universe and the cosmic planes.


– Immediate effects of the basic training course:
Dreams in much more vivid colors
A return back to memories through dreams
Much deeper sleep
Quicker reactions of the mind during action
An evident clarity of mind
An interior calmness that goes beyond the Ego. My thoughts are no longer scattered. I am able to think about what is essential.
For the results on a long term basis, I am waiting to see what follows with practice (sways + gyrascope).
– Concerning the training course:
Very nice family Atmosphere
Pleasant setting
A nice mixture of people from different ethnic backgrounds
A well-chosen place to work.

Enrik R.

I much appreciated starting the training course every morning with the use of the Alternophone, as well as the breathing exercises before the meals at noon and in the evening.
The first night: astral projection, astral travelling in the company of birds.
Good organization of the training course (Bravo, Bruno!). I sensed a great feeling of warmth and energy. An excellent idea to hold training courses on the weekend. This will help me to make progress (United we stand, divided we fall).

D. D.

My voyage into the unknown was fantastic. Between the warm welcome and the availability of Bruno and Daniel, in addition to the workshops spaced at an agreeable rhythm, I lived through magical moments rich in personal experiences. I loved being close to the ‟inhabitants” of the forest and Mother Nature.
I leave with my mind rested, filled with energy and good memories.
Very simply, THANK YOU.

Fabienne R.

I leave filled with the cheerfulness of the participants, the kindness and availability of the organizers.
I was able to attain the objective that I had set for myself: to understand the exercises so as to practice correctly by myself.
I became aware that I now need to do several months of regular practice to fully assimilate the rhythms. I am even more motivated because I now possess the tools necessary for effective practice.
Thank you to everyone.


You like phosphenes, nature, a simple and warm atmosphere; you need to go back to your roots, make important decisions and raise your energy level. I recommend ‟the Bastide”. Daniel and Naïma are outstanding hosts. You will not be able to resist their charm, the good cooking and their concern for the well-being of each person. This is not my first training course, and I am nevertheless amazed by the quality of my energy. My fatigue and my lack of motivation have disappeared. I leave filled with ideas, projects and a healthy appetite for everything that awaits me. I had stayed on the edge of the clearing, with the family tree and my ancestors. And there, I went beyond the concepts.
Thanks to Gilles for his powerful teaching, thanks to Daniel and Naïma for their reception; thanks to Alain for his availability and his expertise.


My point of departure: practicing Phosphenism for 8 months using:
Books in pack collection
16 CD Box set ‘The Courses of F. Lefebure’
16 CD Box set ‘Exercises’ by Daniel Stiennon.
The basic and advanced training courses allow one to verify that the exercises are done correctly.
The continued training course allows one to deepen the acquired knowledge and discover other techniques and complementary applications.
The numerous and interactive exchanges between trainees and instructor (+ Daniel) help one to better understand the various exercises and their effects.
Conclusion: these training courses answered my questions and also gave me the desire to pursue the practice of Phosphenism.
Thanks to Daniel and Bruno for the days spent in your company.

Gilles S.

Training course: 7 days on the path to equilibrium and liberation.
Relation: a link between the persons transcending ‟common” values, a fusion which is very free and respects the individual.
On a personal level: gradual awakenings which ended in a contact with guides during a workshop on fast rhythms. They told me ‟to go back down”, ‟to stay rooted”, that they ‟take care of” the sky.
My role is ‟to be” on Earth.

Alain I.

The genuine kindness of my hosts: Daniel, Bruno, Hamza, Youssef and their availability
The pertinent comments made by Daniel and Bruno
The repetition of the exercises
The strength of the group
The opening to contact with Nature.
At the end of training course I felt:
Internal strength, serenity, equilibrium, happiness.
Kisses and thank you.


My objective in enrolling in this training course was initially to experiment with new techniques of personal fulfilment in addition to furthering my search for spirituality. And I admit that I have found everything I had hoped for.
After 3 days of courses with Bruno, rhythmic thoughts associated to phosphenes no longer hold any secrets for me: an excellent preparation for the second training course.
Then, 4 days of workshops with Gilles and you leave transformed. The magic operated for me.
Deeply moving experiences in workshops on ancestral lineage. Lots of emotions, a feeling of love, beautiful and enriching exchanges among the participants.
The workshop about trees allowed me to meet my totem animal: a magnificent dolphin in violet-colored water that came and got me during a lucid dream, and took me into the starry sky.
Excellent organization.
Light but generous meals. Thanks to all of you for this excellent week and see you next year, no doubt.


A warm welcome, a home where the spring of light is crystal clear and cool and refreshing!
The vibration is grateful, it opened me to many perspectives, and the child within me is happy. Finally a reality which makes one dream!
With this training course, the light and the rhythm brought us together.
I lived through more experiences than I could have possibly imagined, with very nice guides brimming over with humour and love!
Thank you for your commitment to the work of Doctor Lefebure. You continue to shine, and a thousand thanks. What a beautiful climb to the heights!
Hoping to listen to you again so that the experience can be multiplied and be transmitted in the light!
A call: KEE! KEE! Full of energy!

B. D.

The Phosphenism training course furnished me with the keys allowing me to make the connection between my experiences and a new interpretation of the universe, much more rational. It also allowed me to comprehend the numerous lectures which I had studied and digested these past few years. Phosphenism is a door opening onto new experiences that are safer and healthier, a luminous philosophy of life which pushes one toward the understanding of extremely varied domains (science, nature, the universe, life).
For my part, the desire for developing Phosphenism is felt as a bigger and even higher accomplishment than that of the Master Peter Deunov. And that is why from the bottom of my heart I thank Daniel Stiennon and our two instructors (Gilles Gablain and Bruno Catala) for their patience and their teachings.
Keep on the same path and thank you once again!


Very nice welcome. Thank you for your help in putting up the tent.
The dining area is friendly.
– The first part of the courses with Bruno CATALA:
The instructor thoroughly masters his subject. The first part of the course allows one to find his marks in relation to phosphenic literature for those who have begun alone, and determine the work to be done.
– The second part of the training course with Gilles GABLAIN:
The instructor is intensely involved in what he does and shows us an approach which I personally consider to be very powerful and in real communion with the elements.

J. F.

I found this training course very well organized.
I quite appreciated the contents of two training courses. I now have a more complete view of the various tools available (lamp, alternophone, gyrascope) and the ways of using them.
I am going to use the alternophone which I bought to do the head sway exercises. With much interest, I am going to read the various sections of the forum.
I am going to use Phosphenism for continuing to learn Italian and also for practicing Qi Gong.
I like the principle of self-development and developing one’s own mental capacities using methods and rigorous principles like those of Doctor Lefebure.
It seems to me that Phosphenism arrives at just the right moment in my life to complete what I have done up to now.
I am going to enjoy doing the exercises of Doctor Lefebure.

Jacques L.

– Basic training course with Bruno:
I liked this first part a lot. A very clear, simple and well explained course which is completely adapted to my practical, pragmatic and rational side.
I was able to attain a certain level of consciousness, new experiences which were as interesting as they were surprising, and I have realized that there are much faster ways of evolving and developing other potential capacities which were up until now reserved for a select few.
– Continuous training course with Gilles:
Gilles is extraordinary in the way he tries to communicate his experiences to us and wants us also to be able to attain the same level that he has. The thing I loved was that he allowed me become conscious once again that Nature is as much alive as we are and it deserves respect.
I also appreciated his enthusiasm in taking us towards the doors of the unknown and in helping us go beyond our limits.
Today, I leave with another way of looking at life and with the idea that Humanity will be enlightened by the light of the phosphene.
The world and its beings bear this light and they have always carried it, even if it was hidden in darkness for centuries, or even millenniums. It will come back only more powerful, more brilliant and the beings in this light will then be ‟illuminated”, projected into ‟the next world”. So, other possibilities, other perspectives? Certainly.
Thanks to Daniel, Bruno, Gilles and especially to Doctor Lefebure.


