By: Brou KOUAME (Abidjan – Ivory Coast) Vice-president of the ASR (Alphabetization and Health in Rural Areas) NGO Vice-president of OPGE (Organization for the Protection and the Management of the Environment)

The crisis following the latest elections in Ivory Coast is without precedent in the development of a young nation. The extreme violence that has accompanied that crisis has plunged many inhabitants of the country in a sort of psychosis that grows worse every day. Between the crackle of the firearms and the sound of the cannon, the craziest manifestations have been reported throughout the country!

From the manifestation of a heart-shaped symbol in a bowl of soup to the perception of a cloud in the courtyard of the Ministry of Defense or the manifestation of rainbow colors emitted by a statue of the Virgin Mary, all these ‟manifestations” were attributed to divine phenomena and, for some, announced the forthcoming end of the crisis.

That is how, several days before the fall of the previous regime, I became the witness of an event that I shall share with you here.

I live in Marcory, one of the upper-end neighborhoods of Abidjan. It is an area that has not suffered from the fighting during the crisis, but that has been subjected to much looting. Like some other inhabitants, I decided to remain in Abidjan during the last moments of the crisis.

The event I am referencing to took place on April 8th 2011 at approximately 4 PM. As the access to our city had been blocked off, it was possible to get around the streets without risking to be hit by a random shot or to encounter an armed mob.

That day, down the street, through my window, I heard shouts of joy, happiness, as well as weeping. I decided to have a peep outside to find out the reason for such an uproar. That is when I saw a crowd, gathered together, gazing at the sun. The crowd was composed of men, women and children who were competing for a good spot, as the trees and the buildings hindered the observation of the sun. I thus came out of my house to see what was going on in the sky.

I joined the crowd to gaze at the sun. After a period of gazing, a blue ring formed around the sun. It seemed to darken shortly afterwards. I could hear voices in the crowd say: ‟The sun becomes blue, it is the color of the Virgin Mary”. Others were saying: ‟The color changes, it becomes pink or red, God is really wondrous”. For other persons, the light of the sun was becoming brighter. A short while afterwards, the sun seemed to rotate and to change position. It is at that moment that I heard the crowd say: ‟It’s falling, no, it’s rotating! It’s a miracle, God is supporting us during the crisis”. I saw a very agitated woman that claimed that she had seen the face of the Holy Virgin. Her eyes were full of tears. A second person, older and standing closer to me was agreeing wholeheartedly with her: ‟Yes, it is truly Mary, mother! Please deliver us!”.

I cannot relate all the feelings that were expressed that day, as they were many and diverse. But, it is with a feeling of gratitude toward Dr LEFEBURE that I assisted to that event. Though on a smaller scale, that event can be compared with the events of Fatima (Portugal) in 1917. The solar prodigy and manifestation of the Virgin in Fatima has been deciphered by Dr LEFEBURE. It is possible to compare the two events, in the light of Dr LEFEBURE’s explanations.

The various phenomena that I related above correspond to the behavior of phosphenes, as indicated in Dr LEFEBURE’s works.

Here are the explanations provided by the phosphenes about those ‟divine manifestations”.

– The blue ring around the sun: that stage corresponds to the co-phosphene. If you focus on a lamp for three minutes, you will see certain colors appear in succession, starting with a pale blue tint. That is why certain persons claimed that blue was the color of the Holy Virgin. Then, pink spots appear. They correspond to another phase of the co-phosphene, and that explains why the crowd claimed that the sun was turning red. Finally the colors of the phosphene evolve towards green and then grey.

– The rotating sun: that stage corresponds to one of the rhythms of the phosphene, the trembling at a rhythm of 1/6th of a second. It can sometimes be perceived when you are gazing at the sun. According to Dr LEFEBURE, the main interest of this rhythm is that it can resonate with the oscillations of the muscles, that follow the same rhythm. It then generates amazingly beautiful phenomena.

– The image of the Virgin Mary: a phenomenon of phosphenic telepathy has occurred; an induction of rhythmic thinking that provokes the perception of images in the individual who receives it. The lady, who was certainly very pious and who placed the image of the Holy Virgin in the center of the sun ended up transmitting that image to the persons around her. 

I have to admit that I found those experiences very amusing because the participants were determined to believe that they had a divine origin. I then understood that Phosphenism is a light that can help us see clearer on the dark path of our ignorance.

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