Astrology is a set of systems of belief that are based on the observation of celestial phenomena and that have been designed to find information about earthly matters. Astrology is extremely popular but also very debatable.
Certain astrologers limit their practice to the description of the personality, while others define the main orientations of a destiny or even predict the future.
The planets rotate around the sun in the same geometrical plane called the Ecliptic plane. A 17° strip is thus defined: the zodiac. It is within this strip that the movements of planets take place. The zodiac has been divided in twelve equal parts that correspond to the astrological signs.
Constructing a person’s horoscope starts with the calculation of the position of the planets in the sky and the orientation of the earth at the moment when that person is born. This calculation defines a line formed by the horizon which crosses the Ecliptic plane on two locations: the ascendant and the descendant.
Two other points are important: the zenith or highest point in the sky and its opposite, the nadir.
These four points allow the construction of twelves sectors or houses that are used as starting points for the interpretation of the horoscope. The position of the planets in the astrological signs and the houses is then analysed.
The planets form angles which are also called aspects. They have a positive, negative or neutral influence.
According to an ancient esoteric tradition, the connections between Humankind and its environement match the connections between the earth and the cosmos: ‟As above, so below”, i.e. studying the macrocosm, the position of the planets and their cycles, can bring information about the human microcosm.
The horoscope reveals the strong and the weak points of a destiny, shedding light on mecanisms that people are not necessary conscious of and that could seem impossible to escape.
Doctor Francis Lefebure, a French physician and scientist has designed a method of personal development based on the systematic use of the phosphenes: Phosphenism. The phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light, i.e. those which are not directly provoked by light hitting the retina.
Practicing Phosphenism allows the individual to escape from fatality by working on the self. After many years of practice, a person has evolved so much that his/her horoscope seems irrelevant.
Daniel Stiennon:
‟Recently, I asked several friends who are versed in astrology to do my horoscope. Surprisingly, their work described the person I could have been if I hadn’t practiced Phosphenism and the Gyroscopic meditation in particular. Practicing the awakening of Kundalini through Gyroscopic meditation tends to soften and even, after many years, to totally erase certain defects, to such a point that I couldn’t even recognize myself in these analyses.”
Phosphenism allows individuals to access the deepest layers of their personality and to influence certain inner mecanisms in a positive way.
Doctor Lefebure invented the Gyrascope, a machine for awakening Kundalini. This device has a deep action on consciousness that can be compared to the effects of a centrifuge.
The centrifugation of a liquid separates the heavier elements, which are projected towards the outside, and the lighter elements which, as a reaction, are concentrated in the center. In a similar way, Gyroscopic meditation purifies consciousness, cruder thoughts being replaced by more elevated ones.
Phosphenism also helps developing one’s intuition and thus helps choosing the right techniques for constructing and analysing horoscopes. It is an amazing tool of self-discovery.
Importante Note
We have done our best to provide you with the most accurate translation of our french website. Nevertheless, it is possible that some language errors may remain. So, don’t hesitate to contact us to communicate them to us.
Thank you for your indulgence and for your consideration of the many hours spent translating all our pages and, more particularly, all the testimonies we share with you so that you may become aware of the impact that Phosphenism can have on those who practice it.
Wishing you the best with your practice of Phosphenism.
Daniel Stiennon (Dr. LEFEBURE School Director, France)