Starting at the train station, the warm welcome facilitated meeting one another.
And the quality of the welcome continued during the entire stay.
I was very touched by all this discreet attention (the presence of Daniel for answering questions, giving information).
A return to nature, a return to my roots, a reopening of the book of origins.
I leave regenerated in the deepest part of myself, with the earth that was laboured, aerated and whose fruits I have yet to see.
I am learning the patience and the slowness that are necessary.
I really appreciated the two different energies of Bruno and Gilles.
Thank you for this first stage on the way to other horizons, and for the availability, the clarity.

Marie-France L.

– Reception:
Everyone is very friendly and available.
Daniel and his team show a lot of kindness and are very pleasant.
From the moment of my arrival, this contributed to creating good conditions.
– The organization:
Tents: very good and very practical.
Meals: very good, perfectly suited to the situation.
The price: very reasonable
The contents:
Basic Training:
In my opinion, this training course appears to be indispensable. In fact, in spite of the box set I had bought, I was not doing the movements correctly.
This training course is really very good. Now, I have only to put it into practice.
Continuing Training course:
I realize that I was lucky to meet Gilles. He is fascinating.
I did not have any major experiences, (or perhaps I was not aware of it), except the experience of breaking a chair with the ENERGY of Kundalini!
– Conclusion:
I am going to experiment with the sways.
I will come back for the continuing training course.
After this training session, I feel much calmer et more serene. I am very happy with this session.
Thank you to all the people involved in this training course.
See you soon.

Daniel B.

After practicing the exercises for 2 months, I have the undeniable feeling of having progressed during this training course.
In fact, for the first time, I was able to feel the ‟prana” within me in an intensive manner, and this was thanks to the group workshops.
The second experience that I had was based on the rhythms of the brain and in particular the rhythm of 1/6th of second.
These two experiences completely satisfied me and encourage me to progress.
A big bravo to Gilles for the enthusiasm which he puts into his teaching and thanks to you, Daniel, for allowing us to have access to these subtle worlds. You encourage me to follow this path.

Alexandre L.

To begin with, I am very very happy to have completed these two training courses (3 days of initiation and 4 days of continuous training). It makes me want to discover Phosphenism even more and to further my experiences in this domain.
The approach using Nature and Shamanism is what I can relate to the most, even though I liked Bruno’s teaching very much. The training course is very rich; we assimilated a great amount of information and knowledge.
In the ‟Continuing Training course”, I think that the fact that we remained in the same place for eating and sleeping is essential: not only for setting and keeping energetic dynamics, but also for the human relationships that are established.
I had encounters here that were enriching and interesting and even beyond that. It is a magnificent example of openness and human relationships.
The welcome that we received from everyone (Daniel, Bruno, Gilles, Youssef and Hamza) was very warm and pleasant. We feel completely at home here!
In any case, thanks to everyone for these very good and beautiful moments.

Noemie C.

Bravo for the organization of the training courses. They should be organized more often. They really give another dimension to Phosphenism.
I was able to have a first conscious experience and discover how to reach that point.
Thank you, the goal has been reached!
Bravo for the Teacher! He is excellent. Thanks to you, Daniel, Gilles and to all the members of the staff.


Even though I have practiced meditation for approximately 25 years, with the Phosphenism training courses I discovered diverse rich and varied techniques that quickly induce different states of consciousness.
The work done in a group is particularly interesting for observing the personal energy of each individual and for developing intuition and perceptions.
With simple explanations, understanding is within the reach of everyone.
Thank you Bruno and Gilles for everything, and also thanks to Daniel for the organization and for his availability.
Have a beautiful and safe journey in the light.


Man thanks to Gilles and all my companions who were in the workshop for allowing me to live unforgettable moments. Thanks for the experiences, the communion with rhythms, the energies, Divine Nature, and equally for the wealth and variety of human relationships, all reunited and following the same path, in the same direction: Phosphenism.
Many thanks to Daniel without whom these training courses would have never taken place, and thanks to Youssef and Hamza for their kindness and their smiles.


– Organization:
It is good and without constraints.
– Contents of the training course:
I came to the ‟seminar” without any à priori and in my opinion the content was coherent, interesting and fascinating.
The two instructors, Bruno and Gilles, led these training sessions with skill, enjoyment and cheerfulness.
All my thanks.
I leave enriched and I have decided to continue the training using all the means put at my disposal by your organization.


Very good general organization.
This new training course with Gilles allowed me to have another approach to Nature. I feel much closer to nature’s elements. I have always been fascinated by the beauty of Nature. Through Phosphenism, I am happy to have learned some exercises which unite me with Nature. I think that as much as possible, we should follow a continuous training course with each professor because Phosphenism is such a huge universe and the exercises can be infinite. Each professor has a different approach and a unique style of teaching. Gilles Gablain has a very strong personality, a strong character; every anecdote is told with such enthusiasm, such energy that we are immediately transported with him in the adventure.
I am happy at the idea of going to Paris soon to meet the other instructors.
I didn’t have the slightest experience, but I am not at all disappointed: that it will come later. For me, the important thing is to have understood the exercises and the essence of Phosphenism. I thank Daniel for his kindness and his presence. Gilles and Bruno are incredible, but you should come and meet them. (…) I could go on for a long time talking about the training course, but come and verify for yourself and it is certain that you will become aware of the other realities which escape us in our everyday life.

Jean-Michel B.

I am discovering Phosphenism.
I have been practicing techniques of consciousness expansion for two years and my attention was drawn to Daniel’s web site.
First of all, during these few days I discovered in Phosphenism a tool allowing one to attain different levels of consciousness. It is a tool that allows one to work alone or in group, keeping in mind that this is done in a structured manner.
I had the pleasure of meeting people here who, like myself, love Life and respect it.
Finally, the organization in the areas of transportation, accommodation, schedules and the instructors is very acceptable and completely satisfied me.
Ever yours.

Jean-Marie F.

I am very happy to have made the acquaintance of Gilles. Through the initiatory exercises and the workshops outside amid nature, he was able to make us perceive the rhythms, energies, and colors of life’s currents surrounding us.
Thanks to this, our existence has taken on a dimension which encourages me to persevere on the road to self-knowledge.
Thanks to Daniel for the reception and thanks for the attentive care from all the kitchen team.

Alain L.

The training course with Gilles was high-quality: the links to African Shamanism contributed to a better understanding of the rhythmo-phosphenic system.
Workshops in the forest have reconnected me with the forces of Nature.
I leave with a feeling of very deep connection to our origins, the mythical pond into which, as woman, I must cast my reason!
Magnificent, very intense.
Thanks to Gilles, and to Daniel who allows these training courses to exist.

T. L.

Gilles, you excel in Nature, you are a real Shaman and I was delighted to listen to your very relevant teachings which promise to procure good experiences, if I do the exercises you advise.

Pierre-Vincent B.

I came to this training course, just as the Greeks in ancient times would travel to Egypt, because for me the school of Dr Lefebure represents a new modern school of the Mysteries.
I particularly liked the open-mindedness and the competence of Bruno CATALA. This training course corresponded to what I had come to learn and experience (working with the lamp and the sun, experimenting with the sways and breathing).
The training course in Naturophosphenism or Light Shamanism leaves me perplexed. The direct contact with Nature nourished my reflection.


The last two days were rather revealing for me. I had several out of body experiences as well as strong sensations, whose details I shall not give because they are personal.
Gilles has stayed the same, and he mustn’t change! Daniel at his best, as always, the wise man of the family!


It is with great pleasure that we found our Spanish friends accompanied by Francesc, and we shared some very pleasant moments.
The training course was led by Bruno and we were on the same wavelength from the very start.
Bruno made us live through very intense moments. And so, I rediscovered the rhythms of the 9th symphony of Beethoven and those of many other recent groups.
I keep in memory the exceptional image of a moment of pure happiness shared together: a long series of OM in the setting sun, at the foot of a majestic oak which opened its big branches to share its energy with us. A moment of love, a total communion with nature.
Thanks to you, Bruno, for having let us live such moments. Thanks to you, Daniel, for organizing all this with efficiency. Thanks to everyone and to Mother Nature for having let us share such intense moments.

