L'initiation subud


This new magazine « Phosphenic Energy Universe » is the continuation of the « Phosphenic Link », which was first published in august 1992.
The Phosphenic Link was a « fanzine » limited to people with advanced knowledge of the phosphenic techniques and was a real connection between all the enthusiasts throughout the world who enjoy wonderful experiences thanks to the works of Dr. LEFEBURE.
Its purpose was to introduce different aspects of Phosphenism by publishing unreleased texts, documents, articles on theory, technical files, training programs, and practical bits of advice.
The « Phosphenic Energy Universe » magazine deals with the favorite themes of the « Phosphenic Link » readers, but in a more popularizing manner to introduce the Dr. LEFEBURE’s work and its vast possibilities of application to new and experimented students alike.
For this first issue, we have thought that it would be useful to summarize shortly what is Phosphenism, its historic connections to the past, and to show the diverse aspects of its practice through its applications.
The light, source of knowledge, opens the door to a fascinating inner adventure.


Le mixage phosphénique


Two years ago now, I started a major change of policy in the diffusion of Phosphenism.

After realizing that I would not find anyone to help me with the difficult task of diffusing Phosphenism throughout the world and after lengthy contacts with Dr. LEFEBURE, I decided to appoint my successor, my “heir”: the Internet.
Why the Internet? Because nothing else can take on the heavy burden of a WORLDWIDE diffusion.
So, for the last two years, all my actions have been centered around this reflection: “what happens if I was not here anymore? In what shape am I going to leave the magisterial works of Dr. LEFEBURE for the future generations?”.
As life is a great wheel that never stops rotating, one day we are 25 years old, then, the next days we are 50, 75, or may be 100 years old, and finally, one day, « Game over! » you are are not here anymore.
What will be left of us afterward? Absolutely nothing! Specially once our close relatives are gone, apart from a few rare individuals who will come down to posterity.
But, what must remain and last is the Dr. LEFEBURE’s work, as I promised myself many years ago.
Nevertheless, if for children, time passes slowly, the more one grows older, the more time seems to fly past, up to such a point that it seems that we have accomplished next to nothing for a whole year.
As I feel that time is accelerating for me, for the last two years I have spent all my energy to make the whole of the Dr. LEFEBURE’s work available on the internet, mainly in the shape of e-books as well as audio and video courses, to avoid it disappearing.
And as Phosphenism is connected to many other universes, I compiled in the PHOSPHENIC ENERGY UNIVERSE collection all the texts that I found interesting.


Le pneumophène ou la respiration


The specificity of Dr. LEFEBURE’s work is to be based on experimentation.
Since 1956, year after year, his research led him to create prototypes of his famous machines.
In his laboratory in Gretz-Armainvillier (near Paris, France), Dr. LEFEBURE used to manufacture the commercial model of the Alternophone by himself.
And after a while, he had them made by a French company.
Dr. LEFEBURE has always been very collaborative with the people interested in his work, treating them as partners and paying much attention to their observations, some of which have often led to the discovery of new phosphenic phenomena.
Today, thanks to the explanation given by Dr. LEFEBURE in his books, practitioners, through personal involvement, contribute to the growth of phosphenic research that has allowed new incredible machines to emerge: the Cerebral Synchro-Cyclotron, the Gyrascope and more.
United though solitary, phosphenists make a geographically spread entity.
Most of them have never met and may never meet because they are scattered all over the world.
That is the reason why I looked for different ways of creating links between them so they can exchange their experiences, their discoveries, and their passion for Phosphenism.
I hope that my network of interesting informations will prove a valuable resource, thereby helping you to produce some amazing experiences.
I invite you in your turn to share your own experiences, thus creating an exponential diffusion of Phosphenism.
Thank you for your support.


Le pneumophène ou la respiration


The numbers #4, #5, and #6 of Phosphenic Energy Universe consists of pages that were created to optimize the referencing of our website « phosphenism.com », to achieve the best search engine ranking on Google.
But these pages generated so much interest that I decided to enrich them and to deliver them in these special numbers of Phosphenic Magazine.
Even in this shortened version, they will comment on the links between Phosphenism and many different topics and they will surely be an eye-opener for the phosphenists.
These thematic pages do not aim to cover these topics thoroughly and we invite you to help improve them as well as add new interesting themes.
Please, feel free to contact us with any suggestion or to send us your articles.
With all my support to your practice.


L'initiation de pietro


The numbers #4, #5, and #6 of Phosphenic Energy Universe consists of pages that were created to optimize the referencing of our website « phosphenism.com », to achieve the best search engine ranking on Google.
But these pages generated so much interest that I decided to enrich them and to deliver them in these special numbers of Phosphenic Magazine.
Even in this shortened version, they will comment on the links between Phosphenism and many different topics and they will surely be an eye-opener for the phosphenists.
These thematic pages do not aim to cover these topics thoroughly and we invite you to help improve them as well as add new interesting themes.
Please, feel free to contact us with any suggestion or to send us your articles.
With all my support to your practice.


Yoga de deux secondes


The numbers #4, #5, and #6 of Phosphenic Energy Universe consists of pages that were created to optimize the referencing of our website « phosphenism.com », to achieve the best search engine ranking on Google.
But these pages generated so much interest that I decided to enrich them and to deliver them in these special numbers of Phosphenic Magazine.
Even in this shortened version, they will comment on the links between Phosphenism and many different topics and they will surely be an eye-opener for the phosphenists.
These thematic pages do not aim to cover these topics thoroughly and we invite you to help improve them as well as add new interesting themes.
Please, feel free to contact us with any suggestion or to send us your articles.
With all my support to your practice.


Koundalini tome 1


What is the future of our brain?
Dr. LEFEBURE resolved one of the greatest enigmas of all times: the passage from the state of savage to human (see our webpage « Genesis »).
It was the will to keep the fire alight while being ignorant of how to create it, which allowed our distant ancestors to develop their brain.
Never letting their eyes stray from it, the guardians of the fire continuously created phosphenes.
This took an infinite amount of time but a transformation took place for the whole species.
Afterward, the creation of rites performed with dances and sways allowed the continuation of the neurological development of their brain.
Today, our brain can no longer store all the knowledge we require and we, unfortunately, depend on computing machines to cover its disability to make a quantum leap.
But imagine what would happen if Phosphenism, which allowed humankind to evolve from its ape-like ancestor to what it is now, were practiced intensively over several generations with a motivation equal to that shown by our ancestors, guardians of the fire.
Imagine that seven generations of confirmed phosphenists pass the torch on: a new transformation will be produced.
Our brain will then be capable of storing and handling a much greater amount of knowledge and be capable of establishing connections between the different areas of knowledge much faster and in much greater volume without depending on computing machines that are closed to collapsing our humanity.
But waiting for this day, I wish you good reading.