Alain R.

I followed the training course from the 1st to the 9th of August with the instructor Roland Talbot and I loved it! First of all, because it was a training course in residence, and also I had been dreaming of doing this for a long time. On this point, I was not disappointed! The location was magnificent, the camping area was perfect for getting to know the other participants and exchanging points of view, the organization was flawless… In my mind and for the pleasure of the eyes: I can still see Daniel’s personal fitness room which is at the same time private and in the middle of nature, and the simple pleasures of the senses whether it be the full moon, the cicadas singing in the forest or the conviviality of the meals.
To all this, add the quality of the teaching, the participants and the magic of phosphenic energy.
For me this was ‟going back to school” after many years of wandering. I appreciated the clarity of the explanations, the efficiency of the progress made and the moments of laughter and good humor. I feel a bit nostalgic and would love to return.
Thank you Daniel.

Therese D.

The conditions of accommodation were excellent.
The camping area and the sanitary facilities were very clean.
We had hot water at all times; there were three showers and a sink.
The food cooked by Isabelle was very good.
In short, the organization was perfect in all aspects.
The training course: One evening Gilles had us observe the moon and the stars.
The object was to focus on a star and try to reproduce ‟the dance of the sun”.
And, in effect, a number of observers saw their star shake and rotate on its axis.
The day after, I personally had the chance of experiencing a wonderful voyage after a meal. I had gone to lie down on the floor in the classroom to take advantage of the coolness. After several minutes of meditation, I suddenly found myself surrounded by stars in a setting identical to the one I had seen the night before, and with a remarkable clearness. This phenomenon did not last very long, but it lasted long enough to fill me with happiness. I was still under the spell when, a few minutes later, I found myself once again in the middle of the stars. I was certainly aided by the high concentration of phosphenic salts accumulated in the classroom. This is probably what triggered the phenomenon. What bliss…
During the training course, other persons experienced very intense moments.
One person made contact with his spiritual guide during the final exercise in naturo-phosphenism.
Some of our Spanish friends had very powerful emotional experiences.

Alain R.

I would like stress the fact that these courses are very clear and precise, and accessible to everyone. Roland explained the different techniques to us using the appropriate words; he passed his knowledge on to us along with his enthusiasm for Phosphenism. Throughout the entire workshop, along with the other participants I felt calmness and serenity in a pleasant setting. The presence of this energy, a marvelous sensation, and this amazing yellow rotating seat that created the sensations of my energy double. The use of the Alternophone is also remarkable and produces a very pleasant sensation of calmness.
The efficiency of all these techniques was multiplied tenfold by the group effect.
Everything is very well set up, from Isabelle’s delicious food to Daniel and Stephane’s flawless organization. And, of course Roland TALBOT’s excellent courses and the good atmosphere created by the group.

François F.

First of all, I would like to thank Daniel, Pascal, Stephane and Isabelle, who organized everything very well and allowed us to enjoy some great moments.
Thanks also to Ahoura (Roland Talbot), for the high quality of his teaching. I do not need to go back over the basic techniques that were very accessible to everyone.
During this training session, Ahoura enabled us to feel the transmission of energy from one person to another or from the group to the individual. The sensations were clearly felt by most of the group. These sensations were often very pleasant and nearly ‟magical”. Roland also taught us how to be in touch with our very rich subjective world.
A message for newcomers:. I am not ‟lunatic”, I am 42 years old, I have a family, a Doctorate, I earn a good living and I am very happy. I do not practice Phosphenism to escape from reality. I practice on a daily basis because I can feel the benefits it brings: inner joy, confidence, the development of an inner sensitivity and an understanding of religions and traditions ‟from the inside”.
If, like me, this program interests you: study and practice Phosphenism, it is simply thrilling! Follow a training course, as practicing with a group is essential for multiplying the sensations tenfold and for progressing on the marvelous path of self-discovery.
Thanks once again to everyone.

Lionel G.

Well done Daniel and Gilles!
For these three days of initiation, I confer you the title of excellence.
I am going to buy a hammock, a rocking chair and a rotating chair.

Thierry T.

If you are thinking of attending a training course, you can come with your mind at ease.

Elisabeth M.

Very well organized training course where I learned so many things.
For me, the exercises practiced in a group with certain persons as transmitters triggered very powerful rhythms, and generated vortices and explosions of light. Being able to practice in nature without being disturbed, along with Daniel’s attentions made this stay very enjoyable.
I also appreciated the fresh vegetables, the organic fruits as well as the delicious desserts made by Isabelle, the cook, whose joy of life is so refreshing.

Pierre D.

This training course gave me a much broader view concerning the possibilities of Phosphenism regarding the exploration of the riches of nature, whether it is in terms of ‟mind travelling” or simply in terms of a more intense communication with nature through the mixing of our energies with hers. This training course completely satisfied me. The pace of the sessions was steady, the courses were in depth and our instructor ‟Gilles” was passionate and competent.
I also appreciated the atmosphere, sleeping in tents, the hot showers, the sanitary facilities which were always clean. I strongly advise attending this type of training course, to discover new possibilities for the practice of the exercises. Nevertheless, the seminar requires a certain amount of motivation, as it includes a large amount of practice.
I had the following experiences during the training course: a sensation of the sacred, of being in a mystical place. I was able to sense my first chakra very strongly, then the other ones, a sensation of radiating light leading to the sacred. I passed through a symbol similar to a ‟stained-glass window” and felt as if I was flying upwards like a bird. I passed through geometrical symbols, rising up towards the sky. Wonderful!

Quantin D.

Thanks for this trip to the limits of the sacred.

Jean-Paul C.

There was a warm atmosphere among the participants and the organizers. I appreciated the commitment, the motivation and the professionalism of the two instructors ‟Roland” and ‟Gilles”.
I found the meals to be of very good quality for the price.
The showers functioned perfectly. There was no waiting in line. The toilets also functioned well and were always clean.
We were able to benefit from the setting in a natural environment, all the while enjoying comfort.
These training sessions brought a lot to my daughter and me.

Ivan G.

Thanks to ‟Daniel” and ‟Gilles” and all the participants. I had no idea that all this was possible!

Patrice S.

In a superb setting and a subtly intelligent atmosphere, an invaluable training course that gave me a ‟boost” in my practice. Thanks to the whole team.

Bruno D.

This training course has brought me stability and has allowed me to develop my intuition. Meeting very kind people has helped me to develop tolerance, patience, selflessness and love.
Daniel STIENNON is very kind. The meals were balanced. The tents were perfect. The showers clean and the exercises were very interesting.

Marie-Rose M.

This week long training course was a real adventure with very interesting people, participants and organizers alike. Thanks to everyone for your good mood and for having shared your knowledge.

Hugues R.

Thanks to this training course and the teachings that were passed on to me, I feel re-energized. I have been able to refocus my direction in life and my life has taken a new turn. As for the living conditions, the nights spent sleeping in the tent were very pleasant. The toilets were very clean, conveniently located and always available. The showers were hot. The meals were of quality and the quantity was good.

Indhira G.

What a joy it was to be able to attend these training courses again after all the years that you spent building a wall of protection around Phosphenism. From my very modest level, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Dr LEFEBURE, thanks to his discoveries, has played a unique and major part in the evolution of mankind. As his worthy successor, you work to develop his method and the fortress you have built for its expansion fills us with joy. We, as simple phosphenists, leave this training session radiant and serene knowing that we have such a guardian. Being able to belong to such a family, renders life exceptional.
Thank you for consecrating your life to making sure that man does not lose sight of the light.

Yves D.

I appreciated Gilles Gablain’s great teaching methods. He knew how to transmit his passion for Phosphenism and his relation to the rhythms of life, nature and the cosmos. This type of training course, through the numerous practical workshops in addition to the theoretical aspects, allows one to generate a great variety of rhythms and energies within oneself. This ensures the triggering of personal experiences in the future that are rich in knowledge for one’s personal evolution.
A big thank you to Stephane, Isabelle and Daniel for the perfect organization of the training session in this magnificent region.

Guillaume D.

The experiences I had during the seminar were very surprising. As the days passed, I went from sensations to images, and from images back to sensations. At times, both happened at the same time. I had never practiced Phosphenism before: the speed and intensity of the experiences was a pleasant surprise. High quality teaching combined with the force of light makes one take off. I have nothing more to add, everything was fine.

Gislaine R.

My first training course in Phosphenism and I hope that it is not the last. Everything was done to make the participants feel at ease, and Daniel took care of all our needs. The showers and the toilets were clean, the water always hot, the food excellent, what else could anyone ask for… As for the training course, it was everything I had expected. Thanks to all those who organized these sessions. This training course is really invaluable for the quality of the experiences and for recharging one’s energy. Thank you.

Patrick R.

I had planned to stay only for the basic training course, but the teaching and the accommodation were of such quality that I decided to stay longer and attend the continuous training course. I was thus able to discover my totem animal and have an out of body experience. Thanks to Daniel and Gilles.

Jean L.

I attended the courses to further my knowledge. I appreciated Roland for the quality of his teaching, his calmness and his knowledge of Asian culture, and I equally appreciated Gilles for his enthusiasm and his knowledge of the ‟shamanic world”. I learned more than I could have imagined, particularly about myself. The courses were even better due to the fact that the accommodation was very good: tents, hot showers, good sanitary facilities and quality food cooked by Isabelle.
Thanks to Daniel for the remarkable organization.

Gilles F.

I will remain nostalgic about this week spent at ‟La Bastide”. It was pure bliss!
Thanks again to Daniel!

Therese D.

Another message to encourage women to participate in the future training courses organized by Daniel. If camping and sleeping in tents does not appeal to you, do not worry: the showers, the hot water, the mirrors, the women’s bathroom facilities… everything was organized for our comfort. The dishes prepared by ‟Isa” were simply delicious, with a special mention for her apple pie and for generously passing on the recipe. If you wish to practice sports, Daniel will be happy to be your coach and you can use his many body building devices. In short, idyllic holidays in the company of wonderful people and in a beautiful location.
Well done and thanks to all four of you: Daniel, Roland, Isa and Stephane.

Florence D.

The teaching (whether it was Roland or Gilles) was flawless!
I attended the basic training course, followed by the advanced course and then the continuous training course. In particular, I wish to thank Daniel Stiennon for his ‟metaphysical” explanations. His theoretical approach to the place of Man in the cosmic environment according to the laws of inversion particularly appealed to my scientific side. To be able to enter into fusion with the movement of the atoms in a ‟super nova” seems as interesting and exciting as seeking contact with Electrons (or the spiritual guides in Esotericism). I hope that some day I will be able to attend a continuous training course with Daniel Stiennon and Michel L., with whom I am acquainted, and whose immense power I appreciate.

Guy R.

I have been practicing Phosphenism since December 2004, and I have the honor and immense pleasure of representing the School of Dr Lefebure in Tahiti.
I recently participated in a first training course at the beginning of August 2006. I was able to correct certain mistakes I was making, such as continuing to think of a subject after focusing on the light source and during the observation of the phosphene.
I warmly salute the whole team and especially Daniel Stiennon for everything he has done to organize the training courses, for his hospitality and professionalism. A big thank you to our teacher Roland Talbot (alias Ahoura in the website forum), who helped us discover the many possibilities within ourselves. And with his help we have already discovered some of them. It is only the beginning…
And finally, I keep a fond memory of the participants, some of whom have become friends and who I warmly greet.
I also salute all those who practice Phosphenism and wish them many enriching experiences and a fulfilling personal development.

Irma L.

During the training course, I saw the auras of the other participants. The fourth light is a green ray; it is the same energy as the one we perceive when we look at the sun along with a surge of kundalini accompanied by a warm and pleasant feeling on the upper part of the body. I also felt it on my etheric double as well as on those of the participants near me, accompanied by the sensation that my arms were levitating.

Jean-Pierre D.

A bath of phosphenic rejuvenation where the relationship established with the elements of nature strongly contributes to comprehension and takes our practice of phosphenism to a higher octave, much hoped for and marvelously encountered during this course. The organization was flawless and the eloquence of the teachers incites me to renew these etheric encounters that are so beautiful.

Yves D.

This training course took place in a calm and natural setting, away from the worries of modern life, in meditation and good humor with people from all backgrounds. Roland taught us the practical applications of many techniques, in harmony with nature around us. This has enabled me to become conscious of the different rhythms and energies around us and within us and to broaden my mind. These experiences have helped me put aside the fears and prejudices that blocked my spiritual evolution. Working in a group allows one to obtain results more quickly than working alone or using a book. The precise guidelines and the explanations provided by Roland gave a real dimension to these experiences. I was able to feel my energy, as well as the energy of the other participants. I saw a magnificent little white elf, regained confidence and found fulfillment.
Thanks to Roland, Daniel and all the participants for these magical moments, the exchanges of points of view and the good atmosphere.

Nathalie L.

TESTIMONIES 06: Visio-Training #6



It is a training that is demanding insofar as it requires diligent and regular practice, but it is educational and allows you to rediscover the basics of teaching about life. All the laws are within us, we perceive them more or less consciously, and with training, we become aware of them and we find the path to truth. This training has brought me a lot into my daily life. My eyesight has improved and I manage my emotions much better. I have more intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, self-confidence. I sleep better, I remember my dreams because they are related to the problems I may encounter and they give me solutions. I also sometimes travel at night (a phenomenon that I cannot yet control). I also have more energy thanks to the practice of phosphenic exercises and my actions are more effective (I obtain more effects with less effort). The practice of reverse thinking is very powerful under phosphene. I am happy to have chosen to engage in this training.

Sophie T.

I find that the training exercises are particularly powerful and effective (…) This training allows me to acquire a sharper and more transparent consciousness, which allows me to better understand the occult books that I study. I obtained the most results in the purification of Consciousness. I am fascinated by the experiences associated with Kundalini and therefore was looking forward to the part associated with the Gyrascope.

Tristan D.

This training allows me to understand the essence of things. It brings me the knowledge of my Self allowing me to improve my relationships with others.
At night, in half-sleep, a ball of luminous energy appears for 2 to 3 seconds at the level of Shiva’s eye, like a torch whose glow formed a luminous pipe.

Alpha A. 

The training allowed me to quit my job as an engineer and set up as a therapist, remove my fears, and regain control of my life to accomplish my life mission.
Having been in the health field for 1 1/2 years, this training allows me to accumulate a multitude of knowledge in a short time in my new profession and learn how the human body and its mind work. I go through training and specializations and this training allows me to throw myself body and soul into learning.

Stéphane B.

Although I have known Phosphenism for a long time, I very much appreciate the developments made by Mr. Stiennon, it would have been a shame for me to miss this. Working with the sun has been incredibly powerful in recent years. The phosphenic mixing with texts, music, meditations, and even plants demonstrates the fabulous contribution of light energy (among others) in awareness of our path and the ability to follow it.
During an exercise, a “landing” in a Buddhist monastery almost immediately. A corridor and the meeting of several monks, all seen as if I were there. Not the vision of an experience, nor a projection, but rather as if I were really present in this place with clear and precise sensory elements. I was quite surprised by the power of this experience.

Patricia M.

I was able to observe some initiatory experiences during my very first attempts:
– After 1 or 2 phosphenes, before bed, I was surprised in the middle of sleep to notice that my mind was bathed in an irradiating Light, which did not fail to wake me up.
– Staring at the fire in the wood stove a day or two later, I saw the flames again in my sleep much more clearly and intensely than in usual dreams.
More recently, during a vertical swinging session, with visualization of my dream of flight in the phosphene, I found myself in a dream of “takeoff” that same evening.
In terms of personal development, I have noticed that rhythmic-phosphenism exercises bring me strength and better psycho-emotional balance in my daily life; as well as phenomena of thought transmission with loved ones or strangers nearby.

Julien D.

I will describe one of my latest experiments related to phosphenic energy. After a lateral swing exercise with concentration on a flame, I felt in my pelvis and around the base of my spine a ball of energy spinning and heat radiating from there to my legs and up into the spine. I felt this energy and I could visualize it.


I now feel the gyration of the elements around me. I can move my point of concentration wherever I want and feel what he is going through. Some of my dreams are more clear and present and I can act on them.

Pierre-Régis M.

The sensation of undulation inside the body one morning in my bed, the vibration of the body for three days with occasional flashes of light in the beginning.

Stéphane B.

Very interesting training. Results obtained in the field of perception of light phenomena. Has broadened my vision and the meaning of life, concretely.

Claude j.

I have had lucid dreams while being aware of sleeping and at the same time being aware of what was happening in my dreams. I also had “lifting” sensations during certain swings, as if my body was lifting through my neck and the back of my head. When I had these sensations, I always felt like I was cross-eyed. It was intoxicating.

Marie-Pierre F.

Since my childhood, I have been around researchers, scientists, and philosophers (especially within my family) who, over time, have made me aware of esotericism as well as occultism, paying great attention to the many traps of charlatanism and its excesses. Gradually and with patience, I studied certain texts and authors.
By discovering Phosphenism and the work of Dr. Lefebure, a deep inner joy manifested itself. So, I got some books and lamps as soon as possible. At that time, I could not fully finance the entire training. I didn’t despair, because I knew this day would come
Alchemy is also of great importance to me, for personal and family reasons, in this Quest for Knowledge and Truth. Thank you for offering us such training!

Emilien K.

On an intellectual level, I noticed greater creativity and acuity. A more positive attitude on life too. If I meditate after a session of Phosphenism, I very quickly reach a great depth of perception and a feeling of pulsation (…) I would also like to point out that I am very grateful to have the chance to follow this course.

Marc-Antoine C.

I have more “speaking” dreams, for example, something that I forgot to do comes back to me in a dream. I remember better what I learned with phosphenes.

Roselyne B.

I learned a lot. The experiences are wonderful.

Philippe A.

This training is fantastic, it allows us to get to know Dr Lefebure better, his great simplicity combined with his great knowledge.
A remarkable intelligence that has analyzed all spiritual currents to better understand the richness they bring to man. He was able to demystify all of this and find more than just the clues to give all people of goodwill access to such a rich inner world. Find and vibrate the “Divine curve” with its high degree of symmetry.
Learning to stimulate the phenic system, all his work focused on this for a sharing of the heart. Thanks to him and Daniel Stiennon who share all this knowledge with us.


I discovered Phosphenism during an internship and quickly registered for the online training afterward. I immediately perceived that this was a very serious and truly fundamental path. He inspired me with confidence and that’s how I started. I studied visual arts, I lead an artistic practice in this field and that of painting. I am particularly sensitive to the question of dreams and imagination. I am happy to join the second level of the training course that I am discovering.

Agnès P.

I carried out a particularly striking meditation where I felt extraordinary joy.
However, I meditate regularly but here, the experience was very different with the use of phosphenes.

Nathalie C.

There are times when dreams are very clear, precise, and wonderful. Three extraordinary dreams happened in a row that left an impression on me. They were all very different and I’m just starting to better understand their meanings which come in bits and pieces… things that flash into consciousness like flashes.
(…) feeling of well-being which rises in waves from the perineum region to the top of the head. The body feels like it wants to float.
Phosphenism has elevated and further clarified my understanding of my religion of origin which is Theravada Buddhism (southeast Asia) and Hindu yoga of which I am a practitioner. Thank you so much.

Sitxay S.

Not a day goes by without a little sign that brings me back to the phosphenic exercises, so many synchronistic events that it’s almost laughable. Often on completely mundane things, such as thinking of a person who calls me almost instantly, or an appointment that gets canceled even though I didn’t want to go. If I think about someone insistently I am almost certain that they will contact me.
The Alternophone helped me a lot, particularly about stress and emotionality, very quickly, in just a few sessions.

Catherine C.

This training is very comprehensive and has taught me a lot. I am very happy to follow it (…) Thanks to this training, I have become zen, my fears disappear day by day, I sleep much better and I regain confidence in myself thanks to daily listening to Synchrophony tracks.

Laurence M.

I bought Dr. Lefebure’s books many years ago. I have always been attracted to esotericism, symbolism, and the perception of other planes of existence. And then one day, I discovered this site on the internet. After thinking about it, I signed up for the training.
I really appreciate the practical and concrete side of it. This requires regular, diligent, and persevering practice; the investment is worth it. I now see bright spots on the front of my body, mostly in the evening and in the dark. I am interested in out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming.

Claude J.

The complete training is extraordinarily rich, I learned a lot of new things. Phosphenism is for me a culmination of the spiritual paths that I have taken. I have a lot of gratitude to Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon and especially to this reincarnated life which allowed me to encounter Phosphenism.
This training gave me a powerful boost of goodwill to pursue my goal of evolution… My dreams are not yet lucid but they are sometimes wonderful, very colorful, and precise…


This training is exceptional. What a colossal amount of work to set up such training. I try to follow as best as possible and often I appreciate being able to look back in the light of new knowledge. This training is alive and I have the feeling of having a private teacher at home. All my life I have searched for philosophical and spiritual answers, a gift has been given to me! I think.


The training allowed me to transform myself, to transcend myself, and to realize myself in the care I provide to others. More confidence in meeting others, and being more present. To realize myself fully. After darkness, light takes on its full meaning. Many thanks


Very comprehensive and detailed training. This training brought many changes and awareness. I see changes day by day!
I think it is with synchrophony that I have the most results because I practice it every day. However, I observe that telepathy and intuition work very well.


I am almost 57 years old and I am passionate about esotericism (dowsing, shamanism, magic, etc.) While looking for a method to boost research with the pendulum, I discovered the work of Dr. Lefebure. I equipped myself with lamps, as well as a Gyrascope, but I lacked the initiatory techniques. The objective is to discover all these techniques.

Michel R.

My name is Julien, I am 37 years old, and as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by the mysteries of life. Occasional etheric visions began in my childhood without my being able to talk about them. It was then around 17 that I had an experience of involuntary kundalini rising. And even if I was not prepared to live such an intense experience, it remains one of the most interesting experiences of my life, despite certain repercussions in my social life at the time.
I only made the link later, thanks to certain readings of Hindu spirituality, between this transcendental state and my spontaneous devotions to the Sun in the morning and evening.
I spent a lot of time in student libraries and bookstores to quench my curiosity, always guided by the thread of my intuition; seeking answers but also a complete path with which to engage in a practice that would leave no room for doubt and that all this does not remain just theoretical.
I must say that I have not found a practice that “triggered” me as strongly as my discovery of Phosphenism, but I will have at least expanded my general knowledge.
If I took this step of registering for the training, it is because I feel in my soul and conscience that this is the way to follow. The opportunity offered to us to experiment with initiatory techniques and to integrate teaching methods into a coherent and evolving structure represents a real opportunity. I am convinced that this is an exceptional teaching, and I feel immense gratitude. It’s like an answer to my prayers for me.


I have often tried to link the different traditions, to extract the common point, and what a nice surprise to have come across Phosphenism! Already many clarifications since the start of the practice, very pleasant in these troubled times, looking forward to continuing with patience and sharing with you.


Extraordinary training. It is done step by step with a pedagogy that can only lead to success. It allowed me to better understand the meaning and foundation of many spiritual exercises. I now have the firm conviction that spiritual power is a physiological disposition that can be exacerbated by exercise.

Philippe A. 

Dr Lefebure’s videos are very rich in their practical and theoretical explanation.
All this learning opens me up to this transmission, thank you, Dr Lefebure!

Blandine P 

The training is very comprehensive and very interesting. I find that sometimes the lessons follow each other a little too quickly, but I suppose that everyone has their own pace of work, the course of the lessons can therefore suit everyone. In any case, it will be important to repeat the lessons to deepen them as the years go by. It allowed me to deepen the existing relationship between the way life manifests itself and the spiritual journey.

Stéphane T.

Very comprehensive training. To be continued in parallel with reading Dr. Lefebure’s books. Thanks to the training, I am less materialistic, I accept life with its good and bad sides, and I am more optimistic.
I have obtained results in my professional development (currently unemployed; I accept this situation more easily; before following this training, I would have been depressed).

Stéphane M. 

Several years ago, I had come across Dr. Lefebure’s books. After seeing Daniel Stiennon’s presentation, I signed up for the online training that I find very good and very practical.

Alain P.

I had heard about Phosphenism for a good twenty years without ever having practiced it. Nevertheless, I found Dr. Lefebure’s books intriguing and interesting. I had skimmed a few of them, but I had trouble getting started.
I felt that I needed help into my practice. I discovered Daniel Stiennon’s training courses on the Internet and I decided to jump in. Thanks to him for making this science accessible.

Fabien G.

I have already had great experiences with Phosphenism and yet, I am only at the beginning.


I knew Phosphenism thanks to my father who, when I was a child, made me practice the Phosphenic Mixing applied in Education. I can affirm that it is thanks to this that I succeeded in doing my studies with facility. I have been practicing Phosphenism for four years now.
At the beginning, from some ebooks, but it is especially by following the courses of Daniel Stiennon that I understood all the extent of the practice and that I succeeded in living a great number of experiences.

Ricardo D. F.

When I was very young, I read a book of Dr. Lefebure, the “Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education”, but I did not pass the first step of practicing this teaching. Later on, I found again the Phosphenism thanks to the internet.
I saw it as a “sign of destiny” and I started to practice it assiduously during the autumn. I started to dream in color, to remember my dreams and sometimes to fly during dreams. Even though there are still ups and downs in my daily life, I have a good feeling now that I am a being in the becoming.

Jean-Marc N.

I discovered Phosphenism while doing research on telepathy. I was immediately seduced by the numerous videos and the richness of the teaching at our disposal on the site. While listening to the first courses, I experienced my first out-of-body experience.


I stumbled upon the Youtube video ” Initiatic Experiences ” absolutely by chance. The next week, I took the subscription and ordered almost all the books, because it was exactly what I was looking for a long time. Now, Phosphenism is a complete part of my life.

Baptiste C.

I discovered Dr. Lefebure via the internet. I was immediately seduced by the methods presented. I quickly had an irresistible desire to follow the complete training. Since then, my life and my being have been transformed.


I discovered Phosphenism by chance and this, after a few years of practice of Yoga and Qi-Gong. If my initiation practice has been up and down, I can affirm that Phosphenism has never left me, and I will even say more, it has been a support in order to stay upright and to advance step by step in everyday life.

Patrick F.

I discovered the Phosphenism while I was researching the benefits of light therapy and since then, this technique has become my only passion. It is always with great pleasure and interest that I consult the levels and that I realize the suggested exercises. I have been lucky enough to have extraordinary experiences which led me to exceptional spiritual realizations.
This new initiatic process has revolutionized my life. My congratulations and thanks to Daniel Stiennon for using very sophisticated means to make the Phosphenism accessible to everyone.

Lysse Y.

I am starting to integrate it more and more naturally into my daily life. It’s a real happiness.


It has only been a few months since I started the second part of my training and I am passionate about it.

Claire T.

For some time I had been looking for something other than the so-called personal development methods to really understand what was driving me. I think I have found the approach that suits me best with Phosphenism.

Jean-Pierre F.

Although I have been initiated into many hermeticisms and brotherhoods, Dr. Lefebure’s work has always held a special place in my life. It is the same for his successor Daniel Stiennon who is his worthy successor. A training of very high initiatic and esoteric quality.

Louis D.

I discovered Phosphenism recently. I am an admirer of the Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon’s work. My research started with personal development, then I discovered the New Age, then I came to the Gospels, then to shamanism, and now to Phosphenism. I am really motivated. I enjoy my swaying sessions more and more.
I have been doing one session a day for the moment and now, I am going to double or even triple my efforts. What has surprised me the most so far are the internal swaying movements during the physical sways.

Sébastien D.

At now more than 65 years old, I have taken a great number of training courses in many fields. So I know how to recognize those which can really bring something. I regret not having known Dr. Lefebure’s work earlier; it would have saved me a lot of lost time.

Jean-Philippe S.

During the lateral sways with the OM mantra and a visualization of a Buddhist temple perched in high mountains, bathed in an intense light, but warm and pleasant in a clear blue sky, I felt a sensation of lightness with visualization of my own person inside the temple, but also outside, always sitting cross-legged at the edge of the void with this feeling of being able to move freely to different places between temple and mountain. A sensation of being one with the elements while being independent and free of any movement without fear or dread.

Nicolas G.

The experiment that I realize very often is to use Phosphenism to unblock experimental steps for which I encounter difficulties in my research work in the laboratory.
For several weeks, I try to make materials with a well defined experimental protocol. But I was not able to achieve my aims because one of the steps did not work. After several tries, I decided one evening to mix all the different steps of the synthesis with phosphene.
I did my anterior-posterior swaying exercise by visualizing each step of the experiment. Once asleep, I dreamed the whole experiment in great detail and when I reached the crucial step, I used a very short time to add a reagent. The next morning, I reproduce the experiment as it was done in the dream and everything was perfect.

Teko N.

One night in the dark, I thought of a patient who seemed to be doing quite well. But a scene of an evacuation in a resuscitation unit came to my mind. I thought it was a bad dream due to fatigue. The event took place 2 days later and I had many questions.

Dominique M.

Two months ago, I had an experience which really touched me. It was during a session of lateral sways. At a given moment, with my eyes closed, a kind of veil/curtain rises quickly in front of my eyes and I see the face of a man and a child (I don’t know if it was a girl or a boy) that I don’t know.
In the same session, still with my eyes closed, I saw successively :
– behind my back, the room where I am practicing, as if I were looking in front of me with my eyes open ;
– some steep steps which pass quickly by descending them with the eyes;
– a side wall which scrolls upwards and then, suddenly, I find myself projected into space, surrounded by the stars.
Each time, the fear felt causes the vision/sensation to stop. I wished I could control the fear and fully experience the situation/sensation, but I couldn’t and it all dissolved, causing the veil on the vision to come down just as quickly.

Giovanna C.

Since I have been practicing Phosphenism, my thoughts are clearer and I have developed a greater inner calm.
I also notice effects on my dreams that I remember more easily.

Olivier S.

The complete training that I have been following for more than a year now is a very rich and inspiring source that I enjoy working and studying. It has an obvious impact on my personality.
I especially remember that Phosphenism develops the best in us. The regular practice of mixing the thinking with phosphenes leads us exponentially towards the best of ourselves.

Pierre B.

I am very satisfied with the training. Having a course which opens at regular intervals forces one to be involved in the training every day and this is very motivating.
Thanks to the regular practice of the exercises, my awareness of my dreams, which I had hardly remembered before, has increased greatly. Thank you again for this.

Bertrand R.

This training has given me new skills, more feeling, and more and more detailed dreams.

Anne B.

When I reach a good concentration in the exercises, I feel moments of floating, fullness and well-being. During these moments, the notion of time disappears, and the practices become pleasant and sometimes allow me to reach an enlargement of consciousness. Then, the practices are no longer felt as a constraint, an obligation, a necessity to reach the level of self-knowledge and self-realization; a way to enter into myself to discover myself.

John T.

The course “The Secret of Secrets” is certainly one of the many most powerful courses in Phosphenism. In this course, Mr. Stiennon reveals teachings that I had never heard of even though I have been in the esoteric world for more than 50 years.
The teaching is of a very high level and has no equivalent elsewhere. I can say loud and clear that anyone who wants to change their life condition should follow this training.
In this one, Mr. Stiennon goes far beyond the undeniable contributions of Dr. Lefebure. He opens the doors to the esoteric aspect (hidden knowledge) of Phosphenism.
What surprises me the most is that although the phosphene is as visible as the nose in the middle of a face, no one before Dr. Lefebure had drawn our attention to it and its amazing possibilities.
The same is true of all the contributions of Mr. Stiennon. I am sure that history will remember him as an “inspired” man, as were the prophets in their time (a person inspired by the divinity, who predicts the future and reveals hidden truths).
The fact of having received the supreme initiation (by imposition of hands) from Dr. Lefebure and under particular conditions could only play a great role.

Michel L.

A vast and complete training. If I have one regret, it is that I was absent from it for eight months because of travel. The course content is magnificent. With my sincere congratulations.

Marc C.

A high quality training with a complete program. The teaching is well structured and progressive enough, especially for beginner students. The follow-up of the students is courteous, kind and hyper reactive. Congratulations!
This training has given me the first tools to go deeper into what I really am. It is in the “initiatic” field or the “access to information” that I have the most results.
All my gratitude for the work of Dr. Lefebure and for Mr. Stiennon his worthy spiritual heir.

Mickael Z.

This training is both rich in theoretical knowledge and practical exercises. It is motivating and I am surprised that I did not give up, as I tend to disperse myself.

Sandrine L.

Sincerely, I am very pleasantly surprised by the richness of the training content. I did not think that Phosphenism would embrace so many domains as far as the tarot.

Guy Henry R.

Very good comprehensive training, well explained and detailed.

Geoffrey M.

I like this training because it is not only theoretical. The exercises help me to improve myself and I have my whole life to deepen them anyway. The functioning of cerebral hemispheres by alternation, the phosphene phases, etc. are part of an exciting training to discover Phosphenism.

Alexandre P.

With the practice of Phosphenism, my intuitions have much improved.

Raphaël H.

I found this training excellent. It allowed me to have answers to multiple existential and spiritual questions from a totally new angle.

Hidalgo R.

I find this training extremely complete, enriching and well done. My only regret is that I did not give myself the necessary practice time. However, my plan is to start over from the beginning to make sure I did not miss anything.

Johan B.

The program allows a steady progression, step by step. It is a remarkable tool for people interested in spirituality. It has changed my state of mind.

Patrick L.

Very good training overall. You have to follow it daily and practice regularly.

Claude J.

I was lying on my bed when suddenly I felt divided into several parts in full consciousness. I was at the same time conscious in the plants, in the stones and in the trees while being everywhere at the same time and still feeling the feminine energy of the universe. Incredible!

Pascal V.

The training is well named. It is totally different from the way one might perceive Phosphenism through books. The content is dense and I am convinced by the practice.

Arthur K.

I was able to get out of my body and to move into a room in my house although I am only at the very beginning of the training.

Sébastien S.

It is now more than 15 years that I know Phosphenism. It took me many years of research of all kinds to understand and realize the pertinence of Dr. Lefebure teachings. His books were among the first I read. With the training, the circle is now complete.

Tristan D.

When I started studying and practicing Phosphenism, it was with the idea of transcending my condition. I still have a long way to go, but from the first level, I had some dreams of flying and, as I progressed through the steps, I noticed that my mental energy was much better in terms of memory, concentration and comprehension. My general balance is also improved. Phosphenism is a source of obvious positive changes in my personality.

Pierre B.

When I discovered Phosphenism a few months ago, I was intrigued and attracted by what it offered. What I regret is not having known it earlier. The beginning of my practice was marked by a few dreams of flight, but throughout my practice, a greater energy manifested itself through clearer ideas, a better mental, an undeniable balance as well as a greater fluency in my human relationships.

Pierre B.

This step-by-step training is a wonderful idea. It is a kind of accompanied guide in order to have more assiduity. Phosphenism is so rich that one can get lost with the many exercises. This training brings the methods in a structured way. Thank you for setting it up.

Olivier V.

The training is excellent and the price is well below what is received.

Noudemali N.

Thanks to the training, I acquired a greater fluency in my human relationships and the feeling of a better inner balance. But I also discovered the richness of his teaching.

Pierre B.

I discovered Phosphenism via a forum dedicated to astral travel. I registered in April and I don’t regret it for a moment.
Before Phosphenism, I had approached several ways of personal development. I have to affirm here that in four months of practice, I obtained more than I had after 31 years of initiatic research.
The only question I asked myself, why did divine providence wait so long before putting Phosphenism on my path?


Something extraordinary happened to me.
First, I was told in a dream that my daughter was being born and that I could clearly see her in my arms in the operating room. That very morning at dawn, during the prostration of the dawn prayer, I again had the confirmation of a daughter birth, which I had already experienced in my dream. And I began to cry with joy from that moment.
I went back to bed after the dawn prayer and got up to tell my wife, who did not believe me. But by dint of insisting, 2 days later, she finally agreed to take a pregnancy test and the test was positive.
My wife has always been attracted to clairvoyance unlike me. And every fortune-teller used to tell her that a boy was being born.
So I told her we would see the ultrasound at 4 months. Only, a divine mystery made that the umbilical cord passes between the legs and thus impossible to determine the sex until his birth.
Finally, I attended the birth of the baby in the operating room and I took in my arms, as in the dream, my daughter whom I called IMANE which means FAITH.

Karim H.-A.

I experienced a consciousness extension that I will name astral projection during my sleep. But I know that I was not sleeping. And I lived synchronicities in the following days. Thanks to the rhythmo-phosphenic exercises, I have another perception and the consciousness extensions allow me a connection with my guides. I feel energies more intensely for care I give. Many thanks!

Blandine P.

That night, I made several experiments in a row: first of all, cabalistic letters where I saw a talisman with letters written on it. There French translation was: this is the DIVINE.
Then I found myself with a group practicing Phosphenism and there I met Mr. Stiennon.
He asks me: “How are you Pascal?”.
I answer him that I am very well, thank you. And even before I ask him any questions, he puts his right hand on my head and there, suddenly, I get out of my body and fly directly towards space at high speed.
These two experiences made a strong impression on me when I woke up.

Pascal V.

Tonight, I had an incredible experience: I saw a mirror and I was playing hide and seek with my face, one time I see you, one time I don’t see you. I was swaying from right to left. Then in the morning, I felt Kundalini suddenly rise up my spine, a gentle warmth with pleasant tingling and the feeling of warmth in my head.
And there I felt the union with God.
It was like a divine nectar coming down into the body, a sweet (exquisite) sweetness which went up and down without stopping.
This experience left such a deep impression on me that I will ask for more.
At the same time that I was living this experience and that I was in fusion with God, I said to myself “no need for a guru, just follow the teachings of Phosphenism.”
I would never have gotten to this point without Mr. Stiennon and his valuable teachings.


I discovered Phosphenism on the internet through researches on personal development. So I don’t know exactly how I ended up on the Phosphenism website. I had heard about light therapy beforehand but I was still in the dark. So I decided to go deeper. In the end, I was very lucky to find this website with in-depth explanations on all these phenomena, because it is the only one that goes beyond.

Alexandre P.

Four days after the training, sways, especially the lateral ones, made me a more energetic person who wants to do things. Negative emotions no longer reach me easily. I am transformed.

Romuald Z.

This training is a really great “turnkey” for anyone who wants to reach a high level of psychic development. It is a progressive and very detailed training with concrete explanations supported by numerous examples and warnings.

Germain C. (Canada)

It is a very enriching training with theoretical input and coaching.

Jeanne V.

I pay tribute to Dr. Lefebure, this humble man who is unknown to the general public and whose work has been related to neuroscience, neurotheology and neuroeducation since the 1950s.

I don’t pay tribute to all those who have sneaked copies of it, who came to his school and did their business (I don’t care, but I can allow myself to say so), or who never advertised it to keep their ego and leave students in the dark.

I also pay tribute to Daniel Stiennon, who for years has maintained Dr. Lefebure’s legacy and who through his own mastery and discoveries has also advanced Phosphenism on a technical, esoteric, theological and especially spiritual level.

I remember an e-mail from neuroscience researcher Bokon, discovering the discoveries on phosphenes (his field of expertise), on the photographic and thermal possibilities related to the fact that it is a field of photons and biophotons.
But Mr. Stiennon was once again right, citing Dr. Lefebure’s work and saying that he was the first to make this observation… it’s so much easier to appropriate the work of another researcher.

These last few days, after having kindly discussed with serious researchers (on power transfer processes such as pranotthana, Shaktipata), I must conclude that we in France are lucky enough to have Daniel Stiennon, and that we certainly do not measure this luck.

So, I thank Mr. Stiennon again. Thank you for his knowledge which allows us to understand the rotating and rapid mantras used in Tibetan Buddhism, the Dzogchen practices with the sun and the sky, the mysticism.

Dr. Lefebure received two transmissions of “powers”, via the Zoroastrian Arthème Galip (just as François Brousse received one from a Zoroastrian Casrojan Ali, but unable to understand, he got a big head and thought he was Jesus), and via Pak Subub before it became a movement reported as sectarian in France.

So, yes, I laugh at those Americans who are looking for the secrets of the Sufis’ practices when I know that Dr. Lefebure studied them, as well as other Indian and Tibetan yoga exercises.

I remember the acceleration of my out-of-body exits by practicing Gyrascopy with a record player when I was 20 years old, and an awakening of a stream of fire, which left me sweating and my entire spine in the night.

Reading the bullshit of the Indian swamis, I thought my brain was going to burn (lol). So I stopped this awakening out of stupid fear.

In short, yes I laugh, because I see the Sufi brotherhood body exercises and head movements, which Dr. Lefebure explained the best way to do without getting fanatical.

Yes, I am forced to laugh at so much ignorance on the part of “masons” (freemasons).

Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon pushed its development to such a level that I know that a disciple of a famous master of a Sufi Tariqa in Morocco left his master after meeting Mr. Stiennon.

In order to make yoga teachers experience what they have been waiting for for years, Mr. Stiennon sometimes agrees to transmit the Initiation to them through the technique of the “3 Second Initiation”. The most powerful technique of Phosphenism.

Even when at night we dream of flying, of moving at very high speed, we don’t even reach 1/10th of the sensation caused by Master Stiennon when he transmits the Initiation. All this is to make it clear that it is really very powerful.

Just as we are surprised to discover that we can produce phosphenes and marvel at its colors, so everyone is amazed to discover this possibility of our mental (psychic) faculties.

I saw yoga teachers crying with joy who had spent many years searching for these phenomena without much effect.

I have seen incredulous people, skeptics, but all of them, from the first experience, were fascinated by what they had achieved. I would like to remind you that Phosphenism is above all an interior and enriching experience, as Daniel Stiennon reminds us, and that this adventure can only be achieved through practice. Thank you Mr. Stiennon.

Frédéric T.-V.

Following your class, upon waking up, after a square breathing exercise and practice of the 6th of second : swirl in the chest, I have the perception of a beautiful and magnificent bright purple color chakra pulsating outside my body.

Abderazak B.

I can say that my intelligence, my speed of comprehension have developed since the beginning of the practice. I can also say that my psychic faculties have also significantly improved, as well as my clairvoyance and clairaudience. It happened to me twice, to hear sentences on waking up that turned out to be correct after verification. The colors of my visual chaos (aura) are more beautiful and I see them more frequently.

Roberta R.

I have had many interesting night-time experiences while sleeping. Once, I had my arms immobilized as if tied to a cross by the force of an unknown energy, but with which I am now familiar, and I shouted out loud three times, to the point of waking up my wife, the following sentence : “It is only allowed to look at angels.”
I woke up immediately after I got back to my normal state. The experience was fantastic and quite intense.

El Hassan B.

When I work intensely with the phopheric lamp, at least for a month, every day, in the evening I see landscapes, people passing in front of me, like a movie, but I can’t identify anyone, it’s very pleasant and I end up falling asleep.
I can go from this state to the normal state very quickly, it’s just a concentration that I need to have. At the beginning it’s a visual shock, which later becomes structured into landscape and people.

Fernanda V.

I noticed this spiritual principle when I used reverse thinking in the ring of light to fight against my shyness, it worked well. I am currently using it for a future anxiety-provoking situation with the rhythmic thinking in the ring of light, I immediately saw the difference, I became optimistic again about this future situation. The thoughts swayed in the light are also very effective for me.
I am very happy to have committed myself to this training, because it allowed me, in a first step, to solve my insomnia problems following a burn-out. Then it strengthened my character, because I tended to let myself “walk” on my feet very often.

I also understood my shyness and managed to overcome it…
I have learned a lot through this training and I have also left aside many false beliefs…. I am looking forward to the end of this training so that I can then quietly resume and deepen the practices that spoke to me the most …
I am grateful to Dr. Lefebure and Mr. Stiennon and to all those who make possible this so enriching transmission that has changed my life. Since then, I feel much better, happier, and with much more discernment.

Simone U.

Sometimes I’m in trouble. Before my Phosphenism exercises, I would have tried hard to solve and find a solution, today I move on to something else and when I start again : “the problem is easily solved”. For me this is due to more concentration and more positive thoughts.

Marie-Claude K.

Some balancing exercises gave me more energy and confidence. Especially the lateral swing with the OM (pronunciation of the mantra by the monks). The 4th light exercise gives me a feeling of inner strength.
The most surprising thing was the meditation during which I experienced a moment of exceptional joy where I saw myself as a small golden ball sliding on a large white bar, laughing with laughter, feeling the most total joy as if I was finally where I was supposed to be without the slightest doubt. It’s hard for me to express this in simple words.

Nathalie C.

This training has really started to transform my life, I have another way of looking at things. I know that this is only the beginning of the transformation of my life and that of my entourage, for this reason, I decide to deepen the initiation and the courses of Phosphenism.

Nguessan Hervé K.

The training is well structured, it is clear and precise despite the fact that there is a lot of content. Mr. Stiennon demonstrates an excellent pedagogy, it is a real pleasure to experience the teaching he provides. It’s much more than a simple training, it’s a way of life. Mr. Stiennon has revealed the quintessence of my soul and my whole being.

Fabrice S.

I find Dr. Lefebure’s encyclopedic knowledge on many subjects and his ability to explain in detail the various topics without prior notes quite astounding.

Jérome S.

Previously, I had an apprehension about anything that talked about magical practices. But since my contact with Phosphenism, which demystifies many of them, I have become more and more confident. The word “Magic” now takes on a much nobler meaning for me.
I realize that with Phosphenism, I will learn to better direct my life according to the Laws of the Spiritual Plan. My quest through Phosphenism is to know : “what is my life mission ? How and in what way can I be useful ?” To become a conscious Actor and not a puppet of destiny.

Dieudonne B.

I am discovering the power of thought and I am always amazed by all this potential that lies dormant in each one of us and that we do not exploit.
All that I am learning from you and the training allows me to gain confidence in myself and in what I am doing, it is already a lot and I sincerely thank you for that.

Simone U.

Thank you for the important work you do to make Dr. Lefebure’s work known, but also for the clarity of your explanations during the courses, the organization and the progression of the courses. Easy to understand and effortless to follow. All you have to do is practice the exercises and persevere to benefit from the contribution of Phosphenism in daily life.
Phosphenism has greatly improved my health, and my mind in many areas.

Christiane M.

Following our training is the guarantee of an efficient practice.
Actually, no matter what we do, there is just one rule :

Extracts from our GUEST BOOK